Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:28 AM

Chapter 93

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Most of these middle-aged women are housewives. After watching time gate, they all force their husbands to watch it without exception.

Most of their husbands are successful people. Although they are not short of money, they are usually very busy, just like the protagonist Kai in the film.

After watching the film, they were very moved. They all agreed to put their work down and took advantage of their rare leisure time to play with their families for a few days.

Therefore, these housewives are very grateful to Xiao Yunhai. Under the excitement, they are all crazy to reward. Even if the next day regret their own too impulsive, it is no help.

In particular, the aunt, who gave a reward of 100000 yuan, had to be green with regret.

It is said that she wanted to reward 10000 yuan, but her hand trembled and pressed an extra zero. I can't help it. I can only knock down my teeth and swallow my blood. I can't be bold enough to come back. Even if Xiao Yunhai is willing to give it, she is embarrassed to ask for it.

With such a large scale of momentum, the number of click time gate is also rising. In just one week, the number of hits reached 7.3 million.

However, what is surprising is that this score is only worthy of ranking the second place. Compared with the third place "violinist", the number of hits is only 700000, and the real winner is the little chrysanthemum.

It turns out that although Xiao Yunhai has many supporters, most of them can't help but be curious and show the other two micro films after watching time gate.

In this way, the number of hits is not too much.

That's not the main thing.

The reason why "Xiaoju" became No.1 was due to an interview with Mo Taicheng, the creator of Xiaoju.

In that interview, we learned that the plot in the original film was actually adapted by Mo Taicheng according to the real life and truth.

The prototype of Xiaoju, named Evan, is eight years old and has a similar life experience with the film.

She has been taking care of her mother independently for three years since she was five. Due to perennial malnutrition, she looks very thin, but her eyes full of hope and dream are unforgettable.

After the reporters released the story of the little girl, everyone was shocked. I didn't expect such a thing to happen in China.

For a time, the vigorous rescue activities of Ivan started.

"Thank you for your attention to Evan," Mo wrote on his home page. The reason why I took part in this micro film competition is to let Evan get everyone's attention and social help. I'm glad that I succeeded. Thank you for your kind help. I have donated two million yuan to set up a "children's fund" in the Red Cross Society of China to help children like Evan. The donation account number is 612587415752185. I hope you can do your best to contribute. Thank you

In this world, the Chinese Red Cross Society is not as chaotic as in previous lives. The rules in them are very strict, even to a disgusting degree. Let alone ordinary people, even the chairman of the Red Cross Society, who has great power, can never take a cent out of it.

What's more, what makes people feel relieved is that the Red Cross Society will publicize all the accounts and accounts received by the red cross every month. The names and numbers of donors will be listed one by one. Where and how much of the money raised has been spent will also be made public for the whole society to supervise.

Therefore, the Red Cross Society in the world is very reassuring.

After seeing Mo Taicheng's home page, Xiao Yunhai immediately transferred 2 million yuan to the donation account through internet transfer. Then he wrote in the comment area of Mo Taicheng's home page: "it is said that Mr. Mo has set up a children's fund to help those children who are living in difficulties. Xiao Yunhai has great admiration in his heart and wants to participate in it. He specially donates 2 million yuan to contribute to public welfare Force. "

Peng Hualei followed suit, donating two million yuan.

Mo Taicheng was very moved by this.

In fact, Mo Taicheng was ready for all kinds of rumors after he decided to make Evan's story public. Based on his understanding of those unscrupulous media, he will surely say that he is making a fuss and has ulterior motives. In order to win the micro film competition, he deliberately uses little Evan for publicity and so on.

His competitors will never miss such a good opportunity to attack him.

Sure enough, he had just released the information about the establishment of the children's fund, and he was attacked thousands of times in just one hour. If someone is not playing a trick behind him, he will not believe it.

What he never thought of was that Xiao Yunhai and Peng Hualei not only did not attack him, but also supported him with a clear-cut stance, which made him extremely moved.

"To be honest, I don't know what to say after seeing Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Mr. Peng Hualei donated two million yuan respectively," he commented. I didn't expect that the two strongest competitors who gave me the greatest support came from my two strongest competitors. Their character was awe inspiring. I sincerely thank Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Mr. Peng Hualei. Thank you. "

As the three most likely winners of this micro film competition, they should have been trying their best to suppress opponents and eliminate dissidents.But I didn't expect that in a twinkling of an eye, the three people actually united together and became a comrade in arms in the trench and started the public welfare cause of helping children.

Seeing this rare and harmonious scene, major websites and media have carried out positive reports on the event.

Huaxia Entertainment Network: in front of justice, what is the victory or defeat?

Fast broadcast network: a public welfare cause to help children, let the three directors who were originally rivals united together.

Entertainment has long known: praise Xiaoju, violinist and timegate, and cheer for the three directors.

The broadcast of the media not only brought Xiao Yunhai three extraordinary fame, but also made the number of hits of the three micro films skyrocketing at an astonishing speed.

As of October 20, three micro films have broken through 10 million hits, creating a miracle in the history of online micro film.

"Xiaoju", directed by Mo Taicheng, received 12456984 hits, 2884658

time gate, directed by Xiao Yunhai, with 11894568 hits, 4858412

violinist, and Peng Hualei, with 10951369 hits and 1594245

according to the rules of the competition, the time gate shot by Xiao Yunhai in just a few days has already earned 15 million After 2 million donations, there are 13 million left.

The other two directors are about the same, both more than 10 million.

From the mobile phone to see the bank card more than eight digits, Xiao Yunhai did not say a word, led the team directly to kill the five-star hotel, mercilessly ate a meal.

Of course, the red envelope will not be less. Each person has 100000 yuan of ocean, which makes the young people cheer up and shout: "long live the cloud emperor."

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the box is top-notch, otherwise, the hotel will have to send security personnel to drive away these fools.

These students were the only ones who came to attend the celebration banquet. Mr. Yao Wenyuan, Mr. Zhang Xiaoyan and other editing and post production teachers did not come, but Xiao Yunhai could not forget them. Each of them gave 200000 red envelopes.

In addition, he also spent 3 million yuan to buy two different types of top-notch cameras for the school, thanks to the school's continuous support. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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