Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:09 AM

Chapter 930

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The conference room of CCTV building is full of lights. Zhao Wuyan, the head of CCTV, is holding an emergency meeting. All the backbones of CCTV are sitting below.

Zhao Wuyan said with a dignified expression: "let's talk about it. What should we do about the Spring Festival party?"

Since the year before last, the major TV stations began to prepare for the party, watching the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve has become a favorite of Chinese people.

Last year, CCTV invited numerous stars to hold a super luxurious Spring Festival party, which won numerous praise and the audience rating reached more than 20%, which made CCTV taste sweet.

They were getting into a lot of trouble when they were about to make a bigger party.

Since the arrival of foreign TV stations in China, in order to improve the audience rating, the most affected is CCTV.

Among them, NNC and NBC are the most powerful TV stations in the United States, and sometimes their ratings can even surpass CCTV.

This time, the two of them are also focusing on the Spring Festival, the most important festival in China, and are preparing to hold a party together, which will be broadcast live on TV.

Before CCTV started, they had already contacted many Chinese entertainment companies and signed performance contracts with many big stars. At the same time, they also invited many international singers, stars, circuses, magicians and so on from the United States, hoping to stabilize the head of CCTV.

CCTV later realized that it was too late to discover their private actions.

Zhao Wuyan was so angry that he trained the vice director in charge of the Spring Festival Gala with a bloody nozzle. Fortunately, there are many Chinese stars, but there will be no one to use. It's just that compared with the other side, it's obviously a lot worse.

Zhao Wuyan is worried. If the party held by CCTV is defeated by two foreign TV stations on the festive day of the Spring Festival, his face will be completely lost.

Some time ago, Zhao Wuyan ordered the major local TV stations to produce programs for selection. After three consecutive days, only four programs were found to be good. They were kept, and other programs were returned.

In fact, Zhao Wuyan is very clear that these TV stations also have their own small Jiu. It is impossible for them to dedicate their programs to the bottom of the box. Otherwise, what about their ratings?

Now, with only three days left to live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Wuyan is a little angry.

"Taiwan President, although we have invited many Chinese superstars like Ye Yongren, Chen Huan and Yao Na, there is still a big gap between us in terms of appeal. If you want to turn the tide back, you must invite an artist who can really make the whole Chinese people look forward to. Only in this way can we hope to win Hu Runze, director of the Spring Festival Gala, said.

Zhao Wuyan frowned and asked, "who are you talking about?"

Hu Runze obviously had a draft for a long time and said, "Mr. Xiao Yunhai. If he can be invited to play one or two programs, it will certainly achieve very good results. "

Lu Mang, the deputy director with sparse hair, said: "I agree with director Hu. Xiao Yunhai killed the whole North American music world with his own music. His album sold 130 million copies, breaking all records in the world music history. In the hearts of Chinese audiences, Xiao Yunhai is a national hero. If he can attend our Spring Festival Gala, it will definitely make the ratings pop up. Mr. Xiao is not interested in these parties. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to invite him over. "

Zhao Wuyan knocked on the table and frowned: "no matter how hard it is, we should do it. Tomorrow morning, I will invite Mr. Xiao in person. By the way, is the sketch Wang's works ready? He is also unique in the eyes of the whole nation. "

Hu Runze shook his head and said, "five manuscripts have been written, but none of them is satisfactory."

Zhao Wuyan said: "please ask more sketch writers for help and finalize the works as soon as possible. As for the other programs... "

the CCTV conference lasted two hours before it was over.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yuanyang and Zhao Wuyan came to Xiao Yunhai's villa.

Zhao Wuyan is very clear that although he is the head of CCTV, it is obviously not enough to let Xiao Yunhai out of the mountain. Not to mention the Xiao family, just Xiao Yunhai's own halo, there is no need to give him face.

Therefore, Zhao Wuyan brought Xiao Yuanyang here.

These two days, Xiao Yuanyang's family of three all live in Xiao Yunhai here.

Seeing Xiao Yuanyang go back and forth, Xiao Yunhai said happily: "brother, you slip your legs. Why are you back? "

Xiao Yuanyang said in a bad mood: "what's the nonsense? Mr. Zhao needs your help. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhao, Hello, please come in."

Zhao Wuyan said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, excuse me."

When they entered the living room, Zhao Wuyan saw Xiao Leshan, who was teasing children. His face became serious immediately. He went forward respectfully and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yuanyang introduced Zhao Wuyan to Xiao Leshan.

Xiao Leshan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Xiao Zhao, you can talk about anything. Don't worry about me."Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, let's go to the sofa to talk. Granddad, the child's skin is tender. Don't scratch her

Xiao Leshan said, "you can say that you are busy."

The three people sat on the sofa and Wenxia made them a cup of tea.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Zhao, I don't know what you want to do with me?"

Zhao Wuyan has some regrets about coming to Xiao Yunhai at this time. He knew that master Xiao was there, so he didn't dare to come here.

At this time, Zhao Wuyan had to be brave enough to say to Xiao Yunhai, "Mr. Xiao, this time I want you to help CCTV in any case."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "what does Zhao Taichang mean by this?"

Zhao Wuyan said about the Spring Festival Gala and said, "this is our work fault. If foreign TV stations win the ratings champion in the special festival of Spring Festival, then the whole Chinese TV stations are really lost. Therefore, we want to ask Mr. Xiao to save the scene. "

Xiao Yunhai said in surprise, "I didn't expect those foreign TV stations to be so good. Brother, when you were the director of the film and Television Bureau, why didn't you set up some checkpoints for them? "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "things are not as simple as you think. These foreign TV stations have a lot of energy. If we deliberately make trouble for them, our reputation in the world will be ruined. What's more, we didn't pay the price when we asked to build Yanhuang cinema. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "so it is. Mr. Zhao, I'm just an artist. Even if I did, what would it do? "

Seeing this, Zhao Wuyan quickly said, "Mr. Xiao, your status in the eyes of the Chinese audience is incomparable. Is it worth the second person's consideration. With your strong appeal, as long as you can participate in the performance, we have the confidence to fight them. Mr. Xiao, please do me a favor. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhao, I don't think I'm so powerful. Besides, I run outside all day long. I just want to sit with my family and have a reunion dinner. I really don't want to go to any performances. "

On hearing this, Zhao Wuyan said in a hurry: "Mr. Xiao, we can put your performance time at the beginning, which will not delay your reunion with your family."

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "I'm really sorry. I'd better ask someone else for help." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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