Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:08 AM

Chapter 931

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Seeing that Xiao Yunhai seems to have an iron heart, Zhao Wuyan has to make an imploring look to Xiao Yuanyang next to him.

Xiao Yuanyang nodded slightly and said, "Yunhai, our Ministry of culture attaches great importance to this Spring Festival Gala. If you lose to a foreigner who doesn't even know what the Spring Festival is, the whole of China will become a laughing stock for other Asian countries. At that time, no one's face will look good. Not only chairman Zhao, but also Minister Liang and I must be named and criticized by the head of the State Council. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "brother, don't come. Isn't it just a party? It's not as serious as you said. Anyway, I'm going to stay at home with my wife and children. I won't go if you tell me the truth. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yuanyang knew that he couldn't persuade Xiao Yunhai, so he said to Zhao Wanqing, who just came in: "Wanqing, there is no one in Huaxia TV station bullied by foreign TV stations. Now the only one who can save us is your husband. Can you help me persuade him to take part in the live broadcast of the Spring Festival party. You can rest assured that it won't be long before you come back. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "brother, don't you know the temper of Yunhai? It would be strange if he could listen. I heard that the fight between China TV station and foreign TV station is very serious. Other time is just fine, but at this juncture of the Spring Festival, I think you should go there. At least we can't let those foreigners look down on us. "

Xiao Leshan, who had been teasing his children, opened his mouth and said, "cloud sea, Wan Qing is right. The Spring Festival is a Chinese festival. In any case, we can't let those foreign devils succeed. "

Xiao Yunhai listened to the music and said: "grandfather, you have been a leader. Your identity is not general. It is not suitable for you to be a foreign devil."

Xiao Leshan glared and said, "don't talk nonsense. I'm a bad old man now. What can't I say? Xiao Zhao, I promised that on the day of the Spring Festival party, this boy will go. "

Zhao Wuyan said happily, "thank you, Mr. Xiao. Thank you, Miss Zhao. Mr. Xiao, we have a rehearsal on the evening of the 29th. Please let us know as soon as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "how can I suddenly feel like I'm on the Liangshan Mountain by you. Well, I'll go there. I can't guarantee whether it will work or not

Zhao Wuyan said, "that's very good. Mr. Xiao, I don't know what kind of program you are going to prepare? "

Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and searched his brain for the outstanding works of the Spring Festival Gala in his previous life. After a long time, he said, "these two days, I'll see if I can write a song for the occasion. Is it Spring Festival after all? You can't sing any love songs

Zhao Wuyan clapped his hands and said happily, "great. With Mr. Xiao's creative ability, his songs will surely be popular all over the country. "

As soon as the voice dropped, Zhao Wuyan's mobile phone rang in his pocket.

Zhao Wuyan cast an apologetic look at Xiao Yunhai and picked up the phone.

"Director Hu, what can I do for you? ... what? Mr. Zhao Banshan asked Mr. Xiao to perform the sketch. Are you kidding? Even if it's Mr. Zhao, it won't work. Don't you know Mr. Xiao's status in the world's entertainment industry? What a mess. "

After Zhao Wuyan hung up the phone, Xiao Yunhai asked with great interest: "is Mr. Zhao Banshan going to invite me to play a sketch?"

Zhao Wuyan said with a bitter smile, "don't mention it. Mr. Zhao Banshan has been thinking about sketch scripts recently, but there are no suitable ones for five. Last night, they stayed up all night and produced the sixth script. It seems that they are satisfied, but they just need a big star. Maybe Mr. Zhao heard that I was here with you, and that you had played a sketch in Anhui TV station, so I'd like to invite you there. "

In order not to let Xiao Yunhai misunderstand, Zhao Wuyan added: "I just heard about this. Don't be angry, Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "nothing."

But what makes Zhao Wuyan depressed is that his phone rings again.

"Mr. Hu, you are... Mr. Zhao. Would you like to speak to Mr. Xiao? "

Zhao Wuyan looks at the opposite Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai smile, took the mobile phone, way: "Zhao teacher, Hello, I am Xiao Yunhai."

Zhao Banshan's voice is a little hoarse but very magnetic, with a thick northeast cavity.

"Mr. Xiao, I've heard a lot about you from Yao Na. It's a pity that I didn't get to see you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, you are welcome. I grew up watching your sketches. You are my idol

Hearing that Xiao Yunhai, an international superstar and 100 billion rich man, praised him so much, Zhao Banshan couldn't help laughing happily and said, "Mr. Xiao, your words are the biggest praise to me."

After they were polite, Zhao Banshan cut into the main topic and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm calling you this time. It's mainly about the rescue of the river and the lake. My team wrote a book in which there was a role to be played by a big star. There were a lot of lines and they had to be singers. Several times the entire entertainment circle, can sing and play sketch, also belongs to you. It's said that Mr. Zhao has come to you. I have the courage to make this call. "Xiao Yunhai said: "Miss Zhao, there are only three days left for the Spring Festival party. I have time to write songs and choreograph. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do

Zhao Banshan said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao is modest. Your ability and talent, I heard Lao Na say that writing songs is just a matter of minutes. Please do help. "

Zhao Banshan, known as the king of sketches in China, is similar to Zhao Benshan in his previous life. He has taken in many apprentices and set up a company with a market value of more than tens of billions. He is definitely a figure worthy of mention in the Chinese entertainment circle. Don't talk about ordinary stars, even the queen of heaven also want to call Miss Zhao.

In the circle, the most important thing for artists is face.

Now Zhao Banshan has said this. If Xiao Yunhai doesn't agree, it's a bit unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Miss Zhao, where are you now? I want to go to your place and see the script. If I feel confident, that's fine. Of course, if it's not appropriate, I can only say I'm sorry. "

Mr. Zhao and I can listen to CCTV

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. I'll see you later

After the conversation, Xiao Yunhai returned the mobile phone to Zhao Wuyan and said with a bitter smile: "well, this time, not only singing, but also acting sketch, it's really a big loss. Mr. Zhao, the entrance fee can't be less. "

Zhao Wuyan said with a smile, "you can rest assured that you will be satisfied."

Xiao Yuanyang, next to him, said scornfully: "you are so rich that you still care about this little money. It's true that the richer people are, the more stingy they are. "

Xiao Yunhai gave him a look and said, "you don't feel back pain when you talk standing. The appearance fee of artists is just like the salary paid by your civil servants. You don't need money. What do you eat and what you wear. OK, I'll change my clothes. Let's go to the TV station immediately and solve the sketch first. "

An hour later, Xiao Yunhai met Zhao Banshan and his team Zhao Jiaban. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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