Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:05 AM

Chapter 933

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Xiao Zhenbang pinched the red envelope in his hand. He opened it and saw that it was a bank card with a password on it. He couldn't help laughing and said, "grandfather, can you tell us how much money is there?"

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "it's OK to tell you. You, Yuanyang and Yunling are all 6.66 million yuan, but Yunhai's red envelope is only 666 yuan. "

Xiao Zhenbang's father is a commander in chief of the military region. He is a high-ranking and powerful man, but he is not rich. He only lives on his salary. Xiao Zhenbang is also the same, never in the back of those evil ways, so in life some embarrassment.

Now hearing that there are more than six million cards, Xiao Zhenbang can't help but wonder: "master, where did you get so much money?"

Xiao Zhenbang's wife Zhang Li said: "husband, you are stupid. We have a hundred billion dollar rich man in our family. Of course, the old man is rich. "

Indeed, all of Xiao Leshan's money was given by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Zhenbang laughed: "look at my brain. Sea of clouds, it seems that we are all stained with your light. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is from the old man. It has nothing to do with me. Wan Qing, take out the red envelopes we have prepared for the children. "

Zhao Wanqing took out three red envelopes with a smile and gave them to Xiao Zhenbang and Xiao Yuanyang's children one by one.

There are also bank cards, but the number is less than xiaoleshan, only 5 million.

Seeing that Xiao Zhenbang and Xiao Yuanyang wanted to decline, Xiao Yunhai said: "this is the lucky money that Wan Qing and I gave to our two children. It has nothing to do with you. Now it's just deposited with you and your sister-in-law, and when the children grow up, you still have to give them back. "

Xiao Yuanyang asked, "to be honest, how much money is there? Is it over a million? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my uncle's worth is more than 300 billion US dollars. Give your niece lucky money. If you don't get a million, where do you want my face to go. Wan Qing and I will not be laughed at to death if this matter is to be spread out to the outside world. "

Xiao Zhenbang shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "yes, I will become a multimillionaire in the next year. How I feel like a dream. "

Xiao Leshan said: "who let you have a brother of 100 billion rich people. My repeated orders not to let the children of the Xiao family go into business is for fear that you will abuse the banner of the Xiao family. Yunhai can have today's achievements, is entirely by their own efforts to fight out, every cent is very clean. In this way, our Xiao family's biggest short board is even to make up for. "

"But even if you have money, you can't spend it on me. If you develop the habit of extravagance, it is not far away from accidents. Do you hear me? "

"Yes," they all said

New year's Eve, paste Spring Festival couplets, set off firecrackers.

Although Xiao Yunhai's calligraphy is good, it is far from good compared with Xiao Changfeng. Therefore, the Spring Festival couplets are written by Xiao Changfeng.

The brothers are responsible for pasting on each door. The whole family is very happy.

Xiao Shan was not happy to see the scene.

Xiao Changfeng finished the Spring Festival couplets, and suddenly found his wife Chen Xiuzhu smiling, but there was still a trace of desolation in her eyes.

After decades of husband and wife, Xiao Changfeng naturally knew his wife's thoughts. He walked up to her and said softly, "Xiuzhu, do you want your father-in-law?"

Chen Xiuzhu nodded and said, "I haven't seen my father for a long time. Husband, I want to go back to Nanjing in a few days. "

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile: "let's go back together. The second day of junior high school is the day to go back to my mother's home. Let's take linger with us. As for the sea of clouds, let him stay at home with Wanqing. "

A trace of gratitude flashed in Chen Xiuzhu's eyes and said, "Changfeng, thank you."

Xiao Changfeng said: "old husband and wife, so polite to do what."

In the evening, Xiao Chongyang also came back from his busy schedule. In addition to Xiao Yunhai's second uncle, his family arrived at Qi.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai looked at the time. It was more than seven o'clock, so he got up and said, "I should go to the Spring Festival party. My playing time is between 9:30 and 10:00."

Xiao Yunling said with a smile: "brother, you must play well and never lose the chain. Otherwise, you, an international superstar, will lose his adult in front of the whole nation. "

Xiao Yunhai was white eyed and pretended to be angry: "you little girl, can you say I'm good. People who are about to get married, how can they still be so open-minded. Another day, I'll talk to Zhang Yuan about your problem and let him discipline him well. "

Xiao Yunling was flushed by Xiao Yunhai and said, "brother, you are the worst in the whole family. My sister-in-law, take revenge on me. "

Seeing Xiao Yunling's shy appearance, everyone laughed.

Xiao Yunhai put on his coat and said, "we will wait for the good news of my victory. Remember one. Don't burst into laughter. "

Today, it is rare that there is no traffic jam because of the Spring Festival in Yanjing. It took only half an hour to drive from the suburbs to the TV station.

His agent and team of stylists have been waiting for him at the door.

How did he get out of the carXiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's still early. What's so urgent to do. Sister Mo, you didn't come to dinner with your family, did you? "

Mo Yina said: "we all eat in advance. It's bullshit. Let's make up. It's only over an hour before you perform. "

Led by a staff member, Xiao Yunhai and his team came backstage.

Along the way, all the stars and artists who saw Xiao Yunhai said hello to him one after another, and some even asked to take pictures with him. In this regard, Xiao Yunhai is responsive to every request, smile to the right, did not play a big card.

As China's first superstar, Xiao Yunhai naturally has a special make-up room, and also uses No. 1.

Even ye Yongren and Yao Na, the queen of heaven, did not raise any objection to this arrangement.

Xiao Yunhai just wanted to open the door to enter, suddenly a hot voice came over.

"That's ridiculous. Get out of here. What do you mean by CCTV? When we were invited to perform in Japan, what kind of treatment did you give us? Let's use No. 6 dressing room. It's just that we've been taken over by others. You're a bully. "

In No. 6 dressing room, a middle-aged Japanese man with an angry face was yelling at a TV station administrator. His face was hard to see.

Behind him is a haughty Japanese star, Akio Akutagawa, sitting in a chair trimming his nails, turning a blind eye to the agent's behavior, without any indication.

The target of his criticism is actually a dozen dancing children and their dance teachers.

Hearing the sound, all the doors in the dressing room were opened, and they looked at No. 6 dressing room.

Xiao Yunhai saw Ye Yongren of No.2 and Yao Na of No.4 with joy and said, "they are all acquaintances."

"Yunhai, you are here. He he, I can't believe that Xiao Yunhai, who is well-known, should take part in such a performance. " Yao Na said with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "Zhao Taichang raised today's Spring Festival Gala to the political level. All my family members, including Wan Qing, asked me to come. Do you dare not come? What's going on over there? "

Ye Yongren shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's like fighting for the dressing room. "

At this time, the person in charge said, "Mr. Akutagawa, your performance is after 10 o'clock, and this group of children is 8:40, which will not hinder your use. The number of dressing rooms in our TV station is limited, so we can only use one dressing room in turn. Please forgive me. "

The agent said angrily, "no, since it has been stipulated that the dressing room is ours, it can't be used indiscriminately. Otherwise, when the news reaches Japan, where do you want our faces to go? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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