Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:03 AM

Chapter 934

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In Japan, the concept of hierarchy in the entertainment industry is much more serious than that in China. There are strict regulations on the first line, second line and third line.

Don't talk about using the dressing room, even if you say a wrong word, artists may lead to disaster.

Seeing that the Japanese star was so reluctant, the person in charge had no choice but to say, "we'll pack up our things and go out."

The agent snorted, "according to Japanese rules, you need to kneel down and apologize."

"What?" TV station officials can't believe their ears. Kneeling in Japan is etiquette, but in China it is insulting. Men have gold under their knees. It's not just about talking.

"Don't go too far."

"Shouldn't you apologize for doing something wrong?"

"It was you who came early, but you put the blame on us."

"What's early? The TV station only told us to use dressing room No. 6, but didn't say when to come. If you don't, we'll apologize. Well, if I had known that I would go to NNC TV station, I don't need to be idle here. "

A young voice floated out of the dressing room, talking about the Akutagawa.

Xiao Yunhai heard this, frowned, walked to the door of No. 6 dressing room, ye Yongren and Yao Na also followed.

Joking, in front of them, let a Japanese star bully his compatriots kneel. Don't say they are such big stars, even an ordinary Chinese can't stand it.

You know, in this world, China is the world's superpower, even the United States is inferior to China.

Three people came to the door, saw a female dance teacher standing in front of the children, angry way: "you are too unreasonable."

The agent snorted and said, "if you don't say hello to us, just use our dressing room. It's you who are unreasonable. In a word, do you want to apologize? If you don't apologize, we won't do it. "

The female dance teacher said, "do you like acting? Mr. Li, we need to make up as soon as possible, or we'll miss the time. "

The person in charge, surnamed Li, also knew the time was tight and said, "OK, I'll contact the dressing room for you right away."

Seeing that they didn't pay any attention to themselves, the agent was angry on the spot and said, "you don't want to leave here if you don't apologize. It's really unreasonable. When did we suffer this kind of injustice? "

Four bodyguards nearby blocked the door to prevent people from going out.

Seeing that several eyes were wearing sunglasses and the huge Japanese blocked the door, two little girls were scared to cry on the spot.

The female teacher was furious and said, "you are just scoundrels."


As soon as the female teacher's voice fell, the agent gave her a big mouth, and blood flowed out of her mouth.

"That's what happens to us. In Japan, people who dare to talk to us like this have long been pushed out to break their legs. "

"Woo Hoo woo."

Seeing the teacher beaten, two more little girls cried.

Xiao Yunhai can't look down. His two arms shake, he pushes the four bodyguards aside, and then strides to the agent. In the other party's surprised expression, he doesn't say a word, just two big mouths.

Not only did he bleed from the corner of his mouth, but two teeth flew out of his mouth, and his cheek swelled immediately.

"Dare you hit me?" The agent covered his face and said in disbelief.

Xiao Yunhai snorted: "it's you who fight. Now I'll give you a chance to kneel down and apologize to the teacher and the child. Otherwise, I'll break all the teeth in your mouth

Ye Yongren and Yao Na also followed in.

The TV station's person in charge didn't recognize them. He rushed forward and said respectfully, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Ye and Mr. Yao."

Akutagawa seems to have recognized them, and said in the semi familiar Chinese language: "Mr. Xiao, why do you want to hit my agent?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at him coldly and said, "this guy is not worth fighting. Akutagawa, you remember, you are standing on the land of China. Don't bring your Japanese style to here. I don't want to say more. Your agent must kneel down and apologize to them now. Otherwise, I can guarantee that you will not want to come to China for development in the future. My time is limited. I'll give you 30 seconds. You can choose for yourself. "

For Xiao Yunhai, Akutagawa is very worried.

He is also an artist of Dongsen entertainment company. Keiko Ishii is his elder martial sister. She is much stronger than him in terms of strength and fame.

But is such a big star, because offended Xiao Yunhai, led to his death in prison, how can Akutagawa not be afraid.

In Dongsen entertainment company, there is a saying that no one can offend Xiao Yunhai in China.

The agent was also aware of it. Before Akutagawa opened his mouth, he knelt down directly, slapped himself in the face again, and said, "everybody, I'm wrong. Please forgive me this time."Seeing this man's behavior, Xiao Yunhai was stunned for three seconds.

"It's too shameless to kneel on your knees."

The rest of us are stupid.

Yao Na couldn't even believe her eyes. The person who was just arrogant knelt down in front of the public at the next moment, which was too dramatic.

"Lao ye, are Japanese all such bitches?"

Ye Yongren shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I'm also the first time to see you."

Xiao Yunhai frowned. He didn't want to tangle with such a guy who used his face as his butt. He waved his hand and said, "forget it. You let the children in after they've made up. Do you mind, Mr. Akutagawa? "

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's threatening eyes, Akutagawa's face reluctantly showed a smile and said: "how can it be? We'll wait outside. "

On the next scene, Xiao Yunfu's intervention ended.

In the children's loud thanks, Xiao Yunhai three people left the dressing room.

Yao Na patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said with emotion: "your boy is now more and more international superstar momentum. When I saw you for the first time, I knew you were not in the pool. But I can't imagine how fast you enter the sea. Right? Lao Ye. "

Ye Yongren nodded and said, "yes. The box office of the film has exceeded 10 billion yuan and the record sales volume has reached 130 million yuan. Now Yunhai has become the first person in the entertainment industry

Xiao Yunhai quickly begged for mercy: "two teachers must not say so, I can't stand your compliment."

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "but the most gratifying thing is that your attitude is so good. From knowing you to now, no matter how the identity changes, you are still the original you, and have no change to people or things. Don't mention young people. Even the old artists who have been in the business for ten years, they don't have the mentality like you. It has to be admired. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, teacher ye, don't say any more. I'm almost blown up by what you said. When will you be on stage? "

Ye Yongren called out, looked at the time, and said, "there are ten minutes left. I have to hurry to be busy."

Yao Na said, "OK, we'll talk later. Let's go and prepare. It's said that the audience rating has reached more than 10% before the party starts. You can't lose people on such a big stage. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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