Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:59 AM

Chapter 937

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Seeing the two people so fooling, everyone's interest was raised all of a sudden.

At this time, Xiaoqing suddenly said: "grandfather, I'm a little hungry."

Hearing this, Zhao asked, "are you hungry? A bowl of noodles

Xiao Yunhai said, "78 bowls."

"What kind of noodles are they so expensive?"

"Scottish lasagna."

"Is your bittern expensive?"

"No money for stew."

"Then you can give me a bowl of bittern and taste the salt first."

Hearing their conversation, everyone burst into laughter.

"Damn it, Zhao Banshan is cheaper than emperor Yun. That's OK. "

"Cow, it's God's reply."

"Look at the cloud emperor's silly expression, it's really killing me."

Their performance won countless cheers.

"This old man, I want to say that noodles are free. You want noodles!" On the stage, Xiao Yunhai left the stage with a trace of disdain on his face.

In the monitoring room, from Zhao Wuyan down, a jubilation.

Their propaganda strategy is correct. The cooperation between Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Banshan has attracted all the attention of the Chinese audience. In a short minute, the audience rating has risen by 10% to 26%, and is still on the rise. The highest rating has exceeded that of last year.

Zhao Wuyan was completely relieved. 26% of the audience watched the program, which was equivalent to a quarter of the whole country. Even if he was killed, he didn't believe that the other two TV stations could surpass him at this moment.

indeed, although the next program of NNC and NBC was the singing of three great beauties, i.e., issta, Dong Piao and Ningxia, the audience rating dropped to the lowest Point.

In the NNC's monitoring room, Tang Kewang looks at Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Banshan's sketches on TV with a dignified expression, without any smile on his face. The reason why he transferred the TV to CCTV was to see what kind of means the other party used to defeat him.

When found Xiao Yunhai regardless of his personal image, performing such a role, everything has been understood.

If you change yourself, you must want to see Xiao Yunhai's sketch. It's so different.

On the stage, the sketch has gradually entered the stage,

"Oh, my God, Miss Bi is coming." Xiao Yunhai yelled.

Zhao Banshan came over, pushed Xiao Yunhai aside and said, "don't shout. This is the guest I want to invite."

Zhao Banshan shook hands with Mr. Bi and introduced himself.

Bi Tingjian said, "brother, I'm looking for your son."

Zhao Banshan said: "he is waiting for you in the village. The village is so grand that the township leaders and secretaries are standing there waiting for you. Make a large hall for you to hang in the middle. There are flowers all around


"Ha ha ha."

"Is this a welcome ceremony? What I hear is like a farewell ceremony. "

"The cloud emperor is so talented that welcome ceremonies can be made into funerals, cattle."

"Mr. Bi's expression is about to cry."

Bi Tingjian asked, "brother, what color are the flowers?"

Zhao Banshan said: "white and yellow have! It's beautiful. The common people are waiting there with pens and crying. "

Bi Tingjian's smile froze on his face.

"Oh, I'll go. Is this a welcome ceremony? God, I'm going crazy

"My stomach, I'm laughing. This is the rhythm of my life. "

"This sketch is so funny. Every sentence is a funny point. It's definitely the funniest sketch I've ever heard. "

A lot of people are laughing, can't help but wipe tears.

On the stage, Zhao Banshan began to approach Bi Tingjian.

"We are fellow villagers. Aren't you from Dalian? Where do you live in Dalian? "

"I live in laobiewan, Dalian."

"Oh, there's a relative. Her grandfather lives there, and his surname is bi."

Zhao Banshan's insistence made everyone laugh again.

Looking at the smile on Bi Tingjian's face, Zhao Banshan said, "look, this smile is more like the picture of your grandfather before he left."

On hearing this, Bi Tingjian's face became stiff at once.

Xiaoqing made up his knife again and said, "look, Grandpa, it's more like not to laugh."

"Pooh. "

" hahaha "

" this relative's set is too unique. "

"It's like a picture of someone's leaving. Hehe, who can stand it?"

What they don't know is that the real climax is coming.

On the stage, Zhao Banshan winked at Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai also gave him a clear expression, and they began to order.

"Four Australian abalone," Zhao said

Xiao Yunhai did not want to think, then politely said: "sorry, no."Although we knew it would be the result, we still couldn't help laughing, and the scene also began to roar.

Zhao Banshan was not affected at all, continued: "a lobster of four Jin."

Xiao Yunhai said, "sorry, it's not that big."

Zhao Banshan was stunned and asked, "there are How big is it? "

Xiao Yunhai was also a little silly, and said tentatively, "there are You have more than a kilo? "

"Does Zhao Shan have more than one catty

Xiao Yunhai said the most classic rhetorical question: "there is Still not

"Ha ha ha."

"My God, I'm going crazy."

"That's a wonderful question."

"The cloud emperor and the sketch king are so tacit."

"It's not going to be revealed."

At this time, the audience was laughing, applause and cheers.

At home, Xiao Yunhai's family had been laughing for a long time.

"Yunhai is such a funny guy. My stomach is about to burst with laughter." Xiao Yuanyang laughed and pointed to the TV.

"Yes, I did. I didn't expect that I would cry when I cried. The sea of clouds is so talented. Ha ha ha Xiao Zhenbang wiped his tears and laughed wildly.

Other people are not much better, especially the performers on the stage or their families, which makes people feel unbearable.

Xiao Yunling has a stomachache with laughter.

On the stage, Zhao Banshan patted his trouser pocket calmly and said, "I'll tell you, this is your store. Don't you know? We don't need money. "

Xiao Yunhai immediately showed a sudden realization of the expression, way: "that did not."

"Ha ha."

The audience was amused by Xiao Yunhai's lying with his eyes open.

Zhao Banshan said in a false anger: "it's not your hotel. Why don't you want anything? What the hell is this? Get your boss. "

Xiao Yunhai seemed to slip away and didn't think about it. He replied, "No."


"Ha ha ha."

"The answer is too strong."

"I don't even have a boss. I'm kidding."

The whole scene has become a sea of joy, and the atmosphere has risen to the extreme.

It was not until Bi Tingjian said that he wanted folk household chores after dinner that Zhao Banshan relaxed and said confidently, "then come to the folk. Come on, boy, let's have a little pheasant and mushroom. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it and replied, "No."

Zhao Banshan was obviously stunned for a moment, rubbed his nose, and said in a soft voice: "this can have."

Xiao Yunhai pursed his lips and said, "this is really not."


The whole scene was completely detonated by this divine reply, and even the people with the highest laugh point could not help laughing. Some of the audience with a low smile are slapping their thighs.

Host Xu Jun squatted directly on the ground, covering his stomach, tears of laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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