Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:52 AM

Chapter 942

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Soon, the tea was finished. Xiao Yunhai poured a cup to the teacher. A strong smell of tea came out and the room was fragrant.

They were there to enjoy tea and chat.

Xiao Yunhai told Yao Wenyuan about his recent affairs. Yao listened carefully and gave some comments from time to time.

"Yunhai, is that 3D movie you mentioned really immersive?" At the dinner table, Yao Wenyuan asked in surprise.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. When 2012 is finished, I'd like you to go over and have a feel for it. "

Yao Wenyuan said with a smile: "then I will get the moon first. Ha ha, I had read some papers about 3D, but I never thought that the movie could really appear in front of the audience. You once told a reporter that the box office of 2012 will break 15 billion dollars, which seems to be very promising. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this film is a pure commercial film, the biggest selling points are special effects and 3D. With these two weapons, Li Wenwen shook his head and said, "it's late. There is no other way but to change the kidney. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Doctor Li, if you find a suitable kidney, can you please operate on my teacher in person?"

"Of course. Mr. Xiao, kidney source is not easy to find. The higher the matching degree, the better for the patient. At the time, as like as two peas, Yao and his husband were almost the same, they found the kidney with a matching degree of only seventy percent.

"It's up to people. I believe that kidneys with a matching ratio of more than 90% can be found. Thank you, Dr. Li. We're leaving first. When we find the kidney source, I will come back to invite you. This is a small token of mine. Please accept it

"Mr. Xiao doesn't need to. No reward for no work. When Mr. Yao's operation is successful, you can give it to me. I will not refuse. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he admired his medical ethics and didn't entangle him any more. He stood up and said, "in this case, my teacher and I will go first, and I will inevitably trouble you in the future."

On the bus, Yao Wenyuan sighed: "Yunhai, don't worry about me any more."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "teacher, you can take it easy. You don't have to worry about other things. I'll arrange them."

The Shenyuan thing is not that there is, Xiao Yunhai has no way, can only wait for Xiao Yuanyang's news.

On February 27, on the fifth day of the new year's day, at the gate of the Xinhua summer courtyard in Yanjing, the stars were shining. The red carpet was spread all the way to the intersection. The isolation belts on both sides were installed early. The security work was more airtight. There was a policeman standing there every other meter.

Reporters are debugging the camera in the shooting area. In the distance, there are countless fans holding various fluorescent sticks and posters of stars, where they have a heated discussion.

A young reporter saw the dense fans and said: "the premiere of" battle of Red Cliff "is too wonderful. There are at least 2000 fans coming to see the red carpet. "

"Of course," said the middle-aged reporter next to him. The actors and actresses of "battle of Red Cliff" are all in place today. The actors and actresses invited are all big stars in the entertainment circle. What's more, there will also be a cloud emperor who is the first person to have entertainment. Can fans not be excited? "

The young reporter sighed: "I wish I could give him an exclusive interview. Unfortunately, since 2012 was launched, we have never seen him again. Even he did not participate in the propaganda of the battle of Chibi."

The middle-aged reporter said with a smile: "little dream, there are not a thousand media who want to interview him, but also 800.". Unless it's the pie from the sky that hits us, otherwise, this kind of good thing can't be thought of. Ouch, the first car is coming. I don't know who it is? "

At the intersection, a black Rolls Royce slowly appeared in front of the crowd and stopped steadily at the intersection.

The reporters' cameras and cameras were immediately aimed at the car. A waiter trotted over and opened the door.

Xiao Yunhai, wearing a blue suit, came out of it and waved around with a smile.


countless flashlights lit up, making the scene look like daylight. The shutter sound of the camera and the camera goes on and on.

"My God, the first one to appear is the emperor."

"He finally showed up."

"The battle of Red Cliff" has been publicized for more than 20 days. The main character didn't show up until the premiere. This kind of thing has never happened before. "

Fans from afar saw Xiao Yunhai, and his voice was like a huge wave floating in the sky of Yanjing. Many fanatical fans even burst into tears and yelled heartrending. They didn't care if their voice was hoarse.

What is a response?

Xiao Yunhai perfectly interprets this point.

A moment later, Xiao Yunhai stretched out his hand, a snow-white arm on her hand, followed by a pair of high-heeled shoes and a slender jade leg. Finally, Dong stood out from the inside with a smile.

It's very cold today, but Dong Piaopiao is wearing a light blue dress with long hair and a necklace on his neck, which is shining in the light of the light. The whole person is like a delicate lotus, extraordinarily beautiful.Naturally, reporters would not let her go, and the flash light turned the night into day again.

"I guess it must be dong Piao who accompanied the emperor to the red carpet."

"Nonsense. Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao don't walk together. Do you want her to go with Cao Cao? "

"It is said that the relationship between Xiao Yunhai and Dong Piao is not simple."

"It's thanks to the emperor Yun that Dong Piao can be today. It's normal to pay some price. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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