Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:51 AM

Chapter 943

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Xiaoyunhai on the red carpet didn't know the reporters' guess at all, and he smiled and Dong floated to enjoy the enthusiasm and cheers of fans.

Xiao Yunhai waved and said to Dong, you are too hard. How cold is it to wear so little? "

Dong drifted: "can you not be cold? My arms are frozen and have goosebumps. No way, if we don't wear it, we will definitely be criticized by the media, and the clothing and jewelry brands that speak for will have a lot of opinions. "

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "then we'll go faster. Don't give you a cold."

In the enthusiastic shouting of fans, Xiao Yunhai and Dong soon finished the red carpet and entered the warm hall.

Just walked in, Xiao Yunhai saw a little thin face Wu Zixu.

Maybe his film is finally meeting with fans, so his spirit is very good, and his face has no cover up the joy of his heart.

"Wu guide, I haven't seen you for a long time." Xiao Yunhai and Wu Zixu shook hands and said with a smile.

Wu Zixu smiled and said, "you boy, I mean, I mean. As the leading role, even a publicity conference did not participate. Floating, you tell him, what are we tired these days? "

Dong Piao chuckled, just about to speak, Xiao Yunhai quickly put his hand, and said, "floating, you don't need to say, I know. I am very grateful for the hard publicity of the leading and creative staff of the crew. Rest assured that as long as we can get over 3 billion at the box office of the war on the red wall, I will never be in a bad mood to everyone. "

Wu Zixu listened and laughed and said, "it's almost the same."

After a few people talked and laughed, Xiao yunhaidao: "Wu guide, English version of the battle of the red wall, when are you going to be released abroad?"

Wu Zixu frowned and said, "I'm having a headache for this. After there is no problem with the release of China, I want to go to Hollywood to make the English version later. I don't have a few filmmakers who are familiar with the culture and language of the two countries to help me. I have no foundation in my mind. "

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "when you are past, you must inform me in advance. I'll have magic effects to arrange everything you have in Hollywood. There is a lot of talent there. If you want to spend money, there is nothing to do. "

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "that's great."

Xiao looked around and said, "Wu guide, why didn't our other investor, general manager Xue Tianhua, arrive?"

"He called to say he was not in good health, and he couldn't come," Wu said

"Not in good health? It's too clever. "

Xiao Yunhai knew that there must be something more important than the battle of the red wall. This made a random excuse to keep off.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai and Wu Zixu looked at each other, and at the same time showed a smile.

After a while, the actors of the battle of the red wall continued to appear in the hall.

We have a chance to meet and talk about it.

After a while, Wu Zixu invited all the star guests to come.

At xiaoyunhai, most of them are people they know.

It is about 8 o'clock. Jiangchengdong, the director of the cinema, came to the hall and said, "gentlemen, ladies and friends, thank you for coming to our Yanjing Xinhua summer cinema to attend the premiere of the war on the red wall. Now it's almost time. Let's go together. "

Naturally, there will be no objection. He came to a luxury screening hall with Jiang Chengdong. There are many media reporters and critics in it. There are some good luck fans behind.

The film began soon.

On the first hand, Cao Jun and Liu Jun had a battle of attack and defense in the city.

Cao Jun's thousand arrow rain seemed to pour down from the sky, the arrow flashing the cold light, hit the city soldiers' shield, and made a harsh voice, only this shot attracted the audience's eyes.

"It's great," sighed a senior film critic. The picture is exquisite, magnificent, and the special effect is perfect. Even the track of arrow rain in the air is clearly presented in front of us. It is a big pen

"I dare say that this shot can be worth millions at least," said the editor of a magazine. No way, who makes the cloud emperor the magic and dream leader? With the movies he participated in, the special effects will naturally have no problems. "

After three rounds of shooting in a row, a general raised his long gun, his eyes wide open and burst into a shout: "attack.".

And when they had ordered, tens of thousands of soldiers, with their shields and ladders, were storming up against the arrows and rain from the walls.

In this scene alone, Xiao Yunhai used thousands of soldiers to participate in the performance, while others were made by special effects synthesis, but the shock to the audience was not described in language.

A fan stared at the screen with a flash of eyes, his face flushed and his mouth murmured, "this is war. The cold weapons wars that we saw before were rubbish. It was like this at the beginning, and the war behind was not even more wonderful. "His friend said, "yes. The movie is just amazing. Although the ticket price of 50 yuan is a little high, it is worth it compared with those garbage pieces. "

The reporter sitting next to him heard the fans' words and said, "it seems that the battle of Chibi is going to sell well. It's also true that if such quality can't get good results, it's really a bit unreasonable. "

The five minute war ended with the victory of Cao's army.


"Pa Pa Pa Pa"

there were warm applause and cheers in the studio.

Xiao Yunhai said to Wu Zixu, a man with a happy face: "Wu director, the battle of Chibi has been successful. Congratulations, another good movie. "

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "this is also thanks to the great help of magic dream, otherwise, this effect can not be achieved at all. The war scene behind is much more intense than it is. There should be no problem. I am really relieved

The following plot is similar to the romance of the Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao swore to move southward and was blocked by his ministers. The emperor was cowardly and could only watch his loyal minister killed by Cao Cao.

Then Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao, and he led 100000 people to flee to the east of the Yangtze River. Zhao Zilong was the Savior on his own, Zhang Fei fought against Changbanpo, and Zhuge Liang fought against the Confucians.

When Xiao Yunhai played Zhou Yu, his handsome appearance, elegant temperament and elegant demeanor attracted countless female fans' eyes and made her boyfriends envy, envy and hate.

In the national new Huaxia cinema, "battle of Red Cliff" was in full swing. Liang Qianqiu, Minister of culture, and Xiao Yuanyang, Vice Minister of culture, sat together with the presidents of more than 20 large film companies in the conference room of the Ministry of culture. Among them, Xue Tianhua and Zhao Mingsheng, Xiao Yunhai's father-in-law, are uncomfortable.

Liang Qianqiu glanced around, stopped in Zhao Mingsheng's face, nodded a little, said, "you are so good. It's really a good way for you to surpass our Ministry of culture and put a proposal directly on the desk of No. 1 chief executive. But have you paid attention to the Ministry of culture? It's just a mess. "

Speaking of this, Liang Qianqiu got angry and patted the table directly.

Yesterday morning, Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang were called to the office by the No.1 chief executive, and showed them the copy of the joint signature of more than 30 film and television company presidents. The short manuscript of less than 2000 words just let the unprepared two people see it in cold sweat.

As the first and second leaders of the Ministry of culture, of course, they understand that the consequences of this proposal have gone far beyond the scope of China, and may even affect the entertainment industry of the whole world.

After watching, Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang looked at each other and saw the shock and worry in each other's eyes. You should know that the consortia behind the cinema are not easy to deal with. A bad one may cause a big earthquake.

Liang Qianqiu put the proposal back on the table and asked, "chief, what do you mean?"

with a dignified look, the first chief said, "I have already had a secret investigation, and the things found are basically the same as those mentioned above. Chief executive No. 2 and I agree that the profit ratio between the cinema line and the producer has seriously affected the development of Chinese films and must be corrected. I know that there is a very large network behind these lines, even your relatives are involved in it, but I believe you can handle it well. "

"I hope to hear that within three months, the ratio of the first week to the first week is 55:45, the second week is 40:60, the third week is 30:70, and the fourth week is 20:80, understand?"

Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang braved the storm in their hearts and said in unison, "yes, chief."

When they returned to the Ministry of culture, they looked at the proposal on the table with a sad look on their faces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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