Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:49 AM

Chapter 944

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After a whole day's discussion, we came up with a plan and called the company managers who signed the proposal to the secret.

Seeing that all the people did not speak, Liang Qianqiu continued: "Congratulations, your proposal has successfully attracted the attention of the No. 1 chief executive. Yesterday, during his busy schedule, vice minister Xiao and I made a special trip to give us the task that may cause a big earthquake in the film industry all over the world, and asked you to raise your profit ratio for the first week by 12 percentage points at a time to reach 55%. I had a discussion with Vice Minister Xiao and found it inconvenient for the government to take action. The so-called cancellation of the bell still needs the person who tied the bell. Since the matter is caused by you, then you can talk about how you can get those hospital lines to agree with your proposal. "

After hearing that he could get 55% of the box office share in the first week, a glimmer of joy flashed on the faces of all the bosses.

Chu Heng, the general manager of brilliant film company, said: "Minister Liang and vice minister Xiao, first of all, we have to apologize to the two. Without informing you in advance, we put the matter to the No. 1 chief executive, making their work very passive. The reason why we did this is because we are very clear that there are very strong forces behind these cinemas. Both of you will feel very embarrassed whether you handle them or not. Therefore, we have made such a decision. "

Xiao Yuanyang waved his hand and said, "OK, it's useless to say that. The time given to us by the chief executive is very tight. We must finish the work in three months. If you have any ideas, you can directly say that when things are at this point, don't hide them. Mr. Chu, tell me first. "

Chu Heng said: "there are four major cinemas in China, which are Xingguang, Huafeng, Baihua and the most powerful Xinhua summer cinema. At the beginning, the government stipulated that they could only show films and could not establish film companies to make films, so as to avoid monopoly. At this time, this regulation is absolutely far sighted. We make movies, belong to the source, without us, they have no film to play at all. Therefore, as long as we join hands and ask for a 55% share of profits, there is basically no way for them to compromise. I think that as long as we hold on for a month, the Chinese fans will be dissatisfied with the cinema, and the government will have a reason to take action. "

Xue Tianhua said, "Mr. Chu is right. Without our film supply, theaters can only drink from the north and the West. It is no doubt a fool's dream to fill such a big gap by introducing foreign films. The key to the whole thing is whether we can work together. At the beginning, small and medium-sized Hollywood film companies made things because of internal cracks, leading to a failure. Therefore, we must not make the same mistake. We must not let go of any threats or inducements. "

Other bosses all nodded and looked at Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang sitting on the rostrum.

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile: "it's true that heroes think alike. China's system is very different from that of the United States. Their government is to serve the big capitalists and consortia, while our government serves the people. The power is relatively centralized, which gives us a very large space for operation. Although Mr. Chu's method will make the film industry suffer heavy losses in a short time, it is not harmful to the future of the film. I want to know what will happen to you when the profit ratio changes? "

Shen Le, the general manager of Yuele film and television, excitedly said: "Minister Liang, as long as we can change the proportion of profits, we, the film companies that have long survived, dare to start the business one after another. I don't know about others, but we Yuele can spend 5 billion on making movies this year. "

Chu Heng said: "yes. We have bought a lot of excellent scripts in these brilliant years, but we are too expensive to shoot. If you want to know that a movie with more than one billion dollars has to reach 2.5 billion box office to recover its cost. Who has the courage to touch those blockbusters. However, if the profit quota is really changed to 55%, we can even start shooting two films at the same time. "

"Yes. We will also invest more. "

"Fifty five percent profit in the first week is enough for us to recover the cost."

Everyone, you and I talked freely about the blueprint of the future film.

Xiao Yuanyang interrupted them and said: "everyone, since you have made up your mind, Minister Liang and I will certainly cooperate with each other for the future of the film industry. But let's make a dirty remark. Once your plan is implemented, if someone in it can't bear the pressure or resist the temptation and give the film to the cinema, the Ministry of culture will not be polite. Do you understand? "

Chu Heng said: "Vice Minister Xiao, it doesn't need to be done by the Ministry of culture. If anyone dares to betray you and trust your hind legs, we Chinese film and television circles will never give him any foothold. "

Others have echoed.

With the threat of the Ministry of culture and other big men, I believe that none of the companies dare to defy the world and do such a thing.

Xue Tianhua said, "I think we don't need to be furtive. Tomorrow, more than 30 companies of our company will hold a press conference to directly publicize the news that they want to change the profit ratio, and call on all film and television companies to resist collectively. If they fail, they will become benevolent. "Chu Heng nodded and said, "OK, I agree."


Liang Qianqiu was very pleased to see that everyone was united. For the first time, he put a smile on his stern face and said: "there are countless film and television companies in China. Although you are the largest, it is hard to guarantee that other small companies will not secretly hand over the films to those cinemas. Since we want to do it, we must do it thoroughly. This evening, you immediately start, first those small companies with films in hand, and then fight with the cinema. It's up to you whether you can give Huaxia film and TV a brand new tomorrow. As vice minister Xiao said, who dares to take movies to the enemy at this time is the enemy of the whole Chinese film and television circle, and even more the enemy of our Ministry of culture. Do you understand? "


At the same time, the chief and vice ministers of the Ministry of culture have set a tone for this matter, and they have spoken so thoroughly that they have not done any disguise. I believe that no company dares to betray them. With the support of the Ministry of culture, they are naturally full of confidence.

Thinking of the profit quota of 55% in the future, everyone's eyes are full of expectation.

The cold winter is about to pass, and the spring of the film and television industry is coming.

Out of the conference room, people will act separately, call their familiar film and television companies, coercion, inducement, Chen said that powerful, the entire film and television industry suddenly panic, undercurrent surging.

In the cinema, "battle of Red Cliff" is more and more wonderful, and cheers will appear every few minutes.

We should know that the actors in "battle of Red Cliff" are all artists at the level of film emperor and quasi film emperor. They have no choice in acting skills. Every role has been played incisively and vividly. The audience seems to feel that they have really entered the period of war hundreds of years ago.

At the end of the film, Wu Zixu accepted Xiao Yunhai's suggestion and ended up with sun Liulian's military Bagua array defeating Cao Cao's vanguard troops. However, the scene is much bigger than that of his previous life, and the details are much stronger.

After the two-hour movie, there was a big round of applause in the studio.

"Excellent production, grand scene, excellent acting skills, is indeed a rare good product."

"Another classic movie. It's better than all the films that Wu Zixu made before. "

"I can smell countless golden goblet awards from above. Whether it's the leading role or the supporting role, it's very good. It is estimated that there will not be one or two awards

"I'm more concerned about the box office. According to the ticket price of 50 yuan, I think the film is likely to break through the 5 billion mark

Film critics, editors, and journalists clapped and talked at the bottom. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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