Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:47 AM

Chapter 946

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Back home, Xiao Yunhai saw zhaomingsheng and xiaoyuanyang sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him.

Xiao Yunhai took off his coat and changed his slippers and said, "Dad, brother, you are not really doing this. It's sad to sneak out to the yard line, even if there is no wind to me. "

Zhao Mingsheng rubbed his hands and showed an embarrassed look and said, "Yunhai, I am the blame for this. I should speak to you in advance. Only we have signed confidentiality agreements, and I am really sorry to say to you that this is... "Br >

Zhao Mingsheng didn't tell her son-in-law about this, and it was really not true.

The two are son-in-law, but zhaomingsheng hides such a big thing from him. Xiaoyunhai is not angry in his heart, which is false.

Xiao Yuanyang face is not seen any guilty, said: "how do you know?"

"How do I know?" Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "you think you are a piece of iron. Now all the Chinese Academy line bosses have already known this matter, is discussing the countermeasures. "

"It doesn't seem to care too much about your appearance," Xiao said

Xiaoyun Haidao: "what should I do then? Crying or a run-by with a fly? Since we can't resist, it's not as good as a solid cooperation. Besides, I am a filmmaker first and then a businessman. This is very good for the whole Chinese film and television industry. I don't want to be that stumbling block. "

Xiao laughed and said," good. I'm really glad you can be in this attitude. Yunhai, you tell me the truth. On the first day of the new year, the No. 1 chief stayed in the courtyard for so long. Did you ever talk about this matter with you

Xiao Yunhai was shocked, shaking his head and said, "No."

Xiao said with a sneer: "don't coax me. I have heard the old man say, the head once asked you about this question, and your answer is that the box office share has affected the development of the film industry, right

Xiao Yunhai, hearing, couldn't help saying, "the old man's confidentiality work is too bad, right?"

Xiao said with a smile: "that's the case. Hee hee, I was just cheating you. Now, my guess is right. Uncle Zhao, you should not be too ashamed. Some people also don't tell us the truth. "

Xiao said: "well, we are even, and nobody says anyone. It seems that you are already ready to be. Ha ha, all of a sudden, these big capitalists in our courtyard line are dead. "

After Zhao Mingsheng and xiaoyuanyang left, Zhao Wanqing, who had been sitting beside, said to Xiao Yun Haidao: "husband, I'm sorry, I apologize for my father."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "dad didn't do anything wrong. He is a sincere gentleman. Since he promised others, he would surely abide by the agreement. If I were him, it would be the same. Of course, I have a little discomfort in my heart, but it won't affect our relationship. The box office distribution of cinema and producer is basically fixed, and there is no fluke. Our income is going to be much lower. "

Zhao Wanqing smiled: "do you care about these?"

Xiaoyun Haidao: "of course, I don't care. People say that buttocks decide the head, sit in different positions, and have different views on things. Before, I didn't care about the so-called righteousness. Now, I suddenly find myself changing. "

"I know, in this case, that this adjustment will have a very negative impact on me, but I am looking forward to their success. Because I know how much it will do to the Chinese film and television industry. Ha ha, as long as we can do this, don't say it is the box office share of the district. Even if I let the shares of the new China cinema go out, I would like to. You said, am I ill? "

Zhao Wanqing showed a proud look on his face, and stroked Xiao Yunhai's face with both hands and said, "my husband is not sick, but has a big mind and atmosphere that can accommodate the world. Before, it was said that you were the first person in Chinese entertainment circle. To be honest, I don't think so. But now I see you can make such sacrifices for Chinese movies. I realized that my husband is indeed the first person in the entertainment circle of China worthy of his talent, ability and mind. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "what the first person, the second, I don't care at all. What I care about most now is when the children in your stomach can come out, I can't wait. "

Zhao Wanqing gently knead the stomach, and said, "I feel they are coming out soon."

After a little chat, the couple went to the bedroom to rest.

Online, a hot discussion has been launched in three countries.

All the fans who saw the battle of the red wall that night have published their own views on it.

"Great," battle of the red wall "is the best war film I've ever seen

"The production is excellent, the clothes are gorgeous, the war scene is even greater and the special effects are subtle and absolutely good films." "

" the actors in the battle of the red wall are too strong, all of them are textbook Level performances, and the grasp of the characters is almost incisive and full. "

"Seeing the movie" the battle of the red wall "in the cinema, I feel like I have returned to the exciting years hundreds of years ago, which is too real"I gave" battle of Red Cliff "9.4 points, nothing else, just two words, good-looking."

On the Internet, 1.634 million fans scored 9.17 points for "battle of Red Cliff" and 142 film critics scored 9.25 points, which can be said to be highly praised.

In just one night, three "battle of the Red Cliff" won 83 million box office, breaking the record for the first night of domestic films. Of course, there are also reasons why the ticket price is 50 yuan, but in the final analysis, it is still in terms of quality.

The next day, Xinhua Xia cinema adjusted the production volume of "battle of Chibi", and directly gave 7000 screens, almost full, with the box office reaching 740 million on that day.

However, Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting did not feel happy for this, because on this day, the entire film and television industry had an unprecedented shock.

At 3:00 p.m. on February 28, the heads of more than 60 film and television companies, large and small, gathered together to jointly hold a press conference, demanding that the box office quota system of Huaxia cinema and film producers be changed, their profit share be increased, and the contradiction between film companies and cinemas be directly put before the people of the whole country.

As soon as the news came out, it was on the front page headlines of all entertainment media. In less than a day, it caused a sensation all over the world.

At about 7:00 p.m., Ren Jiwen of Xingguang cinema, Li Rongguang of Huafeng international cinema, Wang Lu of Baihua film, Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting gathered in the conference room of new Huaxia cinema.

Seeing the pictures in the news broadcast that the presidents of major film and television companies denounced the unfair distribution of box office, Li Rongguang directly patted the table and said angrily, "we all give them according to the international distribution standards. It's unreasonable to say that we are blocking the development of Chinese films. Ladies and gentlemen, Huafeng international studios will never give them this quota. What do you mean? "

Ren Jiwen took a sip of tea and said, "on behalf of the board of directors of starlight cinema, I will not agree to their terms. This is simply killing us."

Wang Lu is a middle-aged woman in her forties. Her voice is very soft, but her words are extremely sharp. She said: "today's film market competition is so fierce, we Baihua cinema can't bear the consequences of a serious drop in quota. Although Wang Lu is a woman, I will not yield to their coercion. Mr. Yu and Mr. Hu, you are the largest cinema line in China. Will you agree to this? "

Yu Haidao: "of course not. It's just that the storm is too big. I'm afraid we won't last long. "

Li Rongyu always knows something about it: "is it not? I heard that Mr. Xiao Yunhai, one of the shareholders of Xinhua Xia cinema, is the child of Xiao family. Is Xiao Yuanyang his cousin? I don't know what he thinks about it? "

Hu Yaoting said: "the more people of the Xiao family, the more he can not say anything, can only be two do not help."

Wang Lu said: "today, I received a call from the general managers of major foreign courtyard lines. They said that they had informed their own governments and were ready to exert pressure on the Chinese government to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of foreign cinemas. Hollywood, in particular, is most concerned about this issue, and the American ambassador to China has protested against it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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