Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:46 AM

Chapter 947

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At the beginning, the Chinese cinema was divided into four parts, all of which were partitioned by foreign film companies regardless of the cost.

As a result, it is only a year's effort, and before we can taste the sweetness, the box office quota of Chinese local cinemas will drop. It is bound to cause them to suffer too, and they will have to reduce the profit ratio at the same time, otherwise they will be in an awkward situation where there is no film to put.

At that time, not to mention the Chinese local film companies, even their own domestic film companies may also find the Chinese cinema to show, who let them give the big profits.

Therefore, in addition to these four cinemas, the companies related to foreign theaters are also anxious to find solutions like ants on the hot pot.

At this time, a staff member knocked on the door and said, "general manager Yu, President Hu, general managers of Lida cinema, Suzuki cinema, Huamei United cinema and wolf House Cinema are all here, hoping to see each other."

Yu Haidao: "they come so fast. I will meet them in person."

Last year, in order to compete for the film market, the big cinemas were killing each other. Now in the face of the United coercion of the whole Huaxia film company, they have to put down their prejudices and come to discuss countermeasures.

After a while, in the sea led four imposing middle-aged men to come in.

As opponents, we are naturally very familiar with each other, and then cut into the main topic.

George, the general manager of Lida cinema, said, "ladies and gentlemen, it's rare that we all sit here together. Although we made some unhappy before, it was just competition and it was normal in the market. But this time, we will face the same big trouble, we must join hands with the enemy, otherwise we will have to drink the northeast wind

Yu Haidao: "Mr. George, do you have any good idea?"

George obviously had thought about this question for a long time, and said: "Hollywood has had such a thing, but it has been broken down by the eight major film companies. We can refer to their methods, draw in some groups and suppress others. By comparing the two, we will naturally win without a fight. "

Hu Yaoting shook his head and said with a wry smile, "although Mr. George is a master of China, he does not seem to understand the Chinese system. I have called the bosses of more than ten large, medium and small film and television companies I have worked with, hoping to exchange 50% of the allocation quota in the first week for their films. Unfortunately, none of them dare to sell. It's got to be 55 percent to let go. Do you know why, Mr. George

The boss of Huamei United Company is a Chinese American, whose name is Chai Guanghui. He is very familiar with the Chinese system and says, "is it the government that supports it?"

Hu Yaoting nodded and said, "yes. The director and vice minister of the Ministry of culture personally grasp this matter. Which film company dares to take the courage of bear heart leopard and sell the film to us. If they don't sell, they will not only lose, but also make a lot of money. If they sell, not only the Ministry of culture can't spare them, but also the entertainment companies. At that time, it may not even have a foothold. "

Li Rongguang asked, "Mr. George, I heard that your American ambassador to China has already communicated with the Chinese government. What is the result?"

"They just said," George said, "it's business, it's not about the government."

Wang Lu said with a wry smile: "we have no evidence that the government is involved in this matter. Even if we have it, we dare not take it out. No one or company will come to a good end against the government. "

George asked, "what do you do? Do you really want to reduce profits? "

Yu Haidao: "Mr. George, there are more than 18000 screens in our Xinhua summer cinema. Now the movies in our hands can't even last a month. If there is no new movie, our cinema will not only not make money, but also pay for it. Therefore, once we can't solve this problem within a month, we can only compromise and agree to their demands. "

"Mr. Yu, you can't do this. Once you compromise, the whole Chinese film market will be completely destroyed. "

Xinhua courtyard line is the largest one in China, covering all major cities in China. If it surrenders, other cinemas will have to surrender.

Hu Yaoting said: "everybody, the strength behind general manager Yu and I can no longer support us, so we can only rely on you. We have only one month, and if we can't do it by then, we can't do anything about it. "

Everyone was silent, and the air seemed to be dignified.

In fact, it is not only the Xinhua summer cinema line, but also the Baihua and Xingguang cinemas. Only Huafeng international cinema invested more than 20 films, large and small, last year, which can survive for some time.

George, Chai Guanghui and others have no way to show their films in their cinemas.

Half an hour later, Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting personally sent them downstairs.

Looking at a luxury car slowly driving out, Hu Yaoting sighed and said, "general manager Yu, is there really no chance?"

Yu Hai nodded and said, "it is obvious that the Ministry of culture has no excuse to force our cinemas to change the profit distribution, so it has pushed these film companies to the front desk and become the vanguard. Once we don't have a movie to show, Chinese fans will have a good reason to join in. At that time, we will not discuss with you, but issue orders directly. Ha ha, Mr. Hu, Yunhai is right. We have no hope of winning. If the government is in a hurry, let alone our Xinhua summer courtyard line. Even Hu's electronics and Yu's real estate will not have a good life. "Hu Yaoting said with a bitter smile: "it seems that we have no choice but to compromise."

At 9 a.m. the next day, the managers of the major courtyard lines in China held a press conference to announce that the film box office quota was the most reasonable international allocation method and did not hinder the development of the film industry.

In order to obtain more profits, the film companies, regardless of the life and death of the cinema lines and the opposition of Chinese fans, demand to change the box office quota system is totally untenable. Therefore, our cinemas will not be used to this problem.

Even if we lose money every day, we will never agree to their demands.

Hundreds of reporters attending the press conference were excited after hearing their tough words.

"Mr. Li Rongguang, can your words represent all the other cinemas?"

"Of course. Whether it is the four major cinemas in China or in foreign countries, they will advance and retreat together and will never compromise. "

"Mr. Li, do you think the cinema can afford it? The film companies don't make movies for you. They can make TV series. How do you get through this difficult period? "

Li Rongguang said: "it's better to be a broken jade than a complete one. It's a big deal. We'll find directors and actors to shoot. If we don't shoot at home, we'll go abroad. Without domestic production, we will introduce foreign films. Want us to agree to their unreasonable demands, unless the sun rises in the West. "

"Mr. Li, the major film companies think that the box office share of your cinemas is too high, which makes them dare not invest in big productions. In the long run, it will seriously hinder the development of Chinese films. What do you think of this? "

Li Rongguang said scornfully: "if we can't get it, we'll complain about our high share. It's just a joke. Hollywood can make dozens of blockbusters with an investment of more than 300 million dollars a year, and the box office share is the same as ours. Why don't they dare to invest. These people say this only as scapegoats, and then for their own benefit

"As we all know, except for the blockbuster blockbusters, the box office of a movie in its first week can basically account for more than 60% of the total box office. The original share was 57 for us and 43 for them. Now let them engage in business, and they will become fifty-five of them and forty-five of us. It's equivalent to giving them 12 percent of the box office, which is unfair to us

"Hollywood spent hundreds of billions last year to buy a part of the former Chinese theater," George said, speaking fluent Chinese. Judging from last year's profits, it will take at least 20 years for us to earn back our capital. If the box office share is reduced by 12% at once, then we will have more than 30 years to recover, not counting the astronomical interest. I'm 56 years old, and I'm probably not going to see a profit on the day I die. We are really disappointed with the environment of Chinese movies. I'm George. Ask the film companies to let us live. "

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