Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:24 AM

Chapter 95

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Su Yingxue frowned and said, "I know what you mean. Yunhai, I admire your talent. You have set foot in several industries, such as writer, songwriter, singer, actor and director, and have made great achievements. You are the most demanding entertainment company. I believe that no entertainment company will give you what you want. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles. He knows that Su Yingxue is right.

It's easy to say, but it's too difficult to do, even impossible.

even the king level characters can't really be free. They still have a lot of restrictions.

If a new person wants these things, it's just a dream.

Su Yingxue continued: "however, the matter is not absolute. In view of your talent, I can promise to give you maximum autonomy in your work arrangement on behalf of Tianhua brokerage company."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and asked, "do you really agree?"

To be honest, he was really surprised.

If the company wants to make money for his artists, they must not make money for them. How to keep it? That requires him to go out to participate in many activities, increase his exposure and receive various advertisements for him.

Artists need to rely on the company to take care of everything for him, help him promote, find him good works, and leave the company, they are like fish without water, they can't survive at all, so they can only be exploited by the company.

If Tianhua company has agreed to his conditions, it will not be able to treat him like other artists, which is absolutely disadvantageous to Tianhua.

Su Yingxue nodded slightly and said with a smile: "it seems that you can't believe it yourself. However, this autonomy requires you to use your strength to obtain, that is to say, you must at least be worthy of the training of the company. Your achievement will be a ruler of how much autonomy you get. For example, if you can make more money for the company than the company pays for you, no one will take care of you. On the contrary, if you don't make any money from the company for you, then you can't talk about your autonomy. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "this is normal. Value is everything. "

"Yes, that's what it means. Artists without value are not worth the company's training. "

"Then I want to know the terms of the contract."

"Of course." Su Yingxue took out the prepared agreement from her bag and said: "the terms of the major entertainment companies are similar, and they are divided into four grades of SABC. S file is the highest, mainly for the king of heaven star preparation; followed by a file, belongs to the first-line artists. Grade B belongs to those second and third line artists, and grade C is the lowest. With your popularity, we can make an exception and give you a contract of a grade. However, the signing time will be extended to 10 years. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he firmly said, "it's impossible. I will never sign a contract for such a long time. At most, I will only sign for three years

"Three years?" Su Yingxue shook her head and said angrily, "you are too insincere to say so."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "sister Xue, listen to me first. I don't need any resources from the company, including songs, movie characters, etc. I can complete all these things by myself. The only thing I need is the various services provided by the company for me, as well as the company's distribution and publicity channels. I can do it as long as I have the best

Su Yingxue looked at Xiao Yunhai's confident face and said, "are you so confident?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. I can make music by myself and make sure every capital is a top song. I can write scripts for films and TV plays by myself. If the company is willing to invest, I will naturally welcome it with both hands. If it does not invest, I can cooperate with other companies. I think no matter what the situation, I want a role should be no problem

Su Yingxue said with a bitter smile: "I need to go back and discuss with the company and give you a reply tomorrow. This is the first time I've seen an artist like you. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "genius is allowed to have something different."

When the business was over, the three talked and laughed, and soon left each other.

I don't know how Su Yingxue convinced Tianhua film and television media company. They actually agreed to Xiao Yunhai's harsh conditions.

Xiao Yunhai signed his name on the two agreements, which brought about legal benefits. From then on, he was a member of Tianhua media.

Su Yingxue put away one agreement and gave the other to Xiao Yunhai. With a bright smile on her face, she held out her jade hand and said, "from today on, I am your agent. I hope we can cooperate happily."

Xiao Yunhai reached out and shook Su Yingxue and said, "happy cooperation."

Su Yingxue wanted to provide him with an assistant and driver, but Xiao Yunhai refused because he was still a student and had no activities.

Xiao Yunhai told her that if he had something to do, he would call her.

The establishment of the "step by step startling" crew was very smooth. Almost all the staff were the original members of Kangxi Emperor. After seeing the script, Huang Peiqi also agreed to play in Kangxi again.Other actors are also in the search, these are not Xiao Yunhai to worry about.

Xiao Yunhai felt that it was a pity that Huang Bo couldn't come to play thirteen elder brother because of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang". This is very depressing for Huang Bo.

But there is no way, "Chu Liuxiang legend" is shooting in full swing, every day without him, such as he is not qualified to shoot two TV dramas at the same time.

Helpless, can only bear to part with pain.

"Emperor Kangxi" original team, just think about this lineup, Huang Bo sad want to hit the wall.

After waiting for another full week, all the actors of "step by step" are finally matched.

Xiao Yunhai received a call from Chen Qingqing and asked him to go to Hanhai film and Television Group for a meeting tomorrow. First, the main creators should get to know each other, and second, to prepare for the launch conference.

Su Yingxue is Xiao Yunhai's agent. Naturally, he will tell Su Yingxue.

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Su Yingxue immediately drove over after receiving the news, took Xiao Yunhai to buy several clothes, and found a professional stylist to dress up Xiao Yun.

To say that this professional is professional, such a circle down, will Xiao Yunhai's unique temperament completely revealed, let that stylist is very satisfied.

The next day, Su Yingxue found a driver for Xiao Yunhai, drove a Mercedes Benz and came to Yanjing film academy to pick up Xiao Yunhai. Originally, Xiao Yunhai refused, and the school was not far away from Hanhai film and television group, so he took a taxi. But Su Yingxue criticized Xiao Yunhai's idea severely.

Tell him, as a star, to always pay attention to his own identity and maintain his good image, such as taking a taxi and other things like price reduction can never be done in the future. Otherwise, it will not only lose face, but also the reputation of the company.

Su Yingxue said a chase on the phone. Finally Xiao Yunhai couldn't stand it. He said, "let the driver come at eight tomorrow." Then he hung up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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