Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:42 AM

Chapter 950

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The big sales of "battle of Red Cliff" and "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets" made Xiao Yunhai very happy. Naturally, he had to hold a celebration banquet.

"Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets" celebration banquet, no need to ask Xiao Yunhai, just told Kerry to be generous with the crew.

And the battle of Chibi needs him to preside over it.

"Battle of Red Cliff" has a lot of actors, and all of them are big names. Xiao Yunhai certainly can't choose one from the other. Only that night's red envelope, he threw out a hundred million.

In front of the media, he donated 200 million yuan to Yunqing student aid fund in the name of "battle of Red Cliff". In addition, Xiao Yunhai's 1.4 billion live webcasts and 300 million English records just add up to 2 billion.

In just one year, Xiao Yunhai donated 2 billion yuan to the Chinese Red Cross Society.

The news came out and caused a great shock.

"Oh, my God, the emperor of cloud is really magnificent."

"Donate two billion yuan a year, which is what a fool like the cloud emperor would do."

"Yes. But in my eyes, he is so cute

"If Huaxia can have a few more idiots like the emperor of cloud, then the poor people in China will be blessed."

"In order to support the idol, I have just donated 10000 yuan to Yunqing Scholarship Fund. It's a piece of my heart."

"I'm going to donate it tomorrow."

Led by Xiao Yunhai, his fans once again set off a donation craze. In just three days, the Red Cross received donations from all over the world, totaling more than 12 billion.

The Red Cross Society showed the list of donations directly. Good fellow, there were no 100 yuan down, and the number reached 8.3 million yuan.

Because the number of people was too large, only more than 10000 yuan were announced on the list. Therefore, the Red Cross Society held a special press conference to apologize to those who donated money but could not appear on the list.

At the same time, they reported on the achievements of Yunqing student foundation.

Since its establishment, the foundation has built 5360 primary and secondary schools in poor mountainous areas all over the country, basically achieving the goal that all children in China can go to school. A total of 342 homes for the aged have been built across the country, providing support for countless people who are living in difficulties.

In addition, in the second half of 2000, more than 25230 students from poor families were subsidized.

In more than a year, a total of 63.2 billion donations were spent.

This series of figures released by the Red Cross Society once again caused a strong shock in the society. Numerous netizens praised the good deeds of Yunqing student foundation, and the news broadcast took six minutes to broadcast the event.

Seeing the spacious and bright classrooms and elegant nursing homes, hearing the children's reading sound and the old people's laughter, the whole China is full of positive energy.

Even Xiao Chongyang in the busy work, rarely to the villa to eat a meal, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing mercilessly praised.

On March 12, "Transformers" met with children in Anhui TV station.

Due to the early stage, Xiao Yunhai carried out publicity on the Internet, television and media without any cost, and the audience rating of the first broadcast directly reached 12%. Without any suspense, Xiao Yunhai beat all the cartoons in China.

At the same time, the first batch of 500000 sets of "Transformers" toys also entered the market, won the crazy pursuit of children, and became the most popular toy at present.

In less than three days after the cartoon was broadcast, it sold 1.2 million copies of transformers, which had been unsold for months. Huaming of sunshine publishing house was delighted and ordered the printing factory to print 24 hours a day.

Now Xiao Yunling was very happy.

Xiao Yunhai promised to give her all the income of "Transformers" comic books in China. At first, she thought it was over. Only tens of thousands of copies of sales, not enough to pay her classmates.

I didn't expect that two months later, it would be so hot.

Every night, Xiao Yunling, like a small fan of money, clicks on the calculator to calculate his income.

A week later, the first profit of the cartoon hit Xiao Yunling's bank card.

Xiao Yunling checked it and found that it was 7.3 million.

Unfortunately, before she was happy for a long time, the bank card was taken away by Chen Xiuzhu.

The last month is Xiao Yunhai's lucky month.

As of March 20, Harry Potter has won 5.2 billion US dollars in the world box office, successfully trampling down Xiao Yunhai's "Jingwu hero", making it the fifth highest box office in the world.

"Battle of Chibi" has reached the end stage. It has sold 7.8 billion Chinese dollars in Asia, equivalent to 3.1 billion US dollars.

If we can get 1.5 billion US dollars box office in Europe and America, we will also be one of the top ten in the world.

Wu Zixu was very excited. On March 12, he flew to Hollywood and invited many filmmakers familiar with Chinese and European and American culture to help with post production.The audience rating of "Transformers" once reached 20%, and businessmen who went to Anhui TV station to negotiate advertising were in an endless stream.

However, more than 90% of the audience are children without income, so the advertising cost is not high, only 25000 yuan per second.

But even so, Xiao Yunhai can also earn 200 million yuan, let alone the surrounding areas.

In addition to his works, there is good news from Hollywood.

Infernal Affairs won eight Oscar nominations, including best director, best film, best foreign language film, best actor, best supporting actor, best screenwriter and best editor. What is more gratifying is that Xiao Yunhai and ye Yongren were shortlisted for best actor, while Liang Hui and Huang Qiusheng were shortlisted for best supporting actor. This is the first time in the world film industry.

In addition, "Inception" is also brilliant, won the best screenwriter, best visual effects, best action design, best foreign language film, best director and best film six awards nominations.

is as like as two peas. Jiao Fangtao's director, Xiao Cui, has achieved good results. The award is the same as the "Inception", and it also won six awards, including best screenwriter, best visual effects, best motion design, best foreign language film, best director and best picture.

When the news reached China, the whole entertainment industry was completely crazy.

"The cloud emperor is so amazing that he won 14 Academy Award nominations with two films, not to mention at home, but also unprecedented abroad."

"Cloud emperor, come on, and try to get all the 14 trophies."

"Stupid upstairs. Infernal Affairs and inception are mostly nominated the same way, how to get 14. "

"Can you put your eyes on" Xiaocui "directed by Jiao fangtao. It's no surprise that yunhuang has been shortlisted for the Oscars, and it is a happy thing that Xiaocui has won six nominations. This shows that our Chinese films have risen completely. "

"It's the first time in the history of Chinese film that my own people and my own people fight each other at the Oscars."

"Cloud emperor, come on, Jiao guide is strong."

In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai did not receive a phone call to celebrate the awards.

Seeing her husband's depressed appearance, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "when others are shortlisted for the Oscars, they are so happy that they want to tell the world. It's good of you to hold on to a bad face. It's ugly. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, I found that my realm is really higher than before. I have no interest in these so-called awards. Even Oscar can't make me excited. You say, am I sick? "

Xiao Yunhai didn't mean to get it on purpose, but what he said in his heart.

When he saw the shortlist, Xiao Yunhai did not feel the slightest joy, as if eating and drinking water as usual.

It is reasonable to say that he only won several awards last year. He should be very excited when he saw so many nominations. However, the fact is quite the opposite. I don't know why. His heart is as calm as a lake.

Zhao Wanqing understood Xiao Yunhai's mentality and said, "that's because your status and achievements in the entertainment industry are no longer something that an Oscar can recognize. An ordinary artist who gets an Oscar will not only make him famous, but also double his value and achieve the effect of fame and fortune. Now that you are at the top of the entertainment industry, even if you win all the Oscars, it won't have much impact. Therefore, it doesn't matter to you whether you can win the prize or not. Naturally, it won't make you excited. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "maybe it is."

Zhao Wanqing said, "don't worry about Oscar. In the afternoon, when you answered the phone, I also received the notice from sister mo. The day after tomorrow, the first Golden Cup International Film Festival is about to open. The jury would like to invite you to sing a song on the stage. Sister Mo asked if you would like to go

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no singing, no time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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