Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:41 AM

Chapter 951

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Recently, Xiao Yunhai has always been a dream, running both ends of the family, following the nine to five office workers.

"2012" special effects screen production is very troublesome, Xiao Yunhai's requirements are even more frightening, not to mention the four Noah's ark, let alone the special effects personnel's brains. Xiao Yunhai, Wu Hao, dozens of software engineers, special effects, props division discussed for two whole days, and finally decided.

As the first 3D film in the history of film, "2012" is destined to be recorded in the history books. It can't be too careful to make it. At least look at every detail, even if it's a quick shot.

This also led to the frightening slow progress of post production of 2012. At this rate, it is impossible to complete the project without half a year's time.

Even now is recording the music album MV, Xiao Yunhai has no tube, let alone a laoshizi performance.

Zhao Wanqing hesitated and said, "husband, is it improper for you to do so? After all, this is the first Golden Cup International Film Festival held in China. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "nothing wrong. It's time to give it up to other good singers, who need it more than I do. Wife, your due date has passed a week, how come these two little guys still don't come out? I'm in such a hurry. "

Zhao Wanqing touched her already big stomach and said, "I feel that they have been very active recently. Maybe they are worried. Maybe it's just these two days."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am very excited at the thought of seeing our children soon. Last night, I had a dream. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile:" no wonder at three o'clock in the morning, you suddenly laughed a few times. It turned out that you had a dream. "

"Do you have any?"

"I've been woken up by you. Do you think so?"

"Ha ha, it's normal to think every day and dream at night."

On March 26, the entrance to the theater of Yanjing cultural center was already full of people.

The 200 meter red carpet extends from the door to the intersection, and the isolation belts on both sides have been set up early. The organizing committee has set aside a large area for the reporters, which is still crowded by the media from all over the world.

A reporter hugged his camera and complained: "what is the organizing committee doing? Don't you know if you'll give us more space? I can't even swing the tripod. "

A middle-aged reporter nearby said: "they have left us twice as much space as in the past, but now the golden cup Festival is no longer China's own, but belongs to the world. Journalists from other countries alone account for more than 50 percent, which is certainly crowded. "

"I heard that dozens of foreign artists and directors were invited to the red carpet show. I wonder if it is true?"

"There can be a fake. One of my buddies in charge of security told me that even those second-line artists were not eligible to appear on the red carpet. How many stars should there be? "

"The golden cup organizing committee is very ambitious. They want to set it up as an award ceremony to keep pace with the Oscars."


seeing that many journalists are really unable to work, the Organizing Committee asked people to expand the isolation belt outward, which solved the urgent need of everyone.

Fans are more excited than journalists.

"Today is really exciting. We have an International Film Festival in China."

"I wonder if my idol, David Harnett, will come? He's a top performer. "

"My goddess lumina should come. I went to Hollywood to see her. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. "

"I said," can you stop worshiping foreign countries? Our domestic artists are no worse than them. "

"Yes. In terms of talent, acting skills and ability, who can compare with our family emperor Yun. I'm here to see how many trophies the emperor can get? "

Fans with fluorescent sticks, posters, billboards, cheer for their idols. While the stars have not yet arrived, a heated discussion.

Finally, the first luxury car slowly appeared in front of the public.

All the voices disappeared in an instant. Countless expectant eyes looked at the car. The cameras and cameras in the hands of reporters were all ready, waiting for the moment when the star inside got off the car.

Soon, the door was opened by a waiter in a suit and bow tie.

David Harnett, the film emperor of Hollywood's $40 million club, stepped out of the room and waved his hand with a smile. The flash lights in the reporters' hands flashed like a sea of thunder. The shutter sound of cameras and cameras kept clicking.

Fans in the distance were even more excited, shouting the name of David Harnett.

It has to be said that David Harnett is a typical European and American handsome guy. Although he is thirty-five years old, his charm is still no less than when he was young. Moreover, he has a kind of maturity and elegance, which makes many girls crazy.David Harnett obviously didn't expect that he would have such a high influence among Chinese fans. After being slightly stunned, his smile deepened.

He bent down, stretched out his arm, a white arm was put up, and then a beautiful woman in a white dress with a smile and a sexy figure appeared in front of the public.

"Wow, that's muse, a Hollywood first-line star. It's so beautiful."

"She is my goddess."

"Didn't you just say that lumina is your goddess? How can you become a muse now

"Can't I have two goddesses?"

Muse looked around for a moment, and suddenly he blew a kiss to the place where the voice was the biggest, which immediately caused the group of sex wolves to cry and howl.

Looking at the beautiful couple walking on the red carpet, a young reporter pressed the shutter wildly and said: "with their fame, it should be the back to appear? Has the red carpet rule of the golden bottle Festival changed? "

"You are stupid, of course. There is no boundary between foreign stars and domestic stars. It's also a front line. It's not appropriate for you to let foreign artists go first or domestic artists go first. It's better to be casual. "

"Yes. The most important thing for an artist is face. No one wants to be short without any reason. If the organizing committee has to work out a rule, I'm afraid the red carpet will not go away. "

With the arrival of David Harnett and muse, the temperature of the scene heated up.

The second one to get off was Hiroshi AKIDA, a famous Japanese film star, and Hua Jingyan, a Korean film queen. Their appearance once again killed countless films of journalists.

One big star after another appeared in front of us, all of them were top stars of various countries. The fans attracted from them broke out a series of mountain and tsunami, which could be heard by the whole Yanjing city.

Xiao Yunhai's appearance order was arranged to the last one, which he was not surprised. No matter his status or status, he was able to hold the stage.

What surprised him was that it was not beautiful women who accompanied him on the red carpet, but ye Yongren, who competed with him for best actor and Liang Hui and Huang Qiusheng, who were also shortlisted for best supporting actor.

That's right. In the end, the four leading stars of Infernal Affairs were the last.

In the car, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Liang, do you know that when I learned that the four of us walked the red carpet together, I almost didn't drop my eyes. The organizing committee is really good at it. "

Liang Hui said, "what? I don't like the three old men. "

Xiao Yunhai joked: "comparatively speaking, I certainly like to walk on the red carpet with beautiful women. It's boring to be with three great men. "

Liang Hui burst out laughing and said, "come on, you boy is a guy who has the heart of a thief but not the courage of a thief. After Wanqing got pregnant, you didn't even dare to touch the hands of girls outside. You paid more attention than us old guys and said that you like to go with beautiful women. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I didn't want Wanqing to misunderstand me. It's not that you don't know the virtue of media reporters. Ah, even if I pay attention to it all the time, my trivia news is not widely circulated, saying that I have any improper relationship with Piao Piao and Lin Lu. God, I'm going crazy. Fortunately, Piao Piao, Lin Lu and WAN Qing are all good friends. Otherwise, I would not be able to wash the Yellow River

A glimmer of appreciation flashed in Liang Hui's eyes, and he said: "with your status today, you just need to wave, and there will be countless beautiful women in the entertainment industry. However, you have not done so. On the contrary, you have taken the initiative to draw a line with female artists. This is really rare in the entertainment industry. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Wanqing chose me to be her husband, that is to believe me. I will certainly live up to her trust. This is a man's responsibility. Besides, you are not the same. "

Liang Hui has been acting all her life, and she has cooperated with countless female stars, but there has never been any scandal. Even if there are, they are all made up by the media. They can't stand the scrutiny.

At the age of 32, he married his agent and gave birth to two children. He usually went home to accompany his wife and children in addition to filming.

Liang Hui is a model in the circle both in acting and character. Therefore, people respect him very much. Even ye Yongren fails to do this.

Liang Hui said, "so we are the same kind of people. By the way, Wanqing is about to be born? "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "I'm worried about this. Her due date is over ten days, and there is no news. To the hospital to check, said that everything is normal. This is killing me

Liang Hui comforted him: "don't worry. Since everything is normal, it means there is no problem. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope so. I have a deep feeling that my child will be born soon. "

Outside, the screams and shouts of fans pierced the sky like a raging tide. From the first pair of stars appeared to now has not stopped, even if the voice hoarse, but also can not block their excitement to see the star. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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