Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:40 AM

Chapter 952

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Xiao Yunhai and Liang Hui's cars start slowly, and Liang Yongren and Huang Qiusheng's cars follow closely behind them.

Soon, the car stopped steadily at the intersection.

When Xiao Yunhai stood out of the car, the whole scene was silent for a moment, less than three seconds. The more crazy screams and roars were like the flood of releasing the floodgate, which hit Xiao Yunhai all over the world. The fluorescent sticks and posters in the hands of fans are shaking wildly for fear that Xiao Yunhai will not see them.

"It's the cloud emperor. The cloud emperor appears."

"Cloud emperor, I love you."

"Yunhuang, you are the best."

"Come on, Emperor Yun is invincible."

Every fan is trying his best to vent the excitement in his heart.

The flash lamp in the reporter's hand makes the night shine like the day, with almost no pause. Even the shutter sound mixed in the fans' shouts, like rock music.

"Well, is there a mistake in the back?"

"That's right. Why did two cars appear all at once?"

"What does the organizing committee do? And how can the emperor's wife not come out now? "

A series of questions flashed through the reporter's mind.

Soon, they saw a crazy scene. Liang Hui, ye Yongren and Huang Qiusheng, three of the most outstanding actors in China, opened the door and stood out at the same time.

"Damn it, don't you?"

"Four Movie Masters walking the red carpet at the same time, is this going to be crazy?"

Although the reporters were shocked beyond measure, they still did not forget their responsibilities. The cameras and cameras roared together, and the flash lights turned into flash bombs. The four people in front of them were so white that they could not see clearly.

Fans don't know how to vent their excitement. Their faces are red and they don't care about anything. They just scream at the four people.

The sound is so loud that even the stars who have entered the venue can hear it clearly.

"Who's here? The popularity is too high. " Hollywood superstar Francis said in surprise.

David Harnett, sitting next to him, said, "it's not common people who want to make such a big stir. It's a great person. I have guessed who it is? "


"It must be Mr. Xiao."

Outside, Xiao Yunhai four people with a smile, walked on the red carpet together.

They are either elegant, domineering, calm, or quiet. Although their temperament is different, their aura is extremely strong. Especially after the four people's aura is connected, it seems that they can control the emotions of thousands of fans by waving their hands.

The fans are completely crazy.

Some fans, regardless of the danger, rushed to the red carpet crying and were stopped by conscientious police.

Some fans were so excited that they seemed to cry out for lack of oxygen. They fainted directly and were rushed to the hospital.

This scene has been photographed by reporters and become precious news material.

The four men went to the signature office at the door and wrote their names.

The location host came up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Liang, Mr. Ye, Mr. Huang, can I interview you?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at each other and said, "of course."

"May I ask Mr. Xiao, which award do you think you are most sure of when you have won so many awards for Infernal Affairs and inception

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "none of them. I have studied the shortlist carefully. I found that both Chinese and foreign films are very strong. I really don't have any confidence. If you have to choose one, the best screenwriter is more likely, and the others are hard to say. "

"Mr. Xiao, you and Mr. Ye were shortlisted for the best actor at the same time. Who do you think is more likely to win? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "your question is very sharp. But I can tell you, whether it's the best actor or the best matchmaker, as long as it's the actor of Infernal Affairs, that's the victory of our entire crew. "

"Mr. Xiao's answer is the same as no answer. Mr. Ye, what do you think? "

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "director Xiao is right. I feel the same way. When I was in the car, I told Mr. Huang that the worst case was that all four of us had no part in it, and the awards were given by other actors. Then we would really cry with our heads in our arms. "

Huang Qiusheng interface way: "and the probability that this thing happens seems not small."

Liang Hui said with a smile, "you are increasing the ambition of others and destroying your own prestige. Before the war begins, you will be worried about your gains and losses. This kind of mentality is not desirable. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. I firmly believe that the final victory must belong to us. "

The reporter said, "well, I wish you all the best

After sending reporters, Xiao Yunhai and others walked into the scene together."It turned out that the four of them were there at the same time. No wonder it caused such a stir." Japan's big star Hiroshi AKIDA said.

Next to the Oscar winner Jennie said: "the four are very powerful, not worse than those Oscar winners."

AKIDA nodded and said, "their performances in Infernal Affairs are all at the Oscar level, and they are likely to achieve very good results today."

Led by a staff member, the four sat in the second row on the edge.

At the same time, all the nominees of Xiao Yunren and ye Yunhai were selected as the best actor.

Next to them are the other four candidates: Prague, a Hollywood veteran in his 60s; kozmo, a British superstar; Cui Jinshi from South Korea; and Cao Dingzhong, China.

After they took their seats, Prague held out a friendly hand, while the other three, including Cao Dingzhong, did not make any response, as if they did not exist.

Xiao Yunhai said softly, "what's wrong with Cao Dingzhong? They're all Chinese. They're all big tailed wolves. "

Kozmo and Cui Jinshi are foreigners, they don't know each other, and it's normal to ignore themselves.

But this Cao Dingzhong is a Chinese, and has won the golden cup film emperor award. Although there is no intersection between them, it is OK to say hello.

Now he deliberately makes such a move, simply does not put Xiao Yunhai and ye Yongren in the eye, Xiao Yunhai is naturally very dissatisfied.

Ye Yongren reached Xiao Yunhai's ear and said in a low voice: "Cao Dingzhong and the national master Mo Kaixuan are very good friends. They can't get along with each other. They seem to be cousins. They are famous and cautious eyes in the circle. Both of us have conflicts with Mo Kaixuan. Of course, he won't pay attention to us

Xiao Yunhai said: "I see. It's a pity that his acting skills."

Cao Dingzhong was selected as the best actor of Qin Shihuang in "Jingke stabbing Qin" directed by Mo Kaixuan. Xiao Yunhai once saw this film and admired his acting skills. He really has the strength to become a film emperor.

Unfortunately, from his attitude towards himself and ye Yongren, Xiao Yunhai saw that there seemed to be something wrong with his character.

It's no wonder that although he has the acting skills of the film emperor, he has never reached the height of Ye Yongren and Liang Hui. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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