Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:36 AM

Chapter 955

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As soon as Mo Kaixuan's voice fell, Cao Dingzhong felt his face burning. Just saying that Xiao Yunhai was popular did not mean that he would win the prize. When he turned his head, he was beaten in the face. Although his voice was not very loud, he was still uncomfortable.

At the same time, his heart is also full of resentment to Xiao Yunhai. Because of his bad temper and careful eye, Cao Dingzhong is very bad in the entertainment industry. Few directors ask him to film. Finally, when Mo Kaixuan came back, he had hoped that "Jingke stabbing Qin" would get the best actor and break out the second spring of his acting career, but Xiao Yunhai broke his wishful thinking.

How can you let Cao Dingzhong not hold a grudge.

Kozmo and Cui Jinshi clapped their hands, but the smile on their faces was very reluctant. People could see that they were trying to suppress their emotions.

Xiao Yunhai stood up with a smile and hugged Ye Yongren.

Ye Yongren said softly, "you want to return me a film emperor."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

Prague next to him also stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, congratulations on winning the golden cup movie emperor. Your performance is really wonderful, and you deserve this award. "

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "it's my pleasure to be praised by you."

Looking at the other three unresponsive would-be movie emperors, Xiao Yunhai laughed in his heart and said, "it's really not elegant."

Ivan, the great British director of Hollywood, sighed: "kozmo's temper has not changed. He is so arrogant that he always thinks that he is the best in the world and that others are inferior to him. This kind of disposition is too disadvantageous to his development in the entertainment industry. "

Kozmo is an actor brought out by Ivan. The relationship should be very good. But this kozmo is too proud. Even Ivan dares to contradict on the set, and there are only a few people who can be put in his eyes,.

Especially after one night's fame, he was more ambitious and offended many people. It's just that his acting skills are really good, and the director who asked him to film has never been interrupted, which is not excluded by the performing arts circle.

Ivan didn't see him for a long time. I thought he had changed his temper, but he was still the same.

Who is Xiao Yunhai? He is the boss of magic and dream, the shareholder of Xinhua summer cinema and North American courtyard line, and the boss of Marvel Comics company.

So many identities randomly take out one, it is very great, not to mention gathered in his body.

Most people are afraid that they can't make friends with each other. Kozmo is so good that he gives others a look and doesn't see what kind of onion he is.

If Xiao Yunhai wants to ban him in Hollywood because of this, it's just a matter of words.

"Cruz's character can't be changed in his whole life," said Alan Hebrew, who is also an Englishman. It's a pity that he has a talent for acting. "

Ivan sneered: "acting talent? Well, can he compare with Cecil, 23? Can you compare with Mr. Xiao, 25? At best, he is a poor frog in the well. "

In the applause and cheers of fans, Xiao Yunhai came to the podium and took the trophy from Mo Kaixuan, who was barely smiling.

Xiao Yunhai stood on the podium and looked at the fans. He suddenly bowed deeply and said, "thank you, my dear fans. I know, I'm nothing without you. I love you, really, very much. "

Xiao Yunhai this full of emotional words, the fans immediately burst into a pot, scream louder.

Some female fans even shed tears excitedly, shouting to Xiao Yunhai on the stage: "I love you too."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and all the voices disappeared quickly.

Seeing this situation, Matsushima Feng can't help but praise: "turning hands for clouds, covering hands for rain, Mr. Xiao's influence on fans is really too big."

David Harnett's eyes lit up and said, "you can control the emotions of thousands of fans with every move. This is what the king of heaven is capable of. "

On the stage, Xiao Yunhai continued: "thank you for your support. Some people on the Internet say that I am a businessman and capitalist who is full of copper smell. To be nice, I am a 100 billion rich man. Yes, I admit, I'm rich. I don't admit I'm full of brass. "

"From entering the entertainment industry, my requirement for myself is to do less useless publicity and perform more beautiful works. I do it all the time. Whether it was penniless at the beginning or now worth hundreds of billions, my love for movies has never changed. I can have no fame or profit, but I can't live without movies. "

"What I want to tell you is that I am a filmmaker first and then a businessman. Thanks to all the actors and staff of Infernal Affairs, the Organizing Committee of golden cup for awarding this award to me, and to all of you who have always understood me, supported me, encouraged me and loved me. You are my most precious treasure. "

Xiao Yunhai's acceptance speech caused thunderous applause throughout the audience, and the fans were even more excited and tearful. Both palms were red, but they still didn't know to stop.Xiao Yunhai bowed to the audience again, and then he returned to his seat.

Ye Yongren patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said, "that's good."

Xiao Yunhai smile, way: "this is my sincere words, just let people listen to some sour."

After the best actor was awarded, it was the next best director's turn.

In addition to Xiao Yun overseas, there are six directors who have been shortlisted for the award, namely, national master Mo Kaixuan, Jiao fangtao, Hollywood director Ivan, Harry Potter's director bickervin, Hollywood's new director Leopold, and Japanese director Takahashi Kawabata.

The lowest box office box office of seven people's films is more than 1.5 billion US dollars. Obviously, the Organizing Committee of golden cup also takes commercial elements into consideration.

The guests who came to the stage to present the award were the old film emperor Prague and the great director norvis. Both of them spoke English, which many people didn't understand.

Soon, Prague tore open the red envelope, looked at the words on it, and said with a wry smile, "noves, you'd better read it. I don't know Chinese characters."

On hearing this, they understood that the three Hollywood directors had been defeated, but there was little difference between Japanese characters and Chinese characters, so Gao qiaochuan still had hope.

Norvis took a serious look and said, "I know the last word. It's like reading sea."

Prague said: "among the directors, the one whose name is Hai seems to be Mr. Xiao. Well, just in case, let's let the photographer cast it on the big screen. If you make a mistake, we'll be a big disgrace to both of us

Anyone who can understand English can't help laughing.

The photographer put the three words on the envelope of Novis onto the big screen, which is "Xiao Yunhai".

The fans immediately cheered and cried out in unison, "the emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

Bichoven shook his head and said with a wry smile, "who else is the best director. In one year, we have produced two films with box office of more than 5 billion US dollars. Who can do this

Ivan sighed and said, "Oscar and golden cup are the best directors at the age of 25. Seeing Mr. Xiao, I feel that my life has been wasted. In front of others, the honor and applause I've won before is probably a joke. "

Mo Kaixuan, the National Teacher sitting next to him, did not hide his inner dissatisfaction at all. His face was very ugly, and he did not even clap his hands on the surface.

Although his "Jingke stabbing Qin" won seven nominations, so far, it has not even won a small prize.

At this time, there is only one best film left, and the whole award ceremony is over. Mo Kaixuan is likely to go back with a big duck egg on his back. How can he be happy.

In the past, as long as he participated in the award ceremony, whether at home or abroad, there would not be such an ugly situation. With his old face, he would be given a consolation prize.

But now Jinzun didn't give himself face at all, which really made him look shameless.

Mo Kaixuan even thought that the Organizing Committee of golden cup was deliberately humiliating him.

Gao qiaochuan, who is the same as him, came all the way to attend the Golden Cup International Film Festival, not to see others win awards. As a result, he won numerous trophies in China, but like Mo Kaixuan, he didn't get any awards and almost died of depression.

Xiao Yunhai stood up with a smile, hugged and shook hands with the artists around him. It took him two minutes to get to the podium.

Novas handed the cup to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Mr. Xiao. I'm looking forward to your 2012."

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "I believe 2012 will not let you down."

Xiao Yunhai took the cup and said with a smile: "I sat down for one night, but I didn't expect that in the final stage, I would go to the stage twice in a row to give my acceptance speech. It's really exciting to use a catchphrase on the Internet to describe life's ups and downs. "

"Thank you for your recognition. To tell you the truth, when I didn't win the prize, I still complained about you in my heart. Now I sincerely tell you that you are so handsome. Of course, if you can give me the best film later, you will be more handsome

"Ha ha ha."

The judges in the first row all laughed.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "when he came to power, Mr. norvis mentioned 2012. I'll take advantage of this opportunity to make a small advertisement. This movie is in the process of intense post production, which is much more troublesome than I thought, but from the lens made, the effect is very good. Those who have seen it with 3D glasses are shocked beyond measure. Ladies and gentlemen, the 3D era of film is coming. Directors who want to master this technology can go to my dream special effects image company. Well, that's all. Besides, I'm afraid that the organizing committee will charge me for advertising. "

"Ha ha ha."

In everyone's laughter, Xiao Yunhai returned to his seat.

Ten minutes later, the whole award ceremony ended, and the last best film was awarded to the Hollywood director Ivan's "the old man and the young man", which made Xiao Yunhai a little disappointed, but still gave him a , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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