Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:33 AM

Chapter 957

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Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Chengdong, the person in charge of the new Huaxia cinema.

"Mr. Xiao, congratulations on winning the best actor and director of golden cup."

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you. Mr. Jiang, I'm calling you to ask you to do something for me. "

Jiang Chengdong asked: "Mr. Xiao, you can say that I will try my best to finish it."

Since the establishment of Xinhua summer cinema, Xiao Yunhai has never asked Jiang Chengdong to do anything for him. Now that he finally has this opportunity, Jiang Chengdong naturally wants to perform well.

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yunhai's eyes and said, "I want you to ban Cao Dingzhong. In the future, all the films he plays will not be shown on the Xinhua summer cinema. Can you do that? "

Although Jiang Chengdong doesn't know what happened, he knows that it must be Cao Dingzhong who has offended Xiao Yunhai. Otherwise, he would not have done so with Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, I understand. I'll tell you to go on. At the same time, we should inform the other cinemas that they will give us this face. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "very good. By the way, how are the cinemas now? "

Jiang Chengdong said with a bitter smile: "it's very bad. We have not many films, many city studios are playing the same film, the attendance rate is poor. If we go on like this, we will not be able to make ends meet in three days. The other cinemas are no better. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "these film companies have really taken the weight and iron heart. What did president Yu and President Hu say? "

Jiang Chengdong said: "originally, president Yu and President Hu discussed to agree to the requirements of those film companies, but this afternoon, they suddenly received a phone call saying that it was the officials in charge of cultural industry from European, American and Asian countries who would come to China to hold talks tomorrow. This has not happened for the time being. I want to wait for the negotiation results to come out."

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, you can do it as you see fit."

When she got home, Zhao Wanqing had already fallen asleep, while Yan was watching TV in the living room.

These days are the most important moment, Zhao Wanqing can not leave people, so Yan Piaoyun has been living in the villa of the couple.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai back, Yan Piaoyun went to her room to have a rest.

Xiao Yunhai turns on his computer and opens the entertainment news website. Good guy, it's all about the Golden Cup International Film Festival.

"Top celebrities at home and abroad gather together to win the Oscars."

"Mo Kaixuan got nothing and complained that the golden cup jury was unfair."

"Infernal Affairs" won a total victory, and the best male host, best male partner and best director were successively included in the bag. "

"The emperor was beaten in the face and lost the best screenwriter award."

"Xiao Yunhai won the best actor and best director award, but was questioned by Mo Kaixuan and Cao Dingzhong."

After watching the news for a while, Xiao Yunhai found the video of Mo Kaixuan and Cao Dingzhong.

"Mr. Cao, at the award ceremony, when Mr. Xiao won the best actor, your face didn't look good. Why? Is it because you are not convinced? "

Of course, Cao Dingzhong didn't want to hide his happiness. I have read the Infernal Affairs by Mr. Xiao. Although the performance is good, it seems that there is still some distance from the standard of the film emperor. If in a few years, the acting skills will be more proficient. It's not a problem to win this award. It's a little early now. "

As soon as the reporters heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up. You crowded me, and you almost put the microphone into Cao Dingzhong's mouth.

"Mr. Xiao has been praised by countless film emperors, saying that his acting skills have reached the level of supernatural, and only Mr. Liang Hui can compete in China. What do you think? "

Cao Dingzhong held his mouth for a moment. A 25-year-old actor, no matter how talented, can not reach this level. "

"Do you think your acting is better than Mr. Xiao? Should the golden cup award for best actor be given to you? "

When reporters saw Cao Dingzhong's remarks, they would not miss this rare opportunity and asked directly.

"That's right. I think it's Mr. Cao Dingzhong who deserves the most award."

With a loud voice, Mo Kaixuan appeared in front of the reporter.

"Mo Dao, you mean that the golden cup jury has been unfair in the selection of the best actor, right?"

Mo Kaixuan said bluntly: "yes. Especially in the selection of the best actor, best director and best film, I think "Jingke stabbing Qin" should be able to occupy a place. Unfortunately, we didn't get anything. If I were the jury, I would definitely choose Mr. Cao Dingzhong, who plays the king of Qin and Ying Zheng, to win the best actor

Cao Dingzhong quickly said modestly, "don't praise me. In my heart, you are the real best director. "

Then, many reporters asked a lot of questions in succession. Mo Kaixuan and Cao Dingzhong all answered them one by one. They were very dissatisfied with Xiao Yunhai's award.After watching the video, Xiao Yunhai said with a sneer: "two people do not have a good thing, they are birds of a feather.". For the golden cup award, I dare to fart in front of the reporters. Do I really think I am a Bodhisattva in the temple and won't get angry? "

Click to open their own home page, the comments area has been numerous congratulations on their award-winning posts.

"Congratulations to Emperor yunhuang and congratulations to Emperor yunhuang, who won the golden cup award for film emperor and best director."

"The emperor deserves the prize."

"It's not fair to give the best film to me and the golden cup."

"I feel the same way. "Infernal Affairs" won't win the best film, it's a shame. "

"The emperor will not be balanced."

"Very likely. After all, it is the first international golden cup film festival. If all the awards are given to the cloud emperor, it will be gossiping. "

"Don't be angry. Do you still need these awards to set off the status and status of emperor Yun? Not at all. "

"I'm right upstairs. I like you."

In addition to these, many fans expressed their dissatisfaction with Mo Kaixuan and Cao Dingzhong.

"What is Cao Dingzhong? Can he play the first emperor of Qin compared with Chen Yongren of emperor Yun?"

"People in their forties know how to shoot off their guns. I admit that he plays the king of Qin really well, but compared with emperor Yun, there is obviously some gap, OK? When we fans are blind

"Upstairs to understand," Jing Ke stab Qin "in the award ceremony tonight, if you do not publish a sensational news, where do you let their face put."

"But they can't shoot at us. Mo Kaixuan is also known as the national teacher. It's really disappointing to have such a bearing. "

"Compared with the cloud emperor, Mo Kaixuan is old and has been resting for five years, obviously unable to keep up with the trend of the times. If you don't say anything, I'm afraid everyone will forget him. "

"Both of them have lived in vain for forty or fifty years."

"If you want to win a prize, you have to rely on your real ability. It's no use just talking nonsense there. "

Xiao Yunhai saw that everyone was holding injustice for himself on the Internet, and his anger suddenly disappeared. After reading the comments for a while, he went to the room to have a rest.

In a single room of a pub in Yanjing, Mo Kaixuan is drinking with Cao Dingzhong.

They had obviously drunk a lot and were already flushed.

Cao Dingzhong said: "Mo Dao, why do you think that the golden cup award favors Xiao Yunhai so much. I admit his acting is really good, but we are not bad. He's only a young man of twenty-five years old. He can't be ranked in terms of seniority. "

Mo Kaixuan snorted and said, "Dingzhong, do you think this award party is not greasy at all? Even the Oscars can not avoid the hidden rules, let alone the golden cup award. Xiao Yunhai's status and status in the entertainment industry is much higher than that of ordinary directors and actors, so the Organizing Committee of Jinzun naturally tends to favor him. This time I offended him, and I'm afraid he will attack us

Cao Dingzhong widened his eyes and said, "I'm afraid of his ball. Does he dare to kill us? You are a national teacher. You are famous in the world. If you give him ten courage, he will not dare. "

The voice just fell, Cao Dingzhong's agent suddenly rushed in from the outside.

Cao Dingzhong put the wine cup heavily on the table and said angrily, "Xiao Zhang, do you have any rules?"

Mo Kaixuan saw Xiao Zhang's anxious appearance and said, "Xiao Zhang, is there something important?"

Xiao Zhang nodded and said, "Mo Dao, Miss Cao, it's not good. Yunhuang, ah no, Xiao Yunhai has ordered the Xinhua summer cinema to completely ban Mr. Cao. In the future, any film made by Mr. Cao will never enter the new Huaxia cinema. The company is dying in a hurry and is discussing countermeasures. "

"What?" When Cao Dingzhong heard the news, his face was hard to see. He patted the table and said in a rage: "it's unreasonable for him to block me even though he is a young man who is still in his infancy."

Mo Kaixuan frowned tightly and asked, "Xiao Zhang, how do you know about this matter?"

Xiao Zhang said: "it was Mr. Shen who called in person. Maybe Cao's cell phone is out of power, so he called me. Mr. Shen means to let you go back to the company immediately. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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