Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:23 AM

Chapter 96

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Xiao Yunhai drove to Hanhai film and television group. Under the guidance of the staff, he came to the conference room prepared for "step by step".

Chen Qingqing told him that at 9:00 in the morning, Xiao Yunhai arrived 20 minutes ahead of time, only to find that the whole conference room was full of people, and he was the latest one to come. This makes Xiao Yunhai very embarrassed.

"Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry that I'm late and kept everyone waiting."

When Chen Qingqing saw Xiao Yunhai, he laughed, stood up and said, "it's OK. We are all early. Here, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Xiao Yunhai, the screenwriter of "startling step by step", and is also one of our investors. I think we should be familiar with it. "

Huang Peiqi, sitting next to Chen Qingqing, said with a smile, "of course, it's not strange. "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "Xiao Li Throwing Knife" have always been my favorite. Yunhai, you boy is more and more powerful now. You have become a big singer, a great writer and a great screenwriter. You also acted in the great master. Good guy, now you are directly investing in movies and TV series. It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Each generation is better than the other. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Miss Huang, you just bury me. I am now a soldier under director Chen. If you let me go east, I will never go west. If you let me beat a dog, I will never drive out a chicken. "

Huang Peiqi was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words, and his heart was also greatly appreciated.

This is Xiao Yunhai's attitude in a joking way. The potential meaning is that in the crew, I'm not a screenwriter or an investor. I'm just an actor under director Chen. I'll act as I'm told. Other things have nothing to do with me.

Chen Qingqing naturally also heard the meaning, smile more Sheng, a director with the full support of investors behind, filming, there will be no shortage of money.

There are many films and TV plays because of the budget problem, leading to the unfinished TV series, let the audience curse.

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "we all know each other. Come on, let me introduce you. This is another god of wealth, chairman Zhao Mingsheng, and WAN Qing's father. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Mingsheng. He was about 40 years old. He was a little bit fat. He was dressed in suits and leather shoes. His hair was carefully combed. Maybe it was the reason for his high position that he exuded a faint dignity.

As a junior, Xiao Yunhai took the initiative to stretch out his body and said politely, "Mr. Zhao, how are you. Nice to meet you. "

Zhao Mingsheng took Xiao Yunhai's hand and said with a smile, "I often hear Wan Qing mention you at home. She admires your talent very much."

Zhao Wanqing, next to him, turned red when he heard his father say so. He got up and said, "Dad, I can't have what you said." With that, he took a look at Xiao Yunhai, and his expression was somewhat shy.

Xiao Yunhai said: "in the future, please take care of Mr. Zhao."

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai had finished greeting Zhao Mingsheng, Chen Qingqing introduced the directors of each major department in turn, including Zhang Shutong, leader of the art group, Xiao Shan, leader of the props group, Chen Yong, etc.

Followed by a group of stars, good guys, are young people, all men are heroic, women are beautiful. If we go out, it is estimated that the return rate will reach at least 99%.

In addition to Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunhai also knows LV Mengbin, who plays eight elder brother. In the end, they both lost in the romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Xiao Yunhai seems to have seen other actors on TV, but he can't name them. Introduced by Chen Qingqing, Xiao Yunhai shook hands with them one by one.

Prince Yang Junsheng, nine elder brother Gao Wei, ten elder brother Wu xiuhai, thirteen elder brother Deng Yue, fourteenth elder brother Li long, Da Fu Jin Nie Qianqian, are almost all artists graduated from major film colleges, and they are all small celebrities in the circle.

One of the most impressive is Deng Yue, who is known as the God of drama of the younger generation. The first feeling he gives people is the strong self-confidence that comes out of his body. In four words, he is very sharp.

Deng Yue made no secret of his "hostility" to Xiao Yunhai, saying: "many teachers say that your acting skills are very strong, and they are looking forward to playing against you."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Deng Yue's words were similar to his personality. He was very aggressive. At the moment, he didn't care. He said with a smile, "if you're three people, there must be my teacher. Please give me more advice. "

Other young actors saw that Xiao Yunhai was so weak in the face of Deng Yue's challenge, so they all turned their lips slightly and looked down on him in their hearts. But Zhao Mingsheng and Chen Qingqing saw Xiao Yunhai's big mind.

Young people are generally arrogant and arrogant, but Xiao Yunhai seems to be beyond the age limit, not arrogant and impetuous, modest and calm. This kind of mentality is very rare among the younger generation.

Only from this point of view, Xiao Yunhai's future achievements must be the highest.

After Chen Qingqing introduced everyone, he took Xiao Yunhai and sat beside Zhao Mingsheng. As an investor, he was qualified to sit there.

After sitting down, Chen Qingqing asked Zhao Mingsheng and Xiao Yunhai, "two bosses, I have one thing I want to ask. When can you invest in the first phase of filming?"Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile, "it can be done now."

Xiao Yunhai also nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Chen Qingqing then put down his mind and said to everyone, "this is the amazing step by step". I am very optimistic about it. Everyone has got the script. We should be able to see the difference in this play. I am very grateful to Mr. Zhao and Yunhai for choosing me as the director of this play. I will make this play with 12 points of effort. I also hope that you can support me in future work. "

People said there was no problem.

Chen Qingqing went on to say: "I have already coordinated with the relevant units about the shooting site of the crew. However, due to the fact that there are too many crew members who need to use the venue, the time left for us to shoot is very tight, which requires us to have a very good grasp of their roles, and to remember their lines thoroughly. I hope you can come up with the best state to meet the challenge. Do you have any questions? "

"No All said with one voice.

Chen Qingqing then talked about the coordination of the various departments of the production team. Like the legend of Chu Liuxiang, he focused on the arrangement of the makeup group.

Soon, the morning passed.

After Chen Qingqing arranged for the crew, Zhao Mingsheng stood up and said, "it's already noon. Let's have lunch in our company. How about that?"

In the face of Zhao Mingsheng's invitation, we all readily agreed.

During lunch, Deng Yue came to find Xiao Yunhai with wine. After drinking three cups with him, he found that Xiao Yun's sea surface did not change its color, and then he backed away.

Xiao Yunhai gave full play to his ability to pull relations at the table. He was also young and soon became a member of the group. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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