Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:26 AM

Chapter 962

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If the new distribution system can be accepted by the Xinhua summer cinema line, which has 18000 screens, other theaters will no longer be worried.

Xiao Yuanyang, who was in the first place, said with a smile: "in fact, even if you change the box office quota, you may not make less than before."

Liang Qianqiu nodded and said, "yes. The profits you give away will make film companies dare to make more films. If the base number is large, you will have more choices, and the chances of getting big selling movies will also increase. It is definitely a good thing to create a virtuous circle. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "since Xinhua Xia cinema has agreed to the new cinema line share system, what is Ren Zong's attitude towards starlight cinema?"

Ren Jiwen said with a bitter smile: "do I have any choice? Agreed. "

Xiao Yuanyang nodded with satisfaction and looked at Wang Lu, who was sitting next to him. Before he asked, Wang Lu took the lead and said, "I agree with you."

With that, she closed her eyes, her body seemed to have no strength, and she leaned back on the back of the chair.

Liang Qianqiu clapped his hands and said, "the three cinemas are very clear about their righteousness. Chinese films will not forget you. Mr. Li, what do you say about Huafeng international cinema? "

Li Rongguang's chest heaved sharply and his face showed a struggling expression. After a long time, he squeezed out two words "agree" from his teeth.

Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

The task assigned by the first chief executive was finally successfully completed, and the pressure on his shoulder disappeared.

Liang Qianqiu said: "now that the boss has accepted it, I will ask people to post the news to the homepage of the Ministry of culture later. Another important thing to inform you is that the government has already agreed to build cinemas in China in other countries. The competition in the film industry will be even more fierce. "

As soon as Liang Qianqiu's voice dropped, Li Rongguang stood up in shock and said, "Minister Liang, we have agreed to reduce the box office share of the cinema. The loss is immeasurable. If they are allowed to build cinemas again, will not our losses be greater? "

Yu Hai couldn't help but say: "other countries each account for a quarter of the original Chinese cinema, which is already a bit aggressive. The market share has reached more than 30%. If they have covered the whole country's cinema, it will not even help to raise their flame. Minister Liang, why should the government agree with their demands? "

Liang Qianqiu sighed and said: "the government does not know the seriousness of the problem, but it has no way to refuse. Because the Yanhuang cinema line that we are building has been approved by the governments of various countries, Huaxia must also agree to the conditions they have put forward. This is an exchange. However, we only allow them to build a cinema line covering China, and no more than 12000 screens. As for the distribution, it is up to them to discuss and decide. "

Ren Jiwen shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "the opponent has another one, and this is a big trouble."

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile: "don't be pessimistic. We must believe that domestic films will win in the end. Well, that's the end of today's meeting, and you can leave. "

With that, Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang went out first.

The theater manager and the film company boss stood up and took a look at each other, which was very embarrassing.

After all, just now we are still arguing with each other, and now we have to cooperate. No one can open this mouth.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yunhai said at the first, "now that the matter is over, let's turn this page over. In the future, we need to cooperate sincerely to cope with the huge pressure brought by foreign films. Now, we are in urgent need of excellent films. Anyone who wants to cooperate with us, please contact us as soon as possible. "

Hu Yaoting said with a smile: "general manager Xiao, it's burning eyebrows. It's not fast as soon as possible. It must be immediately and immediately."

When they heard this, they all laughed and the atmosphere eased a lot.

Zhao Mingsheng said: "I have three films in my hand that I can give to you."

Chu Heng said with a smile: "our company also has a number of bridal boudoir, do not know whether Xinhua summer cinema is interested?"

Yu Haidao: "of course. I'll call and let the cinema pass. "

Chu Heng said, "no, I'll send someone to you."

Ren Jiwen said: "brother Yu, you can't take all the films by yourself. You have to leave some for Xingguang cinema. Mr. Shen, it's not a day or two for us to cooperate. Don't you have a billion blockbuster in your hand? You must give it to me. "

Shen Le took a look at Xiao Yunhai and found that his face was not dissatisfied at all, but also nodded to himself. Knowing that he did not mind, Shen Le said with a smile, "no problem."

With the interaction of these people, the other managers also have their own right, chatting.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Mingsheng's telephone almost rang at the same time.

"What? Where is it? "

"Yanjing first people's hospital? OK, I'll be right there. "Xiao Yunhai put down the phone, looking a little pleased, but also with a trace of tension, said: "Dad, I'll take you to the hospital."

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "hurry up."

Finish saying, two people then be in a hurry to run out.

Seeing their appearance, Yu Hai was puzzled and asked, "what's the matter? In such a hurry? "

Hu Yaoting thought about it, clapped her hands and said with a smile, "it should be Miss Zhao Wanqing who is going to have a baby."

Yu Hai suddenly realized that it was so

The Ministry of culture is not far away from Yanjing first hospital, less than 20 minutes, the two came to the special care delivery room.

At this time, Chen Xiuzhu and Yan Piaoyun are sitting on the row chairs outside, looking anxiously at each other from time to time.

Xiao Changfeng, with his hands on his back, walked up and down there. He had always been calm and could not hold his hand any longer.

Xiao Yunhai ran over and asked, "what's the matter?"

Chen Xiuzhu said: "it's only ten minutes since I went in. There's no news coming from it."

Zhao Mingsheng said: "no news is the best news."

Looking at the tightly closed door, Xiao Yunhai felt the fear and uneasiness in his heart for the first time. There were wives and children who were more important than their own lives. If something went wrong, Xiao Yunhai would be crazy.

After a while, a female doctor and two female nurses came outside the ward.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai standing outside the door like a wooden post, the female doctor gave a smile and said, "don't worry, Mr. Xiao. Everything is normal after the fine weather. You can see her and her two children in less than half an hour."

"Do you know me?" Xiao Yunhai said

The female doctor's age is about 30 years old. She said with a smile: "of course, I am the doctor who delivered the baby to Miss Zhao."

Xiao Yunhai looked at her chest card and said, "that's very good. Dr. Li, please take good care of her in any case. "

The female doctor said with a smile, "don't worry. Can you give way? "

Xiao Yunhai thought that he had blocked the door. He quickly flashed aside and said, "I'm sorry."

After the three entered the delivery room, Xiao Yunhai sat on the row chair, took a long breath, suppressed the anxiety in his heart, closed his eyes, and waited for the news inside.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes

with the passing of time, Xiao Yunhai's heart also kept beating.

He vowed that he had never felt that time would be so long. A minute is like a day. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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