Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:24 AM

Chapter 963

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Half an hour later, with two successive cries, Xiao Yunhai jumped up like a spring under his buttocks.

After a while, just walked in two female nurses, one holding a child, came out.

"Mr. Xiao, congratulations on the birth of a pair of twins. The boy is four Jin and eight Liang, and the girl is four Jin and two Liang. Both adults and children are safe." One of the female nurses congratulated Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the two little guys in their hands, only knew that they could not stop nodding there. They wanted to hold them and worried that they could not hold them well. The whole person stood there like a wire pole, but he was excited and almost crazy in his heart.

"I have children. Ha ha ha, I have children. I finally have a baby. "

Chen Xiuzhu saw that Xiao Yunhai didn't react at all. He couldn't see it any more. He took him to one side and scolded, "don't get in the way here."

Then he held one with Yan Piaoyun and said, "Yunhai, you are waiting for Wanqing here. We will go to the ward with our children."

A nurse said, "two ladies, please follow me. As the birth of twins, although not premature birth, weight is appropriate, but to be safe, it is best to put it in the incubator for a day to avoid problems. "

Xiao Yunhai came back to himself and took two red envelopes from Xiao Changfeng's hand and handed them to two nurses respectively. He said, "please take care of the children's affairs."

The nurse quickly stepped back two steps and declined: "Mr. Xiao, you must not send us a red envelope, which is forbidden by the hospital. Especially in our obstetrics department, it is the focus of examination. Once the hospital knows that we have received your red envelope, I'm afraid our job will be gone. "

Xiao Yunhai saw that they did not dare to take care of them. He sighed that the hospitals in the world were more formal than those in previous lives. He said, "in this case, I will not embarrass you any more. Please take good care of my two children."

"Don't worry."

The two parents left the delivery room with the nurse and put the children in the incubator.

Half an hour later, Zhao Wanqing appeared in front of Xiao Yunhai in a wheelchair.

Xiao Yunhai felt a pain in his heart. He quickly stepped forward, squatted down, touched Zhao Wanqing's pale face and said, "wife, you've worked hard. Thank you. You let me have a really complete home."

With that, he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "have you seen the child?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "boys like me, girls like you, are very, very cute."

Zhao Wanqing said: "as long as they are healthy. You should thank Dr. Li very much. If she hadn't been there to chat with me, I would have been scared to death. "

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "Doctor Li, I really don't know how to express my gratitude."

Dr. Li said with a smile, "this is what I should do. Of course, if you really want to thank me, just give me two Autographed records. I'm a big fan of yours

Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem. My ... br >

an entertainment reporter spent the whole night doing a statistics. It was found that there were more than 150 stars who gave their best wishes to Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, covering almost all the first-line stars and a small number of second and third tier stars.

From this, we can see how well the two people are in the entertainment industry.

The next morning, the gate of Yanjing first people's hospital was surrounded by hundreds of media reporters.

In order to be able to take pictures of the children, some paparazzi almost exhausted all means, and some even pretended to be patients. Unfortunately, they failed and were all expelled.

Seeing that more and more reporters gathered together had affected the normal work of the hospital, the president had no choice but to find Xiao Yunhai, hoping that he could send those reporters away.

Xiao Yunhai, of course, would not refuse. He walked out of the door of the hospital, looked at more than 100 reporters outside and said, "thank you for your concern. Wan Qing and his two children are all normal in the hospital. If there is any problem, please ask quickly. It is better not to affect the normal work of the hospital. "

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell me something about the two children?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the boy is four catties and eight Liang, and the girl is four catties and two Liang. Now they are still in the incubator, and they can come out in the afternoon. I'll take a picture and post it online. "

"It's said in the circle that after the birth of the child, you are going to have a rest for a year in order to stay at home with the child. Do you have such a thing?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I do have this plan. But it's not like doing nothing. After a while, my third Chinese album will be with you. And my "2012" will not be put down. If there is no accident, it will be shown in the cinema in the second half of the year. As for the films I invested in, there are more films, such as battle of the Red Cliff (Part 2), Lord of the rings (1) and Spider Man 2 (Spider Man 2) in the second half of the year. All of them are blockbusters and absolutely hot. "

"Mr. Xiao, how many new records do you think you can sell? Will you still donate the money you get to the Yunqing student foundation? "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there are ten songs in my record, which can be said to be my elaborate works. The quality is not inferior to the two previous albums. It's hard for me to guess how much sales there are. As for the profits from the records, I will donate all of them to the Yunqing student foundation. It can be said that I have accumulated happiness for the two newly born children. "

"Mr. Xiao, a message was released on the official website of the Ministry of culture yesterday afternoon that the box office share of the cinema and the producer has been changed from 57:43 in the first week to 45:55 in the first week. We all know that the first week box office plays a decisive role in the performance of a film. As a shareholder of Xinhua summer cinema and North American cinema, what's your opinion on this

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think this is a good thing for Chinese films. As the profit ratio of producers increases, they will be more bold to make movies. If the output goes up, the number of excellent films will also increase, and our cinema will naturally benefit a lot. Although the share has been reduced, it is likely to make more profits than it is now. Why not do something that benefits both sides , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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