Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:23 AM

Chapter 964

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Last night, Xiao Yunhai received a phone call from Yu Hai, saying that after the Ministry of culture announced the new sharing scheme, those overseas cinema lines were crazy. He called the owners of all the cinemas and asked why they agreed.

Yu Hai only said at that time that we had no film source, but your film was not shown to us, which blocked their mouths.

Xiao Yunhai can understand that the foreign cinema managers are so angry. The change of China's quota system has pushed them to the edge of the cliff.

If we do not, we will die.

The first to bear the brunt are the four cinemas in China, Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. It is estimated that they will change the quota in a short time, or they will not be handed over any films from any company.

As for their own domestic problems, they can only solve them by themselves.

It is said that the news that Huaxia has changed the box office quota system has spread all over the world. All countries, especially Hollywood film companies, are ecstatic. They seem to see the dawn of victory and strengthen their confidence.

Some Hollywood film companies even call Yu Hai directly, saying that they want to show the film to them, so as to ease the financial pressure. Yu Hai and others naturally welcome it.

If things go on like this, Xiao Yunhai estimates that it is not far away from the days when the world's major courtyard lines will compromise comprehensively.

Next, Xiao Yunhai continued to answer more than ten questions from the reporters, which satisfied them and left the hospital one after another.

Xiao Yunhai's two children were taken out of the incubator that afternoon. After a day and night's rest, Zhao Wanqing's face has been much better.

See their two small and small children, the face rippling from the heart of the smile, eyes full of maternal love.

Xiao Yunhai couldn't help kissing their delicate faces. They might have been tied up by their beards. The two children all burst into tears. Zhao Wanqing was very angry, and Chen Xiuzhu scolded him.

Zhao Wanqing stayed in the hospital for a week. After no problems, she was discharged.

The images of Xiao Yunhai's two children have been uploaded to the homepage for a long time. The number of hits in one day has reached 100 million, which is a mess.

After the child came home, Xiao Yunhai began to be a super father, cooking, washing diapers, waiting for the baby, busy all day. Once in a while, I have to go to DreamWorks to see the production of 2012.

On April 11, Xiao Yunhai held a press conference on his third Chinese album "anti war", which will officially land in major audio stores across the country from 8 a.m. the next day.

The release date of the album was postponed in mid April, so the singers found out why the album was released early.

Of course, there are also some people who are not afraid to die, such as Shinki lingko, one of the three golden flowers in the Japanese music industry, and Kim Tae Ying, a top Korean singer. All of them are arrogant. They have to meet Xiao Yunhai, and they are naturally defeated.

Xiao Yunhai's "counter war" was extremely popular. On the first day of its launch, fans who had been looking forward to it for more than a year went out one after another. They lined up a long line in the major audio-visual product stores across the country. The final sales volume was 8.63 million, which was the king in one day.

Naturally, the major media will not let go of such an achievement. All the headlines on the front page are the record breaking news of "anti war".

The netizens on the network are not idle, everywhere is about "counter war" the post.

"Eight million a day, yunhuang, can you let other singers live?"

"Yunhuang's record sales reached 8 million on the first day, double the previous record of 4.2 million."

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. Every song in "counter war" is as classic as ever, and it's not surprising that on the first day, it sold 8.63 million. "

" this achievement of emperor Yun should be unprecedented, and almost no one will come back. "

"Wrong upstairs. This record will never be the last to come, because the emperor is still young, and he will personally break the record he has created in the future. "

"Zhenmu Lingzi and Kim Tai Ying are so poor that they went on sale on April 10 and sold well for two consecutive days. Jin Taiying even broke a million. As a result, as soon as I met Xiao Yunhai, I didn't even sell 50000 of them that day, and the defeat was unbearable. "

"It's called overstepping. It was estimated that he wanted to step on the top of the cloud emperor, but he died before he got out. In two words, you deserve it. "

The comments of netizens made Jin Taiying and Zhen Mu Lingzi angry.

Because of Shijing Huizi's affair, Shinki Lingzi is angry in her heart, but she doesn't dare to complain about Xiao Yunhai in public.

Kim Tae Ying, the nephew of South Korea's leader, does not buy Xiao Yunhai and has no scruples about his words.

When publicizing her own records, it seems that she was annoyed by reporters. With fluent Chinese, Jin Tai Ying said angrily, "you have finished. If you want to interview Xiao Yunhai, please go to his home and don't ask me. Whether his album sells well or not has nothing to do with meReporters have always been the master who is not afraid of big things. Seeing that Kim Tai Ying seems to be a little impatient, they continue to ask him about Xiao Yunhai's album. It is self-evident that the purpose is to completely enrage Kim Tai Ying.

People in a rage, it is easy to say the wrong thing, when the front page headlines.

It has to be said that journalists are full of bad water.

A reporter asked, "Mr. Jin, your album was released on April 10 and sold more than 1.3 million copies for two consecutive days. Who knows that after encountering Mr. Xiao Yunhai's" counter war ", only 43000 copies were obtained. What is the reason for this

Jin Taiying's face suddenly looked ugly. It was just beating his face. He glared at each other fiercely. Without saying anything, he was ready to leave.

The reporters, who were so easy to let him go, surrounded them one after another, and the microphone was handed forward one after another, which embarrassed him one after another.

"Mr. Jin, it is said on the Internet that the quality of your album is not at the same level as that of Mr. Xiao Yunhai. It's beyond our ability to even dream of competing with Mr. Xiao Yunhai. What's your opinion on this? Have you listened to Mr. Xiao's album? What do you think of his songs? "

A reporter's three consecutive questions let Kim Tai Ying, who was preparing to get on the bus, could no longer suppress her anger and broke out completely.

"I tell you, my music is the best, but we don't know what to buy. As for Xiao Yunhai's album, it's spread all over the streets. Of course I've heard of it. My evaluation has only three words: saliva song. Can be popular, but does not have the slightest reference significance, compared with my songs, is not a level. How can you compare the elegance with the vulgarity? "

Kim Tae Ying's words, let all the reporters ecstatic, this is what they hope to get. There is no value in the news that you are good, I am good, everyone is good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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