Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:18 AM

Chapter 967

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Two days before going to Los Angeles, Xiao Yunhai's grandfather Chen Jiahong and Uncle Chen Zhan's family came to Yanjing.

Seeing the two cute children, Chen jiahongle's eyes narrowed into a slit.

The more old people are, the more they like and love their children.

Chen Jiahong said, "Changfeng, didn't your old man live with you?"

Xiao Changfeng said: "his identity is special, and the security here is not in place. When he comes to live for a few days during the Chinese new year, he needs the government's approval. It's impossible to live here for a long time. "

Chen Jiahong sighed and said, "although this bastard was once the No. 1 chief executive, he was not as free as an ordinary old man in my old age. It's really sad. If you are younger, you should accompany him more. When the two children are old, they will live every other day. I believe he will be very happy

Hearing Chen Jiahong's words, Xiao Changfeng was grateful, nodded and said, "Dad, I know. Don't worry. When the two children are older, Xiuzhu and I will take them to you often. "

Chen Jiahong said with a smile, "you have a little conscience. Yunhai, where is your Kung Fu? Have you reached the realm of legend

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No. Grandfather, I feel that it is not true to break through the void and see that God is not bad. Anyway, I haven't touched a little bit. "

Chen Jiahong said: "if you can't feel it, it may be a fake. By the way, I don't mean you. You're a great filmmaker now. Have you ever thought about making a movie about Chinese martial arts

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "grandfather, isn't Yunhai shooting a" Jingwu hero "

Chen Jiahong said: "the film focuses on actual combat, and does not highlight the distinctive features of Chinese culture."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know, grandfather. When 2012 is over, it's my next movie plan. "

Chen Jiahong nodded with satisfaction and said, "it's almost the same."

In the evening, the family sat in the restaurant and had a delicious meal. Xiao Yunhai accompanied Chen Jiahong to have a good drink.

After dinner and chatting, Chen Zhan suddenly said, "Yunhai, Anhui TV station is preparing for the third issue of" multimillionaire ". What do you think

Last year, the second issue of "multimillionaire" has been broadcast. The ratings are very good and the word-of-mouth is booming. In addition, there are two multimillionaires, which are admired by all.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai also made a lot of money, with a profit of 1.06 billion Chinese dollars.

If you add the second issue of mango TV's "run, brother" and the third issue of "voice of China", these three variety shows alone will bring Xiao Yunhai 2.8 billion yuan in income, faster than robbing banks.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, no problem. I want to know, uncle, how many installments are you going to have? "

"Until the average ratings are less than two percent," Chen said

Xiao Yunhai raised his thumb and said, "you are really cruel. If I'm an audience, I have to watch my vomit. "

Chen Zhan sighed: "no way. With the arrival of foreign TV stations, the pressure on our TV stations has increased. Before the ratings can reach more than 10%, now 5% is good. "

Speaking of this, Chen Zhan stopped, looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, you boy is so smart, can you give me another program?"

Xiao Yunhai showed a confident look and said with a smile: "uncle, if I can make you a variety show with a ratings of more than 5%, what benefits will you give me?"

Xiao Yunhai really has this plan. No one will be afraid of too much money. The three variety shows have brought him billions of income. If we talk more about it, it will be more than 10 billion.

As soon as Chen Zhan's eyes brightened, his nephew said so, which means that he has a good idea. If he can produce another program like "multimillionaire", it will be of great help to Anhui TV station.

"Can you not be so stingy? You are the top 20 hundred billion millionaires in the world. What else can I give you? At best, it's like multimillionaire. Of course, the premise is that the ratings reach 10 percent. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "forget it. As you said, it's good to have 5% of the programs that used to have 10% ratings. I'm not going to suffer. Either take five percent as the cut-off point, or I won't say it. I believe that other TV stations should be interested in my variety show

Chen Zhan pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "are you threatening me? OK, it's five percent. Come on, what kind of show? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this program was thought of when I talked to Mr. Zhao Banshan about the sketch. There are so many Comedians in China. There are also many comic forms such as sketches, cross talk, northeast Errenzhuan, etc. why don't our TV station call them up to hold a competition? "

Chen Zhan frowned and said, "at the beginning, CCTV did such a program, but the effect was not very good."Xiao Yunhai disdained to say: "uncle, you said that sketch contest I know, it is bullshit different. All day long, I know how to play the warm card. I praise the society and the country in a different way. It's too tall. The audience doesn't like it. It's normal. "

"People say that experts are in the folk, and our country is full of hidden dragons and tigers. There are many excellent Comedians in the team of Zhao Banshan, the sketch king. It's a pity that these people only perform on the folk stage, and few of them are on TV. If you get them together and have a game, I'm sure the ratings will be very good

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "what are the rules of this program? What's the name? "

The competition is divided into two parts: the final and the second round. You can ask a few comedians to sit down and comment on them and select some excellent comedians. When it comes to the second round, you can copy the form of "singer's night". Thousands of viewers will choose the team to enter the final. As for the final rules, you can think for yourself. If you have a name, it's called Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu. "

Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu is a program hosted by Feng Xiaogang, Guo Degang and Song Dandan. At the beginning of watching, Xiao Yunhai thought that although it was good, it wasn't atmospheric enough. So in the rules, made a small change, I believe it will be more wonderful.

Chen Zhan thought for a moment and then said, "Yunhai, I think you've got a lot of fun in this movie. In this way, you can write me a planning book as soon as possible. After I go back, I will study it with my colleagues in the TV station. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this program is very simple. I can finish it tonight. But let's be villains before gentlemen. If you agree, we'll do it in the form of multimillionaire. I'll pay for all the investment and charge advertising fees according to the ratings. "

Chen Zhan rolled his eyes and said, "if you have finished, I can still pit you. Well, people say that the richer they are, the more stingy they are. Indeed, they are all right. "

Xiao Yunhai pointed to the two children and said, "I can't help it. For their milk powder money, it doesn't matter if I want to be shameless."

The crowd burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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