Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:21 AM

Chapter 97

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After lunch, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Su Yingxue in the car. During the meal, Su Yingxue left early because of something.

"Yunhai, can you do me a favor?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Yingxue, look at what you said. As long as you can use me, there is no second word."

Su Yingxue hesitated for a moment and said, "do you know the super singer contest held by CCTV?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "such a vigorous competition, I certainly know."

Like previous generations, music talent shows have become popular in the entertainment industry in recent years. In order to tap potential new people and earn some extra money, major companies cooperate with TV stations to produce various programs.

In order to be able to realize their star dream, countless beautiful men and girls are crazy to participate in it, want to become famous in the program.

Among these talent shows, the "super singer contest" held by CCTV this year is the most powerful and has the highest ratings.

"Super singer competition" is a large-scale singing talent show led by CCTV and jointly organized by seven major Chinese music companies.

It is said that as soon as the program was announced, tens of thousands of people participated in the program, including handsome men and women, uncles and aunts, and even 70 or 80 year old people even went up and roared, which shows its great influence.

Once you have good grades and popularity, you can sign up for major music companies and become an official singer in the entertainment industry. Such a good opportunity naturally attracted countless talented people to attend.

Counting the time, "super singer contest" should be about to enter the finals now.

Su Yingxue said: "in the competition ahead, our record company took a fancy to two singers, male and female. They were both very strong. I signed one of them."

"It's just that the company pays close attention to the male singer Zhang Ling, equips him with top-notch music producers, and even creates songs for him. But my female singer Dong Piao Piao is nobody. In fact, I understand the meaning of the company. The next game is a 12-in-6 competition. The company chose Zhang Ling among the two, hoping to ensure Zhang Ling's promotion. I'm very unconvinced. Why? "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what does sister Su mean?"

Su Yingxue said: "I know your music production strength. The songs you made before are at the top level, so I want you to help Dong Piao write a song so that she can be promoted. It's just that time is a little tight. She's going to play the day after tomorrow

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "time is not a problem. I'll make a sample before dinner today. You'll pick me up at 7:00 p.m. and let's go to the studio to record songs. It's better if you can arrange a good band and arrange the music well

Su Yingxue said happily, "that's great. I knew that such a thing would not be difficult for a genius like you. I'll take care of the band and the studio. "

Su Yingxue puts down the phone. A young and beautiful beauty beside her looks at Su Yingxue with excited eyes and asks, "sister Xue, has senior brother Xiao Yunhai agreed?"

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "don't worry, there's no problem. He can make a sample in the afternoon. Let's pick him up in the evening and record songs in the studio. Piao Piao, you have to do a good job, let the company's snobbish guys know that even without them, we can still be promoted. "

Dong Piao nodded happily and said, "I will perform well."

After Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone, he went online to see Dong Piao Piao's singing. No wonder Su Yingxue was able to choose her. She is very beautiful. Her singing level is even more powerful. Her voice is ethereal and ethereal. Her levels are changeable. Her breath control is perfect. Her high and low tone conversion is easy and comfortable. She is really a strong singer.

Seeing her, Xiao Yunhai thinks of the Queen's concubine in her previous life, but the princess is not as beautiful as Dong piaofeo, but her voice is almost the same. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai made a decision and chose the princess's representative work "that year in a hurry".

It's too easy for Xiao Yunhai to make a sample. In less than half an hour, a new song was made.

Look at the time. It's only 4:30, so I'd like to help others to the end and send the Buddha to the West. Xiao Yunhai decides to write another song for Dong Piao, and it's half an hour before the song "those flowers" is born.

Copy two songs to the U disk, Xiao Yunhai smile, heart: "with these two songs, Dong Piao into the first six should be no problem."

At six o'clock sharp, Xiao Yunhai simply cleaned up. After eating in the school canteen, he walked around the campus alone, and then went to the school gate to wait for Su Yingxue and Su Yingxue.

Soon, he saw a BMW coming slowly.

Xiao Yunhai meets up and laughs at Su Yingxue who gets off the bus: "sister Xue, it's very early."

"Please? Earlier, of course. I didn't expect to be late. " Su Yingxue said with a smile.

"It was I who was idle and bored, so I came a little earlier." Xiao Yunhai said, looking at the gorgeous Dong Piao Piao beside him, he said, "this is Miss Dong Piao Piao. Sister Xue, you have a good eye. I watched her singing video in the afternoon, and I think she has strong singing strength and great potential. If you can have a suitable song for yourself, maybe she will be the next day. "As soon as Su Yingxue heard this, she immediately hit the snake and put on the stick. She said to Dong Piao, "Piao Piao, it's not fast. Thank you, brother Yunhai. With his words, if there is no good song in the future, go to him directly. In any case, for his musical talent, writing a song is just two or three hours. "

Dong Piao looked at Xiao Yunhai, who couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Hello, brother Xiao. I'm sorry to trouble you because of my affairs."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "nothing. We are all sister Xue's artists. It's right to help each other. "

Su Yingxue was very satisfied with Xiao Yunhai's words and said with a smile, "OK, let's go to the car and talk. Liu, go to the city of music. "

After three people got on the bus, Xiao Yunhai asked in a puzzled way: "does our company have no sound recorder? Why go to the city of music. "

When Su Yingxue heard this, she immediately covered her face with a layer of frost and said angrily, "it's not that group of bastards. I'm just going to talk about the use of bands and sound recorders. Li Guodong, Zhang Ling's agent, intercepted Hu. Hum, although we all belong to the same company, the competition between them is very fierce. Zhang Ling is valued by the company, and the natural resources in the company will incline to him. I'm really pissed off. "

Dong piaofeo said wrongly, "I'm sorry, sister Xue. I'm ashamed of you. "

Su Yingxue waved her hand and said with a smile, "you have performed very well. In terms of singing skills, even if I have a little knowledge of music, I can tell that you are much better than that mausoleum. In fact, I am the one who should apologize most. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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