Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:14 AM

Chapter 970

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At noon, Xiao Yunhai returned to the villa and found that there was no one at home. After asking about it, he knew that everyone had gone out in groups.

Just preparing to go to the restaurant for dinner, Xiao Yunhai suddenly hears the sound of the car. Soon, the housekeeper iver comes in with Dong Piao and Su Yingxue.

Xiao Yunhai welcomed them into the living room and said with a smile, "sister Xue, Piao Piao, are you too late?"

Su Yingxue said angrily, "don't mention it. There was a traffic jam on Shanghai Road and I missed the plane that night. "

Dong Piao was embarrassed and said, "I'm the one to blame for this. If I didn't see the fans so enthusiastic and sang two more songs, we wouldn't be late. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is not a bad thing. Come on, let's go to the restaurant and eat together

Su Yingxue asked, "what about the others? Didn't you say you came together

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've been out on business, and everyone has gone out for a stroll. After dinner, you can also go shopping, but you'd better take the bodyguard of the manor. "

Su Yingxue shook her head and said, "you'd better prepare a room for us. We are all sleepy. The day after tomorrow, there will be an Oscar Party. Piao Piao and I need to find a stylist in the evening. By the way, are your clothes ready? Or Haoyu dress? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it should not be. Because of the last ban, I have completely become a free body, not even a spokesperson. As for what brand of clothes to wear, just let sister Mo handle it for me. Worst of all, I'll just cover one of them. "

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "yes. With your wealth, status and popularity, no one will say anything about you even if you wear a 20 yuan piece of clothing. Even those big brands may ask you to speak for you when they see you like this. "

Xiao Yunhai said casually, "whatever. Let's go, eat first, and then we'll have enough of other things. "

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai asked the housekeeper to find a room for the two people to rest, while he drove out again.

Last night, he received a call from Kerry to discuss with him about Harry Potter's third Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban.

Because the schedule of the second Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets is very good, and it coincides with the competition between film companies and theaters, there is hardly any blockbuster, which has only won more than 5 billion US dollars at the box office. After all the points out, Xiao Yunhai and MGM made more than 1 billion yuan respectively.

Now that the second film is over, MGM will certainly not miss the third one, Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban.

Ben Kerry originally planned to come to Xiao Yunhai's villa, but there were too many people here and it was inconvenient to speak. Xiao Yunhai asked him to wait in the office of MGM headquarters in the afternoon.

Soon, Xiao Yunhai came to Kerry's office.

At the sight of his appearance, Xiao Yun Haydn was shocked.

Kerry's face was a little pale. He was much thinner than he had seen last time. His eyes were full of blood. He should have not had a good rest. He looked very depressed.

"Kerry, can you stop at night? If you go on like this, you'll be finished. " Xiao Yunhai thought Kerry could not control his lower body, joked.

Kerry saw Xiao Yunhai and reluctantly showed a smile on his face and said, "I'm really not in the mood to joke. Xiao, I have been worried for several days and can't sleep

Xiao Yunhai sat on the sofa and said, "isn't it about the cinema? What if you promise the movie companies? It's just a little less. "

Kerry said, "do you think this will make me look like this? Xiao, we're going to die for MGM. "

Xiao Yunhai smell speech a Leng, way: "you are joking?"

MGM has developed very well in recent years. It has made a lot of popular and popular films, with a market value of US $180 billion, ranking third among Hollywood film companies.

Xiao Yunhai couldn't believe his ears.

Kerry sighed, "Shaw, my father and I are in big trouble. MGM has a stake in us? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "so what? Your father, Mr. Smith, owns 56% of MGM, plus your 6% stake. Even if all the other shareholders sell their shares, it doesn't matter to you. "

Kerry shook his head and said, "if only business competition were as simple as you said. Xiao, although MGM is a big family and a big business, it looks like a fierce lion. In fact, it is strong outside but hard at the middle. In the eyes of those commercial giants, it is simply vulnerable. "

It turns out that in order to purchase the Chinese cinema, various film companies borrowed money from banks. Among them, MGM borrowed $60 billion. With the previous $70 billion, the debt has reached a terrible figure of 1300.

According to the contract, MGM will pay its debts in a week. With interest and capital, they must pay back $96 billion.

Originally, they did not take it as one thing. In the United States, there is no company that does not owe money to the bank. The general practice is to pay back the interest first and pay back the remaining principal as much as possible.What surprised Kerry this time was that he went to the president of Citibank a few days ago to go through these procedures, but the other party did not agree, instead, he asked him to pay back the arrears as soon as possible. Because they suspect MGM is no longer able to repay the loan.

Kerry just laughed at him. A while ago, I just made a billion dollars from Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, but the other party said they didn't have any money.

Kerry argued with him for a while, and finally broke up.

So Kerry went to another bank that had a relationship with MGM, and it turned out to be the same.

Now Kerry felt something was wrong.

, as like as two peas in a day, he ran eight banks without any one willing to lend them the same reason. They were worried that they could not repay their debts.

In fact, MGM really can't repay so many loans.

Kerry and his father could spend up to $30 billion, more than $60 billion less than $96 billion.

Seeing that the bank was hopeless, Kerry and his father borrowed money from friends everywhere. Unfortunately, no one or company would lend them money.

One of Kerry's very good friends secretly told him that MGM has been targeted by a Wall Street giant. Even if it is rich, no one dares to lend you money.

Later, Kerry found out that it was the Wall Street electronics giant that now controls paramount that wanted to deal with them.

The story that Smith and his son went everywhere to borrow money spread all over Hollywood. In just three days, MGM's stock dropped by 20%, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

Several other shareholders, who had long been in a nest with the Steele snake rat, made a collective attack on the board of directors, demanding that Smith reverse the situation as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will appeal to the court.

American commercial law clearly stipulates that once the market value of the company falls by more than 50%, other shareholders can apply for the election of another chairman of the board of directors in the name of protecting private property. At that time, the result will certainly be the same as paramount.

The market value of MGM has dropped from 180 billion to 120 billion under the deliberate suppression of STEL network. In a week's time, if you can't pay off the bank loan, stocks are expected to fall like a meteor shower. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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