Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:13 AM

Chapter 971

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Xiao Yunhai has been taking care of his wife and children at home recently. He knows nothing about the situation of major Hollywood companies. In addition, they have not told themselves that MGM has reached such a precarious state.

Xiao Yunhai took a cold breath and said, "stell networks has a big appetite. It just swallowed paramount, and now it starts to deal with MGM. Do they want to be the king of Hollywood?"

Kerry said: "Xiao, you have been in China all the time, and you don't know the current situation. With its strong capital reserves, STEL network has controlled more than a dozen companies except paramount, involving almost all entertainment industries, including TV stations, newspapers, advertising companies, distribution companies, animation production companies, film special effects companies, etc. Today's paramount is a giant. If they are allowed to swallow up MGM again, it will become a super large film company dominating Hollywood as soon as the cinema line is completed. Unfortunately, other film companies are short-sighted, and no one is willing to reach out to help us

Xiao Yunhai said: "so it is. Kerry, you didn't invite me here today for Harry Potter

Kerry nodded and solemnly said, "originally, we wanted to sell the shares of Huaxia film company, but you also know the current situation, the cinema line is no longer valuable, it is not enough for us to repay the loan. What's more, even if you pay back the loan, it's useless. As long as my father is removed from the position of chairman of the board of directors, MGM will not be able to escape the fate of being annexed by stern. Xiao, I know you are a man of righteousness. MGM is now at the end of its tether. Only you can help us. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "Kerry, are you kidding? The other side is stern, the real magnate in the business circle. Although I have some money, how can I win them? "

Kerry said: "Shaw, you don't seem to be exactly where you are. Do you know what Wall Street's most famous economic times said about you? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you know, I'm not very interested in business. I certainly won't pay attention to the economic times."

Kerry said with a wry smile, "Xiao, you are really a miracle. You don't know how to operate, you are not good at negotiation, and you don't even know some business knowledge. But what you have achieved is beyond the reach of most people. It's legendary to think about it. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "what's your name? I'm talking like a fool. Yes, I don't know much about business, let alone a qualified businessman, but I am very familiar with the entertainment industry. I know what makes money and what people in the future need. In addition, I know how to delegate authority, know people well, and be generous to employees. As long as there are no major problems, the company will naturally develop well. The most important thing for leaders is not how much knowledge they have, but to have foresight, broad mind and firm belief, so that they can point out a correct direction for us to move forward. The rest is bullshit. Do you understand that? "

Kerry sighed, "maybe you're right because you've made it. The economic times has a separate page for you, detailing the future potential of your industries. "

"They said that magic and dream will become the strongest special effects company in the world. Xinhua cinema, North American courtyard line and Jiujiu music network can bring you endless funds. As long as the four departments of Marvel cartoon company are revitalized, they will surely shock the United States of America. What's worse is that Yunyi shopping network. As long as the operation is not wrong, Huaxia will not take long There is a possibility of a super giant like stern. "

"You are worth more than 300 billion US dollars, but you only owe the bank 30 billion dollars. In such an economic model, I don't know how many business tycoons call you a fool. However, because of this, the whole world knows that you have sufficient liquidity, so as long as you become a shareholder of MGM, stell will certainly retreat. "

Indeed, although Xiao Yunhai has always been extravagant in spending money, and he dares to spend $56 billion projects without even thinking about it, he can't help making money quickly.

Zhao Wanqing once told him that his industries brought him $12 billion in revenue last month, which was faster than robbing banks, not to mention magic effects and North American cinemas.

If he becomes MGM's new shareholder, then MGM's problems will be solved.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "MGM film company is very good. Would you like to sell me shares?"

Kerry shook his head and said, "it's not selling shares, of course. It's about financing."

Xiao Yunhai said: "financing? How much would you like me to melt? How many shares can you give me? You just told me that the market value of MGM is not very high now? And I'm your Savior, shouldn't it be cheaper? "

Kerry pursed his lips, rubbed his face hard, and said, "if I hear someone say you can't negotiate again, I'll slap him hard."

After thinking about it, Kerry said, "30 billion dollars, 20 percent of the shares."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "that's no good. I seem to have lost a lot."

Kerry helplessly said: "Xiao, you should say that you have made a lot of money, OK? You don't even have any business sense. If you don't believe it, you can call Wanqing and I'm sure she will agree. However, I have two conditions, that is, without prejudice to your interests, you must support our father and son in the board of directors. What's more, he lent us $50 billion to repay the loan. In three years, I'll pay you back with interest. "Xiao Yunhai quickly made a stop sign and said, "wait a minute. This involves 80 billion dollars. I need to go back and think about it. "

Kerry nodded and said, "I hope you can make a quick decision."

Xiao yunha said with a smile: "don't worry, I'll give you the answer the day after tomorrow at the latest. By the way, I don't mean that your father and son are a little too poor. After working in Hollywood for so many years, I can only spend more than 30 billion dollars. "

Kerry, with a sad face, said, "in a Chinese word, you are a man who is full of food, but you do not know how hungry a man is. You think we can make billions by making a movie like you. I'll give you an account. Last year, among the eight major Hollywood film companies, Disney made the highest profit, but the profit was only $6.2 billion. More than 60% of the films lost money. MGM is even more pitiful. It only made 4.3 billion US dollars in profits, which requires several shareholders to share together. If we don't have the cinema, we don't even have money to make movies. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't think Kerry was poor. He knew that the film company didn't make much money. MGM has been able to earn 4.3 billion U.S. dollars from films alone, which is much better than that of Chinese film companies.

Take Zhao Mingsheng's Hanhai entertainment company as an example. Last year's films and TV series were fairly good. At the end of the year, they only made 3.4 billion Chinese dollars, less than a quarter of MGM's. This revenue has already ranked the third among major Chinese film companies.

It can be seen that there is a big gap between Chinese movies and Hollywood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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