Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:10 AM

Chapter 973

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After Zhao Wanqing's advice, Xiao Yunhai already knew what to do.

After talking with Zhao Wanqing, he called man Wenbin.

"Hello, Yunhai, aren't you in Hollywood for the Oscars?"

It was Yu Yuexian who answered the phone.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes, I'm in Los Angeles, and the day after tomorrow will be the award ceremony. Sister Yu, I don't mean that your tutor is too strict. You are in charge of Wenbin's cell phone. Hurry up, I have something to ask him to help, you quickly let him answer the phone

Yu Yuexian said: "he just went to the bathroom and will come out soon. What's more, you are a world-class millionaire. What can I do for you

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Yu, this is a trade secret, I can't tell you."

Yu Yuexian said, "what trade secrets? I don't want to know yet. Wenbin, Yunhai has called you. Come out quickly. "

After a while, man Wenbin's voice came over.

"Cloud sea, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother Wenbin, you have worked on Wall Street for so many years. Should you know a lot of business teams?"

Man Wenbin said with a smile: "this is it. You really should have found a team to take care of your finances for a long time. It's not that I said you, with a value of more than 300 billion US dollars and more than 10 billion working capital every month, you put all of them in the bank for interest. It's just you in the world who can do such stupid things. "

Xiao Yunhai, please introduce me. My requirements are not high, loyal, professional, strict mouth, no bad record

Man Wenbin said with a smile: "these requirements are not high. To tell you the truth, you are really looking for the right person for this matter. I've worked on Wall Street for so many years, but I know a lot of great economic advisers. There is a British economist named Isabel Kristi. She is second to none on Wall Street in terms of ability and professional integrity. She has been a consultant to many big company bosses. However, when she got older and didn't want to work too hard, she resigned all her posts. I just don't know whether she is out of the mountain now? There is also a Frenchman, millermott, who is also very good. His team used to spend one billion dollars to get eight billion dollars in half a year, which is amazing. They're both the best, I think. A minimum salary of 30 million dollars a year, plus a 5% profit share. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "can I invite them all here?"

Man Wenbin quickly stopped: "you must not do this. It is the rule of the economic world that every business team will not serve one customer together with another. I think you can start with Ms. Isabel Kristi, who is conservative and has never made a mistake. But millersmoot is a little radical. Although his report card is more dazzling, he has failed twice

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you, brother bin. I understand. I'll go to her tomorrow. "

They talked for a while, and then hung up.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to Kerry's office again.

"Kerry, I'm sorry, I'm not going to finance MGM."

A ray of despair flashed in Kerry's eyes and said, "Xiao, don't you even think about MGM? It seems that we are really finished. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "things are not out of control. Now there are no more than two problems bothering you, one is the capital problem, the other is the stock price problem. We can...

Xiao Yunhai said Zhao Wanqing again.

After listening, Kerry stood up excitedly and said excitedly, "Xiao, you are really my good brother."

In recent days, Kerry has been used to the world.

When you are beautiful, everyone will compliment you and call you brother.

But when you're unlucky, these people can't see them, they don't answer the phone.

Only Xiao Yunhai, who has not met several times a year, has stepped forward in his most difficult time. Although he has not invested in MGM, he has brought hope to himself.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Kerry, do you know? Yesterday afternoon, as soon as I got out of you, I got a call from Hanks, Paramount's CEO. "

"What did he say?" Kerry asked with a solemn face

Xiao Yunhai said without any care: "what else can I say. That means I'm not going to help you, or I'll be against Steele

Cleton's teeth clenched with rage and said, "this son of a bitch is threatening you. What did you say, Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I told him that Lao Tzu was never threatened by others. He would come in light or dark, and then hang up his phone."

Kerry laughed and said, "now I think Hanks is very angry with you. Hum, this guy is too arrogant. Even if President stern sees you, he can't talk to you like that. He's something that dares to threaten you. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, don't put a high hat on me. Well, that's it. When the press conference will be held, you will inform me in advance. "Kerry said, "how about this afternoon?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "it's so urgent. Well, I'll see you in the afternoon

Kerry a smile will Xiao Yunhai to the car, back to feel relaxed.

"Dad, I want to tell you good news. Everything has been settled... Yes, Xiao promised to guarantee for us, but he needs to go to Huaxia. In addition, we are going to hold a press conference in the afternoon... "

soon, MGM film company sent invitation letters to the major media, inviting them to attend the MGM press conference at 4:00 p.m., which will announce a shocking event in Hollywood.

When the news reached the outside, everyone was speculating whether MGM had been acquired by stell, so it was necessary to hold this conference.

Many reporters even came to the MGM office building ahead of time to see who was going in and out of MGM, and then infer the truth of the matter. Unfortunately, they did not find anything different.

Xiao Yunhai did not care about these, from Kerry's office, he returned to the villa.

Today is the day before the Oscar ceremony, Xiao Yunhai's villa ushered in a number of entertainment beauty.

They were all red carpet female companions of Huang Qiusheng, ye Yongren and Liang Hui. They were all beautiful as flowers. Xiao Yunhai swept around, but they didn't know any of them.

In the public introduction, Xiao Yunhai only knew their names.

Ye Yongren's partner is Wang nianling, a new singer from Tianlai record company. She is young, graceful and pure in temperament.

Wu mengshuang, a 22-3-year-old girl who accompanied Huang Qiusheng on the red carpet, is 1.7 meters tall and has a melon seed face. Her skin is white and delicate. She looks very quiet.

Liang Hui's female companion is an actress named Zhang Baiman arranged by his contract company. She has been in the circle for more than a year and has made two tepid idol dramas. She has successfully entered the ranks of second tier Chinese stars.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai pays most attention to her is not because of anything else, but because Zhang Baiman's figure is too hot. His thin waist and fat buttocks, and the surging waves in front of his chest hold up his clothes. Roughly speaking, it is at least 34d, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows are full of endless amorous feelings. When everyone sees her, it is estimated that there will be a word "goblin" in their hearts.

The three men's fame in China is not too big, it is estimated that this is to gild. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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