Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:09 AM

Chapter 974

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Seeing Xiao Yunhai, the three people did not dare to neglect him. They bowed to him.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai nodded to them and said, "hello."

Zhang Baiman's eyebrows and eyes are full of spring, and his watery eyes look at Xiao Yunhai. He says in a coquettish voice, "Mr. Xiao, I'm really troubling you this time."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I have many rooms here. You can rest assured. Do you all have red carpet clothes? "

Everyone nodded,

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that I am the only one left."

"Don't worry, your clothes are finished." Moyna walked in and said with a smile, "I just came from the head of Louis Vuitton. Hearing that you haven't taken the red carpet clothes, Louis Vuitton agreed to give you three clothes that he has not released. Tomorrow morning, they will be there. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good."

"Mr. Xiao, you are really amazing," said Zhang Baiman, a man beside him. There are few Louis Vuitton in the world who can send you clothes in a hurry. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at her deeply and laughed, but he didn't say anything.

Liang Hui is a little embarrassed, this Zhang Baiman is too incompetent. So many famous directors and Movie Masters are here, which round she talks there.

Other people are also old guys in the industry and have never seen anything.

Xiaoman didn't know what she was trying to do.

It's a pity that her efforts have been wasted.

Who is Xiao Yunhai? That's a famous superstar and a millionaire in the world. What kind of woman can't get. Even if there is no Zhao Wanqing, it is estimated that he will never see Zhang Baiman such a charming little star.

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, everyone, let's have dinner."

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai asked the housekeeper to arrange the room with three new female stars.

After the three left, Xiao Yunhai joked: "the three teachers are not shallow."

Ye Yongren said with a bitter smile: "no way, people in the river and lake, can't help it."

Huang Qiusheng said: "I think Wang nianling and Wu mengshuang are OK, but Zhang Baiman seems to have some careful thinking."

Liang Hui said: "I hope she doesn't make trouble on the red carpet of Oscar, otherwise, my face really has no place to put."

Ye Yongren said with a smile, "Lao Liang, did you choose Zhang Baiman?"

Liang Hui shook his head and said, "it's an old friend of my brokerage company. Please let me show Zhang Baiman to the world. It's not easy for me to give up, so I agreed. Who knows... Ah. "

That's what entertainment is like. Even if you are the movie king, some human feelings can not be shirked.

Ye Yongren said: "don't worry, this is the Oscar ceremony after all, it will be broadcast live all over the world. Even if Zhang Baiman is brave again, he should pay attention to his propriety. Yunhai, are you busy this afternoon? Do you want to go out and hang out together

Xiao Yunhai sighed, "I really don't have time. In the afternoon, MGM has a press conference and I need to go there. "

"MGM?" Liang Hui frowned and said, "Yunhai, I heard that MGM film company has been in big trouble recently. In a short period of half a month, the market value of MGM has dropped by more than 30%. The bank is also asking it to repay the loan as soon as possible. It seems that there is a company behind it to deal with it."

Ye Yongren nodded and said, "I heard a friend in Hollywood say this yesterday. Yunhai, don't set yourself on fire. Since they dare to kill the famous MGM, their strength must be much stronger than MGM. "

After all, they are two top Chinese stars who have been nominated for Best Actor Oscar. They have a circle of friends all over the world and are still well-informed even if they don't come often.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "MGM's Kerry Smith is my very good friend. I can't watch them swallowed. It's too ungrateful."

"Do you know which Big Mac is going to annex MGM?" Huang asked

Xiao Yunhai said, "paramount."

Ye Yongren was surprised and said, "ster?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, it is. When I came back from MGM yesterday, paramount CEO Hanks called me and threatened me not to get involved in this matter, or else stern would deal with me. Shit, it almost blew me up. After choking him back, I hung up

Ye Yongren frowned and said, "Yunhai, stell is one of the strongest companies in the world. If you offend it, you must be careful in the future."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Stern is really a bull, but I have no business conflict with it. Even if it wants to find me trouble, it has no place to talk. What's more, Hanks is just a high-level of stern network company, and his position is not too high. He has no right to launch Stern's power against me. Mr. Ye doesn't have to worry too much. "

Liang sighed: "Yunhai, you are really a cow now. Even a giant enterprise like stern, you dare not pay attention to it. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have a way back. I can't spend the money I'm making now in my life, and I'm not afraid to take all my companies down. Well, it's almost time. I'm going to paramount. I'll see you in the evening

Looking at the car slowly leaving the window, ye Yongren sighed: "three years ago, he was just a young boy, but three years later, he became the king of the world. All the companies under his banner are not good at it. Now, he is not afraid of steer. Thinking about the story of Yunhai, it is a legend."

Huang Qiusheng said: "when I was filming the great master, I was very optimistic about him, but anyway, I didn't expect that he would come to this point in a few short years. Lao Liang, Zhang Baiman, you'd better warn her. Although the sea of clouds usually likes to make fun of, it's not fun to start a fire. Hum, Zhang Baiman doesn't look at her. How could Yunhai like her? "

Liang Hui nodded and said, "I understand."

At 4 p.m., MGM's press conference was held on time in a five-star hotel, attracting hundreds of media reporters.

Recently, MGM is really famous. In half a month, its share price has plummeted by 30%, and the bank still owes more than 90 billion yuan. If it does not have the means to turn things around, it will really be doomed.

"What do you think MGM is doing to hold this conference?"

"Who knows. Isn't it a takeover? "

"Absolutely not. Because the back of the invitation was sent in the name of MGM boss Smith. If someone changes, how can Smith hold this meeting? "

"You are still careful. Can it be said that it has come out of its predicament? "

"No way. I heard on the grapevine that it was STEL networks that took action against MGM. America as a whole, who dares to fight against it

"Stern is so rich. We have just acquired paramount and more than a dozen well-known companies. At the same time, we are still busy building cinemas. We didn't expect that we could spare our hands to annex MGM. My God, how much does it cost? "

Come on, Mr. Smith. He seems to look much better than the two days before. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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