Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:07 AM

Chapter 975

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Kerry was obviously dressed up carefully, dressed in a casual suit, his black shoes were spotlessly polished, and his face was wearing a brilliant smile. His mental state was a world-wide difference from before.

Sitting on the rostrum, Kerry looked around for a week and said in a high spirited manner: "today, please come here to announce two things. One is that MGM has the ability to repay Citibank's debts of US $93.8 billion and cancel all business transactions with Citibank. We are really hurt by the way they fall into the well. Secondly, we will carry out all-round cooperation with Mr. Xiao Yunhai's magic special effects company, fantasy special effects company and Marvel Comics company. Today, we will sign a cooperation agreement for the next three Harry Potter films... "

" boom. "

When Kerry talked about Xiao Yunhai, all the reporters couldn't help talking.

"I've heard that Kerry and Kung Fu Xiao are very good friends. Now it seems that they are."

"Kung Fu Xiao really speaks of righteousness, for the sake of friends, he does not hesitate to offend STEL network company."

"MGM's luck is so good that with Kung Fu Xiao's support, all the problems will disappear."

"I don't know. As everyone in Hollywood knows, Kung Fu Xiao is the richest person with working capital. "

The reporters spoke so loud that even Kerry could hear it clearly on stage.

Feeling almost, Kerry said in a loud voice: "fellow journalists, Mr. Xiao also came to our scene today. Please extend your hands and let's welcome Mr. Xiao with the warmest applause. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai coming, all the reporters clapped their hands to face.

Xiao Yunhai stepped onto the rostrum with a smile. First he bowed to the reporters under the stage, and then hugged Kerry. Then he sat in his own position.

Kerry said with a smile, "OK, what questions can I ask you?"

A reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Smith, do you think MGM has the ability to pay off its $90 billion loan. Did Mr. Xiao lend it to you?"

Kerry nodded and said, "yes. Everyone knows that Mr. Xiao is the richest billionaire in the world, and almost all the banks want to lend him loans. It's a pity that none of them did. In order to help us MGM, Mr. Xiao made an exceptional decision to borrow money from the bank. "

"Mr. Xiao, why do you want to help MGM? Are you not afraid that they will not be able to pay you back? "

"The reason why I helped MGM was that Kerry was my best friend in Hollywood," Xiao said with a smile. The most important thing for American people is law and contract, while the most important thing for us in China is human relationship. When I first came to Hollywood, Kerry did almost everything for me. Now that MGM is in trouble, I will not stand by. As for the issue of repayment, ha ha, the development of MGM in recent years is obvious to all, and I have great confidence in it. "

"Mr. Xiao, if MGM's shares have fallen by a third in half a month, are you not afraid of losing money?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "this is only temporary. Can you bet me that in the next half a month, MGM's stock will return to its original level and even exceed the previous 36 dollars. "

"In fact, we all know that the reason why MGM's share price plummeted is not because of their internal problems, but because someone is deliberately targeting them. I would like to advise here that MGM is not someone who wants to move

Mr. Smith, what kind of cooperation will you have with MGM

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't know. To be honest, I'm not very interested in business. I always give professional things to professional people. I am only responsible for controlling the general direction. However, I firmly believe that my cooperation with MGM will be a win-win situation. "

"Mr. Xiao, you are also a world-famous film investor. Why do you want to shoot Harry Potter with MGM? As we all know, this is a great treasure. As long as the director is reliable, it is certain to make money. "

Kerry next to him said, "I'll answer this question. There is a saying in China called "speaking like a mountain", which is used to describe a person's commitment. When we were working together on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, Mr. Xiao once promised me that as long as we MGM made a good movie, he would be willing to give us some other Harry Potter movies. For this promise, Mr. Xiao would rather lose billions than violate his own words. I believe more in his promises than in those contracts. In my heart, he is my most trustworthy good friend and brother. "

When the reporters on the stage heard it, they were all in an uproar.

"I didn't expect it to be true."

"A verbal commitment is worth billions of dollars. How can I feel like it's out of the blue."

"What is a promise, I understand today."

"Although I think Kung Fu Xiao is a bit silly, I admire him in my heart."After a while, a reporter got up and said, "Mr. Xiao, I deeply admire your character. I heard that you said in China that your recently shot world's first 3D film "2012" will not only be the first in the box office list, but also break through the $15 billion mark. I wonder if there is such a thing? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "your news is very smart. Yes, my goal is $15 billion. "

"How could it be that we were amused?"

"When I heard this news, I thought it was the media that was making a fuss, but I didn't expect it was true."

"The box office of a movie is more than 15 billion dollars. What an international joke."

"I don't believe it unless there's a miracle."

The reporters were shocked again by Xiao Yunhai.

When Xiao Yunhai saw the reporters whispering there, he cleared his throat and said, "ladies and gentlemen, today is the press conference held by MGM film company. We will talk about other matters later. Any questions? "

"Mr. Xiao, do you know that it's STEL networks that is dealing with MGM recently? If you help MGM so much, it is tantamount to destroying the acquisition plan of stell. Are you not worried at all? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's normal to win or lose in the market competition. Whether it's stell networks or any other giant, I'm not going to be bothered by this little thing. Of course, if they really want to do something to me, I can't wait to die. The worst case is that I move magic and marvel comics to China, and then sell the North American cinema. It's no big deal. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, all the reporters were speechless.

Next, Xiao Yunhai answered more than ten questions, and the whole conference was over.

"Xiao, when do you have time? My father wants to invite you to our house

When he went downstairs, Kerry asked Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "Kerry, I'm sorry, I really don't have time. I have an appointment with a very important person this evening. Tomorrow evening is the academy award ceremony. I will go back to China the morning after tomorrow, and you should also bring relevant materials with you. Because the loan business can't be delayed. "

Kerry nodded and said, "OK. I'll invite you again when I have a chance. I heard that you have become a father of two children. Congratulations. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "should you hurry to find one?"

Kerry shook his head and said, "I don't want to give up the whole forest for one tree."

Xiao Yunhai gave him a look and said, "you are not really mature now, little friend."

Kerry said, "don't come. In terms of age, you are several years younger than me. I tell you, tomorrow's Oscar ceremony, you have to be fully prepared. According to the grapevine, paramount did a lot of work to make his name known. Now you have greatly offended them for helping us at MGM. It is estimated that you will not win any awards. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned, stopped and asked, "is Oscar so easy to be manipulated? So why did I win several awards last year? "

Kerry said with a smile: "in America, the dollar is a hard currency. You can buy anything. As for the Oscars last year, it is entirely because your works were sent by MGM, which gives you a fair environment. But this year, our MGM brand is not working, and you are not willing to move around. I'm afraid the result is not optimistic. "

Xiao Yunhai said in a deep voice: "if I don't get any awards tomorrow, I won't attend the Oscars again. "

Kerry solemnly said," you can not participate, but you can never say it in front of the media. Otherwise, if you offend the Oscar organizing committee, you will be greatly hindered if you want to show films in the United States in the future. Do you understand? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "I understand, but it's another matter whether I can resist it or not."

Kerry patted his forehead and said, "I didn't say that." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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