Published at 11th of May 2022 05:44:04 AM

Chapter 978

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Xiao Yunhai has to admit that Kristi's judgment is extremely accurate, and these industries have been very popular in previous lives. In particular, China's real estate, is 10 times, 20 times the upward growth. Of course, today's China should not have this problem, but the general situation should be consistent.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Ms. Kristi, what do I need to do?"

Christie said: "with the ability of our business team, as long as we do not encounter special events such as economic crisis, I can guarantee that your wealth will increase at least 40%. Maybe this kind of ability and level in all teams is very general, even too conservative, but we win in stability. Over the past 20 years, from 100 million dollars to tens of billions of dollars, my team and I have never made mistakes. It depends on how much money Mr. Xiao can give us to manage. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the main reason why I choose your team is to be conservative. Because I don't like to take risks, which may give me more benefits, but it also risks making me poor overnight. Ms. Kristi, I can give you 10 billion dollars to set up an investment company. In addition to helping me to check the financial problems of major companies every month, the most important thing you do is to find enterprises with potential profits. "

Christie nodded and said, "I understand. Mr. Xiao, we charge 30 million US dollars a year plus 5% of the profit. Do you agree? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. However, we can add another one. Your conservative profit is 40%. We take this as the boundary and make statistics at the end of each year. I'll pay your team 10 million dollars more for every one percent of the profit. "

Christie said with a smile, "do you want us to work for you?"

According to Xiao Yunhai, on the basis of 14 billion US dollars, for every 100 million dollars added, Kristi's team will have 10 million of them. For a business team, it is absolutely too high to be treated any more.

At least Christie had never met such a generous customer in her life.

Xiao Yunhai said: "however, I want to remind you that you can't take risks to invest in companies with great risks in order to make more money."

Christie laughed, "of course. We are the most professional team on Wall Street, we can't break our own signboard. Mr. Xiao, when shall we sign the contract? "

Xiao Yunhai said:" anytime. "

Kristi said: "tomorrow is the Oscars. I don't think you have much time. How about the morning after tomorrow? After signing the contract, we will start working immediately. You may not know that we have been resting at home since the economic crisis. During this period, we have collected a lot of business information. Mr. Xiao, I'll show you what we're looking forward to. "

Xiao Yunhai picked up his coffee, touched Kristi and said with a smile, "I wish our investment company the best in the world."

"Certainly," Kristi said confidently

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai watched Kristi's car slowly leave, and then he was ready to go home.

Now it's more than eight o'clock. Xiao Yunhai hasn't eaten yet.

Opening the car door, Xiao Yunhai was about to get in, and suddenly there was a voice of surprise behind him.

"Mr. Xiao, can I go back with your car?"

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and found that Zhang Baiman was smiling like a flower and standing there vividly.

The temperature in April in Los Angeles is above ten degrees. Although it is not cold, it is not warm. However, Zhang Baiman wore a light red deep V dress. Her huge chest seemed to burst out of her clothes. Her eyes were affectionate and her watery eyes were constantly discharging to Xiao Yunhai. Her thin lips seemed to be full of endless temptation.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunhai's determination is extraordinary, and his wife is far more beautiful than her, which does not make a fool of himself.

"Why is Miss Zhang here?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

Zhang Baiman's eyes flowed and she said with a smile: "I'm here to see the Golden Avenue of the Oscars and feel the atmosphere of the Oscars in advance, so as not to make a fool of myself at the red carpet show tomorrow night."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I see. Have you finished your tour? "

Zhang Baiman said: "after the tour, I'm ready to take a taxi back. It happened that my agent found out that you were giving a middle-aged lady a ride. Do you have anything else to do, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai has finished all the things. Now that we meet, let's go together. "


Zhang Baiman was happy to take two steps forward. Suddenly, he staggered and rushed forward. According to this situation, if there is no one to help, it is estimated to be a scene of dog eating shit.

However, with Xiao Yunhai, a top expert, this situation will not happen.

Xiao Yunhai's speed is as fast as lightning, like a gust of wind, and soon to come to a close contact with the ground Zhang Baiman to pull up.Zhang Baiman fell into Xiao Yunhai's arms with a look of enjoyment on his face. After a while, he patted his towering chest and said: "I'm really scared to death. Thank you, Mr. Xiao. But for you, I'm afraid I would have lost my face this time. "

Xiao Yunhai stepped back two steps and said with a smile, "you are OK. Come on, let's get in the car

The manager looked at the car in the distance, then quickly recovered his disappointment.

After the car started, a young man with a obscene face appeared on the opposite side of the road. Looking at the high-definition camera in his hand, he said triumphantly, "this has made a lot of money. The emperor Yun, who has always been clean and self-conscious, hugged a woman in the street. For such a great credit, he must be rewarded by the chief editor. Plus Zhang Baiman's benefit fee, 10000 yuan is absolutely no problem. It's a very rewarding trip. "

The young man quickly returned to the hotel, put the photos on the computer, and selected some of Xiao Yunhai's holding Zhang Baiman and sent them to the newspaper office.

Yanjing, home of Xiao Yunhai.

Zhao Wanqing, who had just finished breakfast, was teasing her two children when her mobile phone rang. When you open it, it's Yu Yuexian's number.

"Sister Yu, long time no see." Zhao Wanqing pressed the listen button and said with a smile.

Yu Yuexian's voice was a little quick and said, "Wanqing, something happened to the sea of clouds. Now there are pictures of Zhang Yunhai and an artist named Zhang Baiman cuddling together on the whole network. The front page headlines of major media are all about this matter, and the forum is going crazy. There are those who scold Zhang Baiman for being a fox spirit, others who scold Yunhai for being sorry for you, and some believe that Yunhai will not do such a thing. Anyway, it is very chaotic. You go online and have a look. "

Zhao Wanqing showed a slight frown and said, "I believe my husband will not look for other women behind my back."

Yu Yuexian said: "I also believe that Yunhai is not that kind of person. But the picture is very clear, not PS out. I asked someone to check Zhang Baiman and found that she was a person who did everything for the sake of being superior. She had a very poor reputation in the circle and was even called a bus. I suspect that she is using the fame of the sea of clouds to improve her own popularity

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I see. Sister Yu, thank you for telling me the news. I'll call Yunhai right away and see what he says

Yu Yuexian said: "OK, now it's 11:00 p.m. in Los Angeles, and the sea of clouds should not have gone to sleep."

Hang up the phone, Zhao Wanqing looked at the two children, took out the laptop in the bedroom.

Open the web page, Xiao Yunhai holding a photo of Baiman will appear in her eyes.

Although Zhao Wanqing has great confidence in Xiao Yunhai, she has never been intimate with Xiao Yunhai in the past year. She is likely to be unable to hold back her husband's abnormal ability. In particular, Zhang Baiman's fiery figure and sexy appearance are too much for a man.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wanqing's eyes flashed a thick worry.

There are also different views on this issue on the forum.

"I don't believe that the emperor will betray Qing Hou."

"Are those photos from PS?"

"If the cloud emperor really do something sorry after Qing, I will never believe in love again in my life."

"Look at that bermango. It's too much for a man. It's understandable that the emperor has a lot of courage. "

"It's farting upstairs. Qinghou just gave birth to a pair of lovely twins for him. If the emperor does something shameless at this time, I will never forgive him. "

"Yes. At that time, I won't read all his works, no matter how good they are. "

"I don't believe the cloud emperor is the scum man who makes such a thing."

"That Zhang Baiman is so coquettish. You can see that she is not a serious woman. Compared with Qinghou, how could emperor Yun like her?"

saw fans spit on the Internet, some even make complaints about Xiao Yunhai. Zhao Wanqing was afraid that this matter would affect her husband's reputation, and then hurried to call him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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