Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:58 AM

Chapter 982

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Walking into the theater, Xiao Yunhai looked around and found many acquaintances.

After saying hello to everyone, Xiao Yunhai sat in the area of his crew.

"Xiao, my good brother, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xiao Yunhai didn't have to look back. He knew it was Kerry's voice. He stood up and asked, "what do you want me for?"

Kerry said with a smile: "I want to tell you a piece of good news, today's MGM stock price not only did not fall, but also soared by 2%, thanks to you."

Xiao Yunhai did not have the slightest accident, said: "very normal. Anyway, I'm also a 100 billion dollar rich man. If we can't make MGM's share price rise, then I'm going to have a hard time. The top priority is to pay back the $90 billion you owe, and then no one or company will be able to deal with you

Kerry nodded and said, "yes. Xiao, I really want to thank you very much this time

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you want to thank me, you should quickly find a reliable director. The third Harry Potter has not been found yet."

Kerry said with a smile: "it's already done. It's the director who made the second film. What do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course it's good. His "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets" is very good. I believe that the third film will be given to him, and there should be no problem in terms of quality. "

Kerry said happily, "let's make it tomorrow."

Xiao Yunhai said, "you can go to Daniel directly. I have entrusted him to deal with it."

The two stood there chatting as if no one else.

After a while, ye Yongren, Liang Hui, Huang Qiusheng and others all came to the scene.

"Too sad. I didn't have a fan here. I knew I wouldn't come. " Huang Qiusheng said indignantly.

When ye Yongren and Liang Hui left, although the fans' response was not too enthusiastic, at least there were screams and applause. However, when Huang Qiusheng arrived, both reporters and fans didn't care about him, even less than the attention aroused by Wu mengshuang.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "who makes this Oscar, not the golden cup award?"

"That's right, so I think Mr. Xiao had better go back in advance, so as not to get the prize and look bad on his face."

A very unpleasant voice began to sound.

Indignant, they turned to see Hanks and an old man in his sixties, wearing lace glasses but with great momentum standing there.

Huang Qiusheng was about to question them. Before he could speak, he was pulled by Ye Yongren.

"Lao Huang, don't make trouble. One of them is Hanks, who is in charge of paramount, and the other is Hilda weaver, the best commercial director in Hollywood. When we talk to them, our status is not equal. We are just insulting ourselves. Let Yunhai tell them." Ye Yongren whispered in Huang Qiusheng's ear.

Huang Qiusheng was surprised. Paramount needless to say, one of the Hollywood giants, is now the industry of stern. Compared with the domestic film companies, it is not known how many times stronger.

Hilda Weaver is a world-famous commercial film director. Now he has been the top box office winner of "war on aliens", which is very detached in Hollywood.

No matter who compared to, Huang Qiusheng is far behind, can only in the heart of a fierce scold, retreated to one side.

With a smile on his face, Xiao Yunhai said, "it's Mr. Hanks, but I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been

Hanks's face changed and he said with a smile, "it's very bad. Today, I went to the stern headquarters to give a report. Because of the loss of 12 billion US dollars, I was severely criticized by the board of directors. I owe it to you. "

Kerry nearby snorted and said, "we MGM's shares have dropped by 30%, and we didn't say anything. It's only 12 billion US dollars. Mr. Hanks is better not to say it. It's not compatible with the financial boldness of stell network company. It's embarrassing and conspicuous."

Although stern is strong in America, Kerry is not afraid at all. It's all broken. There's nothing to say.

Hanks sneered, "it's Mr. Smith. You should be very lucky to have a friend like Mr. Xiao. Otherwise, you MGM will be our stell in a short time

Kerry said, "I'm very happy. I didn't expect that a stinky man on Wall Street came to Hollywood with dignity. It seems that our American movies are really hopeless. "

Hanks flew into a rage at Kerry's impolite words and said, "you'd better be polite. I can tell you clearly that one day, MGM must be mine. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I don't believe there will be such a day."

The confrontation between the three made the air of DuPont theater seem to be heavy.

The stars seemed to feel something and looked at them.It's clear to everyone that MGM was nearly destroyed in stell's hands.

Seeing the three people standing together and talking, they could not help but whisper.

Ivan, the great director, said with great interest: "the Smiths hate Hanks because MGM almost didn't buy it. Hanks, because of Kung Fu Xiao, disrupted his plan and made him suffer heavy losses. In his heart, he would like to kill each other. Hehe, the three parties get together, and it's going to be a good show. "

Now Mr. Michael and Mr. Malcolm have joined hands to fight against the director. With Xiao's money and MGM's film production ability, even paramount, who has stern as his backer, will have a headache. "

Ivan sighed: "I'm afraid it will be a troubled time. Today, Wall Street is ambitious. If it wants to enter Hollywood, stell company is just the first one to take the lead. There are bound to be countless companies coming in. I don't think it will take long for Hollywood to be the same as Hollywood. "

"It's not something we should worry about," Mars said. Seriously, I really admire Mr. Xiao. Just because Kerry Smith was a friend of his own, he did not hesitate to offend the giant. There are almost no such people in Hollywood

Ivan nodded and said, "yes. This may be what the Chinese people call loyalty. Compared with the United States, which is full of copper and interests everywhere, Huaxia is obviously more human. "

Although they were all talking quietly, their eyes were fixed on the three.

Hanks's eyes were like a sword, and his momentum soared. He said, "Mr. Shaw is determined to do the right thing with stern?"

Xiao Yunhai didn't care about each other's eyes at all. Hearing his words and smiling, he said, "Mr. Hanks misunderstood me. Steele is one of the biggest companies in America, with a market value of $1.8 trillion. I dare not offend you even if I am stupid. It's just that my friends are in trouble. Since I have the ability, I naturally want to help them. Mr. Hanks, you paramount are old enough. Let MGM go. "

Hanks said coldly, "it's not Mr. Shaw's concern how we do stern."

Xiao Yunhai smile, did not continue to entangle in this topic, but with interest to Hanks behind the 60 year old man, said: "if I do not know wrong, this should be the most famous Hollywood film director Hilda weaver, I am glad to meet you."

Xiao Yunhai politely stretched out his hand and wanted to shake it with him, but the other side didn't see it and didn't mean to shake hands at all.

Hilda Weaver asked with reserve: "are you Xiao, the young Chinese director who made the films of" Jingwu hero "," Infernal Affairs "and" Inception "

Xiao Yunhai was very unhappy in his heart. His impression of the old man also quickly slipped down to the bottom of the sea from the top of the mountain. He glanced at each other coldly, then took back his outstretched hand as if he had not heard him. He turned to Kerry and said, "do you know who I hate the most?"

Kerry shook his head and asked, "who is it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "one is a family guy who doesn't have any skills and only knows how to boast there. The other is to rely on the old and sell the old and always feel like the best guy in the world. These two kinds of people are the most annoying

Kerry said with a smile: "people should hate these two kinds of people." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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