Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:56 AM

Chapter 983

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Seeing that Xiao Yunhai didn't pay attention to his own problems, instead, he told Kerry about himself, which made Hilda Weaver angry.

Although he knew that this was the Revenge of the other party for not shaking hands with him, he still felt that he had no face. His face was burning and he said, "young man, you are really a vindictive person. However, after two or three good films, they are arrogant and disrespectful to their predecessors. No wonder Chinese films are not up to now. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard that he had insulted Chinese movies, his anger rose to the sky and said, "there is a gap between our Chinese films and Hollywood films. No way. Our development time is too short. But even so, all the Hollywood film companies are still willing to spend 1400 billion yuan to buy the original Chinese cinema. Why? Because China has a population of 1.5 billion, it has the development potential no less than that of the United States. Since Mr. Weaver despises Huaxia, he can not put the film on our screen. It doesn't matter. More you are not more, less you are a lot. There is one more thing I want to tell you. Hollywood now uses special effects technology is my magic special effects company and dream special effects company developed, if you really want the backbone, do not use our special effects in the future. As you said, Chinese movies can't do. "

Hilda Weaver said angrily, "you are deliberately misinterpreting me. Hum, I heard that you made a "2012", which is called the first 3D film in history, and even threatened to surpass my "war on aliens". You......

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and interrupted his words, saying: "I said not only to be the first place in the box office, but also to exceed $15 billion at the box office."

Hilda Weaver couldn't help laughing. He looked at Xiao Yunhai with a disdainful look and said, "young man, you really don't know the height of heaven and earth."

Xiao Yunhai said: "young people in the 21st century should dare to think, speak and do. If you can't even think about it or do it, then there is no future for the whole society. "

"Well said." Cried Kerry.

Some of the young artists who heard Xiao Yunhai's words also had their eyes shining. Obviously, Xiao Yunhai said something about their heart, but because of Hilda weaver, it was not easy to express it.

Hanks, next to him, burst out laughing and said, "you don't have to argue about it. Facts speak louder than words. Mr. Shaw, Mr. Hilda Weaver has just joined our paramount film company. He spent two years shooting a biochemical crisis, which is in the late stage of paramount's special effects company. It is estimated that it will be finished almost together with your 2012. If you are interested, do you dare to compete with us? "

Hilda weaver, obviously confident in his film, nodded and said, "yes. It's no use just talking about it. What's more, how about the box office? Since it is the first 3D film, it should not be afraid of any challenges

"Shit, this is forcing Kung Fu Xiao to fight the arena."

"Hilda Weaver spent two years filming the biochemical crisis. The script was changed dozens of times. It can be said that it was carefully made. It is very difficult for Xiao to win."

"I don't think so. "2012" is the first 3D film, the effect should be far better than 2D, maybe it can beat "biochemical crisis"

"ha ha, there is a good play to watch. One is the king of Hollywood commercial films, and the other is a super young director who has risen in recent two years. The competition between them is definitely Halley's comet hitting the earth. "

"It's estimated that no director would dare to release a film in the same period on the day they decided to file."

"The king's duel. If this scene is photographed by reporters, it will definitely lead to a promotion and a raise. "

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai didn't speak, he thought he had no courage. Hanks said triumphantly, "if you don't dare, it will be fine. After all, Mr. weaver, even if he wins, is nothing more than to deceive the small with the big, which is not very glorious. "

Xiao Yunhai suddenly sighed, shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that some people are not afraid of death and dare to touch my" 2012 ". Mr. Hanks, Mr. weaver, I can tell you responsibly that no movie in the world can compete with my 2012. Mr. Weaver's "biochemical crisis" has been filmed for two years. In the end, don't be so angry that it ends up in a fiasco. "

Xiao Yunhai's words caused everyone on the scene to exclaim.

"Kung Fu Xiao is too confident."

"No, he's not confident, he's arrogant."

"Just after making a few films, I dare to say that no movie is the rival of 2012. Hehe, it's really young. "

Mr. Xiao Yunhai gave him joy and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are the most daring director I have ever met. In this case, we will book a time to show it all over the world at the same time, and we will judge the box office level by the box office of one month. However, since it is a competition, there must be a lottery

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "we really need lottery. Otherwise, I have no interest in competing with you."

Hanks held out two fingers and said, "how about two billion dollars?""Shit, no, two billion dollars."

"It's a bit of a gamble."

"For Shaw and Steele, two billion dollars is a drop in the bucket."

"I don't know if Xiao dares to agree?"

"Chinese people always have a good face, and Xiao will certainly agree."

Liang Hui, the protagonist of 2012, didn't feel that the film was brilliant from the beginning to the end, so he stood up and advised: "sea of clouds, don't be impulsive."

Ye Yongren also advised: "yes. "2012" was only filmed for two months, while "biochemical crisis" was shot for two years. There is no comparison between the two. Yunhai, don't do something that you don't know for a while. "

Although Hanks didn't know Chinese, he could tell from their expressions that he was persuading Xiao Yunhai not to take part in the competition. At the moment, he said sarcastically, "Mr. Xiao, it's better to listen to the meaning of your two partners, so as not to cry in the end."

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone at the scene couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yunhai's face turned red. It seemed that he couldn't stand the ridicule of others. He pursed his lips and said, "I'm also a hundred billion dollar millionaire. I can't afford to lose this man if I bet you two billion dollars."

Hanks hehe and asked, "how big is Mr. Xiao going to gamble?"

Xiao Yunhai thought about it for a while. He also held out two fingers and showed a trace of cunning in his eyes. He said, "Mr. Hanks, if you want me to take this game, you need at least 20 billion dollars."


Xiao Yunhai's words immediately detonated the whole venue.

"No. Xiao is crazy. Two billion dollars is not enough. "

"20 billion dollars, my God. This should be the highest bet in the world?"

"I think Shaw is using 20 billion dollars to force Mr. Hanks to give up gambling. After all, Hanks is just Paramount's CEO and can't get 20 billion dollars at all. "

"Yes. In this way, Shaw not only saved face, but also blamed Hanks for the problem, which is really killing two birds with one stone. "

Even ye Yongren and Liang Hui thought Xiao Yunhai was playing this idea. Although they were worried, they did not speak. They looked at Hanks nervously, for fear that he would agree.

Hanks hesitated when he heard that Xiao Yunhai had raised his stake to $20 billion.

This is not a small sum of money. For CEO paramount, two billion dollars is still under his management, but $20 billion is not enough. It requires the personal consent of his father, David Stern.

With a triumphant smile on his face, Xiao Yunhai said to Hanks, "I was wrong. I shouldn't have told you so much nonsense. After all, we are unequal. For me, let alone 20 billion dollars, even 200 billion dollars, I have no problem. But you and director Weaver obviously don't have the strength. I'll bet you it's beneath me. "

Kerry laughed and said, "Mr. Hanks, director weaver, the award ceremony will start in 20 minutes. Since you can't give us $20 billion, please go back. Mr. Xiao and I have a lot to discuss. "

Hanks, livid, said angrily, "Xiao, you don't dare to bet with me, do you?"

Xiao Yunhai spread his hands and said, "what can I dare not to bet on a movie that can reach 15 billion US dollars at the box office? It's just that you don't have money. I can't help it. I won't play with you until I see the 20 billion dollar check. I'm a hundred billion dollar millionaire. I only have two billion dollars to make a bet. I feel ashamed to say that. Kerry, don't you think so? "

Kerry nodded and said, "yes. Let me say, if you can't afford to gamble, you can't stand in the way of others. "

Hanks's eyes were like electricity, coldly staring at Xiao Yunhai's eyes, as if to see him through. After a while, he suddenly laughed and said, "Xiao, I'll report to the headquarters now. I hope you don't regret."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "I will only wait until the award ceremony is over, and I will not wait for it to expire."

Hanks said with a smile, "that's what you want. Well, thank you in advance for your 20 billion dollars. I will use it to build the cinema

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "you'd better ask quickly, lest you can't get money later and lose face in front of the world's filmmakers."

Hanks snorted coldly and went back to his place with Weaver.

The stars in the venue found that they were not busy watching, so they all turned their heads. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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