Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:55 AM

Chapter 984

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Xiao Yunhai breathed out a deep breath, as if relieved.

Kerry sat down beside Xiao Yunhai and asked softly, "Xiao, how sure are you?"

Xiao Yunhai looked around him and said in Chinese, "I have a fart. You think weaver, the director who is firmly at the top of the box office list, is made of clay

Kerry said in surprise: "then you dare to bet 20 billion dollars. If you have so much money and no place to spend, you can lend it to me. "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "I said that I would bet 20 billion dollars, just to let them retreat in the face of difficulties. Won't that save my face? "

Kerry said, "you Chinese people are sick. Is face important or 20 billion dollars important? "

Without thinking about it, Xiao Yunhai said, "of course, it's face that matters. I don't want to discredit Chinese movies in front of the filmmakers all over the world. "

Liang Hui said softly, "Yunhai, don't you say that this movie can reach 15 billion dollars?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Liang, I didn't expect that the post production of 2012 would be so difficult. I imagine the picture to be perfect, it is simply an incredible thing. What's more, there are also problems with 3D technology. Although 3D technology has been patented, it is not really mature. "

Dong Piao was shocked and said, "what if they want to gamble with you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "no way. Hanks is just a senior executive at stern networks, and $20 billion is not something he can do with his head. What's more, even if they agree, it's a big deal. Then I'll say that we haven't finished the production, won't we? "

Huang Qiusheng said: "when we get to that point, we can only use this method which is not a method. After all, that's 20 billion dollars. It's worth losing face for it. "

Ye Yongren said with a bitter smile: "you are too bold."

In front of them was a 30-year-old artist who secretly recorded the words of several people with his mobile phone. Then he got up and walked outside, as if to go to the bathroom.

After a while, Hanks, who was sitting in front of him, stood up and went out the same way.

Xiao Yunhai saw all this in his eyes, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

In fact, what he just said is for the person in front of him.

When the other party took the mobile phone to record the recording, Xiao Yunhai had already found out. He deliberately said his movie was very bad, so that he could record it and bring it to Hanks. The purpose is self-evident, that is to lead him into the urn.

For the 3D version of 2012, Xiao Yunhai is full of confidence, never thought he would lose.

"Avatar" in the previous life can only be regarded as the second-class level in terms of script, far less than those classic movies, but once you use 3D technology, no matter how wonderful the plot of your movie is, it can't compare with the feeling of being in the audience. There was no film to stop it, and finally won 2.7 billion US dollars at the box office.

If you put it in this world, it will be more than 20 billion dollars at least.

Xiao Yunhai is very conservative when he says that the box office of 2012 has reached 15 billion US dollars.

Don't mention that weaver's "biochemical crisis" has only been filmed for two years. Even if it's been filmed for 20 years, it won't beat his 3D version of 2012.

In a corner of DuPont theater, Hanks was holding the mobile phone recorded by the artist. After listening for a long time, he didn't hear Xiao Yunhai clearly.

"What's going on?" Hanks asked, frowning.

The artist said, "Mr. Hanks, their voices are very low, and they are still in Chinese. I can't get too close, so I only record this level."

Hanks patted him on the shoulder and said, "you did very well. I'll use the mobile phone first. If the information in it is useful, then there will be your position in the film we take by paramount. All right, you go back. "

As soon as the artist heard this, he couldn't help thanking Hanks, and then returned to the scene with a happy face.

After the young man left, Hanks took out his mobile phone, quickly dialed a number, and said, "I have a very important recording here, which is related to 20 billion dollars. It's just that the sound inside is too small to hear clearly. I'll send it to you now. In half an hour, you should restore it to me by technical means as soon as possible. What's more, can you translate it with the help of a person who is proficient in Chinese

"Fifteen minutes? Good. Our time is limited. We can go as fast as we can. But make sure it's right, okay? "

"Get busy."

Hanks hung up his cell phone and snorted coldly, "Xiao, fight with me. You are too young."

Twenty minutes later, Hanks's cell phone rang.

"How about it? Are you out? " Hanks asked impatiently.

The other side said, "because there are places where the sound is too low, we really can't hear clearly. But 90 percent of the content has already been translated. Mr. Hanks, I'll send you the translated recording. This content has been translated by three teachers who are proficient in Chinese respectively. It is 100% correct without any objection. "Hanks said happily, "very good. Please send it quickly. "

Soon, Hanks got the English version of the recording, and after listening, his face showed a smile.

"Xiao, you are not dead this time."

Hanks knew it was urgent and immediately called his father, David Stern.

While Hanks was busy raising $20 billion in bets, the Oscars had already begun.

The host is still Richard of last year. He used his unique humor to connect all the nominated works. He also made fun of the directors and actors inside, which made the audience laugh.

The first Oscar award was the best screenwriter award. Xiao Yunhai's Infernal Affairs and inception, and Jiao fangtao's Xiaocui were all shortlisted.

Xiao Yunhai is still looking forward to this award. Because this is the most likely prize of all his shortlisted awards.

It's a pity that when the prize winner called out jack, the screenwriter of "the old man and the youth", Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands, shook his head to Jiao fangtao and said with a bitter smile: "it seems that" the old man and youth "is really my nemesis. The last golden cup and this Oscar were all defeated by it."

Jiao fangtao nodded and said, "we are all the same. After the golden cup, I watched the film specially. I have to say, it's really excellent. "

Oscar came up to give Xiao Yunhai a slap in the head, making Xiao Yunhai feel a bit bad.

"Oscars don't really dare not give themselves a prize."

The following awards soon confirmed Xiao Yunhai's premonition.

Xiao Yunhai was not awarded the best editing, best action design and best visual effect, and Xiaocui did not receive one.

Liang Hui frowned and said, "if the next best foreign language film award is not awarded to our Infernal Affairs, then there is a real problem."

Among the nominees for the best foreign language film, Infernal Affairs by Xiao Yunhai is the most likely to win the prize, whether from the perspective of business or from the perspective of art, and the voice is also the highest, which can not be compared with inception and Xiaocui.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I feel the same way."

The guests presenting the best foreign language film were Hilda weaver, who had just had a bad time with Xiao Yunhai, and Xiao Yunhai's good friend bickervin.

Both of them are the heavyweight directors in Hollywood, and their appearance has caused a lot of applause and cheers.

Bickerman said with a smile: "the OSC organizing committee can let Mr. Weaver present the best foreign language film award, which shows how much attention is attached to this award."

"After two years, director bickervin seems to be more talkative than before," Weaver said with a smile. Hehe, we are all old, and Hollywood will be the world of young people in the future. "

Bickervin nodded and said, "that's right. However, what we are presenting now is not the Best Newcomer Award, but the best foreign language film award, so let's leave it for later. Mr. weaver, I don't know which of the six films you think is most likely to win this award? "

"I think all six films are very good, and I've seen them all," Weaver said. In my own mind, I think the Japanese director Mr. Takahashi's "the river" should be more excellent

Bikewen was stunned. He came late and didn't know the festival between weaver and Xiao Yunhai. Originally thought that weaver would talk about Xiao Yunhai's Infernal Affairs, but he didn't think it was Gao qiaochuan's big river. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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