Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:53 AM

Chapter 985

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It's not just bikvin, but even the fans on stage.

"Man, have you seen what the river is?"

"I don't know. I haven't even heard of it, let alone read it. "

"I know a little. It's a Japanese film, which has been shown in North America, but the box office is very mediocre. It seems that it has won 80 million dollars

"Yes. My girlfriend and I went to the cinema and we fell asleep in less than ten minutes

"Shit, this kind of movie can get the best foreign language film. I'm kidding."

The fans began to whisper.

After the movie "big river", the response is a little bit good. What about Infernal Affairs? What does Mr. Weaver think of the film

Weaver said, "it's OK. It's just that I don't think it's as deep as "the river."

Weaver's comments caused a scream at the scene, and the photographer immediately pointed the camera at Xiao Yunhai, and the big screen showed a expressionless face.

Bickerman frowned a little, and there was a trace of displeasure in his heart, not because of his intimate relationship with Xiao Yunhai, but because of the excellent Infernal Affairs. The way Weaver treats the film, it's hard for him to accept it.

"I think Infernal Affairs is good. It is outstanding in its artistry, plot and performance. In the theme of police and bandit movies, Hollywood can find few films to match it. "

Bickervin's words are undoubtedly in public opposition to Weaver's comments, which surprised and annoyed weaver, but won the applause and applause of Xiao Yunhai's fans.

On the big screen, Xiao Yunhai did not show any modesty. He also clapped his hands and showed a faint smile on his face.

Weaver adjusted his mind and said, "there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people. Let's take a look at who won the prize? "

Bickervin nodded and said, "it's OK."

Weaver tore open the envelope, took a look inside, turned to Kevin and said with a smile: "it seems that the Oscars feel the same way as me. They gave the Oscar for best foreign language film to the river. Congratulations to director Gao qiaochuan

"Damn it, isn't it? Is this a surprise?"

"It's amazing that Xiao's Infernal Affairs is so wonderful that it should lose to a Japanese film that has never been seen before."

"Did the Oscars receive money? The box office was 80 million to several billion, and the award was awarded to 80 million."

"I'm sure there's a black curtain at the Oscars, and Infernal Affairs can't lose to the river."

"Has the Oscar, which emphasizes both business and art, come to this point? What a pity. "

"Poor Xiao."

The noisy questioning of fans did not affect Takahashi's good mood. He shook hands with the entertainer who congratulated him next to him, and walked to the podium in high spirits.

The camera accurately found the other five candidates. Although the other four candidates were hard to say lost, they all clapped their hands with great grace. Only Xiao Yunhai had a dignified look and no smile on his face.

After receiving the best foreign language film trophy from weaver, Gao qiaochuan was very excited and said: "I have made more than 30 plays in Japan, and today I finally stand on the podium. It is impossible not to be excited. "The river" is a film that I have been brewing for ten years. Every shot and every line come to my mind almost every day. It was not until last year that I finally had the chance to shoot it. I didn't expect to win the best foreign language film award. It was just great for me

"Of course, the works of several other directors are also very excellent, especially Mr. Xiao's Infernal Affairs is popular all over the world. It's a pity, as Mr. Weaver said, that this film is not enough in depicting human nature. Oh, Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry. I don't mean anything else. I just want to make an opinion. "

"Thank you for Mr. Weaver's appreciation of the river, the organizing committee's affirmation of the river, and the fans' love of the river. Thank you

Gao qiaochuan's acceptance speech received few applause, many fans heard him on the stage to ridicule his idol's movie, they all applauded.

"Get out of here, you Japanese pig."

"Are you qualified to judge Xiao's Infernal Affairs by your river?"

"Shit, I've never heard of the river."

Although Weaver also said that Infernal Affairs was not deep enough, he was the best commercial film director in Hollywood, and "war on aliens" ranked first in the box office list. Although Xiao Yunhai was not happy, his fans did not feel unacceptable.

But Takahashi is something. If he had not just won the Oscar for best foreign language film, everyone would have no idea who he was.

Such a nobody, even dare to say his heart's classic "Infernal Affairs", we can imagine how dissatisfied the fans will be.Gaoqiaochuan saw that he seemed to cause public anger and hurriedly walked down the podium.

Xiao said softly, "how can I find myself as if I have become a public enemy of filmmakers? So did viver, the eight pole can not play the high bridge and Sichuan, and really when I can not be angry? "

Kerry laughed: "because they are all directors who just joined paramount film industry, they will naturally be against you. Xiao, it seems that things are not good. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I didn't expect that they really dare to do so, too reckless."

"Oscar water has been very deep, when I won the best supporting actor award, I heard that it was very complex, and many outside things would affect the final results, so I have long been looking forward to nothing about Oscar. Lao Liang didn't even come when he was nominated for the last time. "

"It's a waste of time to know what you can't win, and what else you're here to do," Liang said

Xiaoyun Haidao: "anyway, finish the process first. The next best supporting actress will be given by me, and I'll prepare for it. "

Led by a staff member, Xiao met his partner, Hollywood star David hanette.

David hanett has been in the Lord of the rings, and has a very good relationship with Xiao Yunhai.

After a couple of greetings, David hanett said, "Mr. Shaw, I'm really sorry you didn't win the best foreign language film award."

Xiaoyun Haidao: "I have this heart ready for a long time. Look, the best man behind, the best male owner, the best director, the best film will not have my part. Hum, some people have played too much. "

The words of Xiao Yunhai made David hanette a little bit difficult to accept, but he could only smile helplessly.

After all, there are still two or three people standing next to it. If it is not appropriate, they will be sent out. Even if they are a Hollywood superstar, they will have a lot of trouble.

Xiao knew his difficulties, patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "it doesn't matter. I don't care much about Oscar."

David hanett asked, "Mr. Shaw, can your 2012 box office really reach more than $15 billion? It sounds like a myth. "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "I believe 2012 will be OK."

The two people talked for a while, and then they went on the stage together under the introduction of the host.

In the warm applause of the public, Xiao yunhaidao: "today, I am very honored to be able to award the best supporting actress award with David. When I was still in school, several of David's films were the key to our school. Now that I see a real person, I am still a little excited. "

David hanett gave Xiao no face, and he laughed, "don't believe Mr. Xiao. We have known each other in the ring king group long ago, and have become good friends. He said that he was just saying nothing to find a word

"Ha ha ha."

There was a laugh under the stage.

Xiao shook his head and sighed, "I swear I will never award awards with this one next to me. The main reason is that his ability to dismantle the stage seems to be even worse than acting skills, so I can't say anything right."


everyone hears it and coax them.

When everyone was quiet, Xiao continued: "it was my sad night this evening. Neither of the two finalists won a prize. To be honest, it hurt me very much. Mr. Weaver said that my film is not deep enough. Well, you are right. Compared with the art movie "war aliens", the "no way" is really far from the other. "


"Ha ha ha."

"War aliens" is a business film, which is not about half a dime of money to art. In the same year, it only won the Oscar for visual effect. Other awards have not even been shortlisted.

Xiao Yunhai said that, naturally, he was deliberately satirizing winfre.

The photographer did his job well, and the camera immediately aimed at verver, and, like the former Xiao Yunhai, he had no expression on his face.

Xiao Yunhai did not as like as two peas to go on. He continued, "look at Mr. vermore's face now, just like what I was sitting on the stage. I really like standing on the stage. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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