Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:52 AM

Chapter 986

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"Ha ha ha."

The whole scene burst into laughter, and Weaver's expression became more ugly. His hands under him had been tightly grasped, and his knuckles turned white.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Weaver is the king of commercial films in Hollywood. He has made so many films and never failed. Now, Mr. Weaver's latest blockbuster, biochemical crisis, is going to meet you in the second half of the year. Let's see how deep this film is. "

"By the way, you may not know that Mr. Weaver came to talk to me for a while before the award ceremony officially started. As you know, my disaster blockbuster "2012" will also be released in the second half of the year. Mr. weaver and Mr. hanks of paramount want to make a bet with me that the two films will be released on the same day to see which box office is high. The bet is $20 billion. "


Xiao Yunhai's words directly let the artists and fans who didn't hear about it exploded.

"20 billion dollars? God, this is crazy. "

"Century gambling is absolutely century gambling."

"I admire them so much that 20 billion dollars is just for one breath."

Even so for fans, those journalists who were afraid that the world would not be in disorder were naturally more excited. When they were not allowed to take photos, the shutter sound suddenly rang out, and Xiao Yunhai's eyes, which were flashed by the flash, all felt a little uncomfortable.

Security personnel rushed forward to stop the reporters from taking pictures.

Huaxia fans who are watching the live broadcast before saw that the two directors were criticizing Xiao Yunhai, they all held a deep breath.

When he heard Xiao Yunhai taunting weaver with American humor, he couldn't help laughing.

Now Xiao Yunhai, in front of the whole world, says that 2012 is going to gamble 20 billion dollars with biochemical crisis. He screams with excitement one by one.

In this world, although Huaxia is the number one power, but in terms of film, Chinese people have always been unable to raise their heads.

Now, who can stand Xiao Yunhai's crazy declaration of war? Who doesn't have blood boiling?

It's a pity that their excitement did not last long, and they were doused by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't be too excited. I haven't finished yet. Mr. weaver and Mr. hanks of paramount may have thought it too crazy to accept it

Whether it is the scene or in front of the television fans are a sigh.

Weaver, who had been sitting under the stage, was out of breath at this time, and his chest fluctuated.

The subtext of Xiao Yunhai's words is very obvious, that is, they are afraid of losing in front of the whole world.

Such insults, let alone a world-famous director, can't stand it even on ordinary people.

Unfortunately, he has no way, because he does not have 20 billion US dollars. If there is, he will definitely go up and gamble with Xiao Yunhai at this time.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood tonight, so I said a lot more and wasted some valuable time. Mr. Takahashi, I think about the movie

"To tell you the truth, before last month's China golden cup award, I never even heard of this film, let alone watched it. Even today, I haven't seen it. But I would like to give Mr. Takahashi a suggestion, that is, movies are for fans all over the world. Should we also consider more commercial elements? At the very least, we need to attract fans to the cinema. A movie that we haven't even seen, no matter how high the artistry and how deep the human nature is, there is no use. This is my humble opinion. Please don't mind Mr. Gao qiaochuan. "

"Well, let's start giving awards. Xiao Yunhai's counterattack on the stage was extremely fierce. First, he satirized weaver, saying that his "war on aliens" was not artistic at all, and he made it lose face with things he didn't dare to bet on. Then he made a mockery of Gao qiaochuan, saying that his film was not even watched, and he also said that his film had no artistic depth.

After hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Chinese fans feel very relieved.

The Internet suddenly became lively.

"Ha ha, yunhuang is so arrogant. He is an absolute debating expert. The two directors who said that they put on bullshit are going to be very angry."

"Let me say, they deserve it. Don't look at the cloud emperor who is, for no reason must provoke him. Isn't this for scolding? "

, "Oh, too bad, the twenty billion dollar game of gambling is gone. Paramount is too suck."

"If we Chinese filmmakers can be as fearless as emperor Yun, I believe that Chinese films will be popular in the world."

On TV, the Oscars are still going on.

As Xiao Yunhai and others predicted, the best supporting actor, the best actor, the best director and the best film are all without Xiao Yunhai's share.

After winning more than ten nominations with two films, none of them won the prize. Let alone the insiders, ordinary fans have seen that there is something wrong with it.Xiao Yunhai's face was livid, and he was deeply disappointed with Oscar.

Ye Yongren patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yunhai, don't care too much. Oscar is a Western Film Festival, and we lost in the first place. "

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "I won't take part in the Oscars again. Compared with China Golden Cup International Film Festival, the Oscar is far from fair. "

The award ceremony is over here.

Just as the fans were getting ready to leave and the reporters were rubbing their hands to interview the stars, Hanks suddenly stepped onto the stage with a group of people in suits and suits.

They all looked at the group and did not know what they were going to do.

Xiao Yunhai is thoughtful. It seems that this boy has been cheated.

Sure enough, Hanks looked triumphantly at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, after careful consideration by paramount, we have accepted the $20 billion bet."


there was a cry of surprise under the stage, and all the people couldn't help taking a breath.

The reporters are going crazy. The shutter sound of cameras and cameras is like machine guns, and the flash lights make the whole conference hall as if it were day.

"20 billion dollars? I didn't expect paramount actually agreed The action director Mars murmured.

He's been making movies all his life, and the box office hasn't reached 20 billion.

"Crazy, they're all crazy," Bickerman said

"This news is so strong that it can make the front page headlines of major entertainment media for a month in a row."

"I'll bet that in the major news sections tomorrow, this bet will be the focus of all media, and Oscar will not have any attraction in front of it."

After hearing Hanks' words, Kerry, ye Yongren, Liang Hui, Huang Qiusheng, Jiao fangtao and others all cried out in their hearts. They all looked at Xiao Yunhai nearby, hoping that he could find a suitable excuse to refuse the bet.

Will Xiao Yunhai be afraid? Of course not.

He said so much this evening that Hanks was wrong in his judgment. Now, it's clear that the other side is getting it.

However, Xiao Yunhai did not immediately agree, but took a heavy step, slowly walked onto the stage.

The meeting place of Nuo Da was silent, and the needle could be heard. Countless eyes looked at Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Hanks, how can you make me believe you have 20 billion dollars?"

Hanks had long thought that Xiao Yunhai would ask this question. He snapped his finger at the back. A middle-aged man with a cold face came out and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm James, the finance minister of STEL network company. We, stell, will support your bets with paramount. This is a 20 billion dollar check from Swiss bank. If you win, the money will be put into your account immediately. "

Hanks said triumphantly, "Xiao, you don't stop gambling because of fear, do you? It doesn't matter. As long as you say it, I can cancel the bet

Weaver came up to the stage in high spirits and said, "Mr. Hanks, you look down upon Mr. Shaw. It's only 20 billion dollars. It's nothing for Mr. Xiao. am I correct? Mr. Xiao. "

At this time, Weaver would like to raise his head to the sky for a long time, and his chest was scoffed by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the check, and a trace of "worry" in his eyes flashed away, but it was found by Hanks.

"It seems that Mr. Hanks has a very high position in stell network, and he can make them agree to such an unreliable thing."

Hanks said, "Mr. Shaw, don't talk about it any more. Do you agree or not? Everyone is waiting for you. "

The audience was excited and yelled, "promise him."

"Promise him."

"Promise him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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