Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:51 AM

Chapter 987

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As if hearing everyone's cry, Xiao Yunhai's eyes became sharp as a sword, and his whole body was full of momentum. He said: "since it's the 20 billion gambling money I put forward, I won't break my promise. I bet. "


The overwhelming applause and cheers resounded through the whole theater, and the atmosphere was much more fanatical than those who won the awards.

The $20 billion gamble is so exciting that everyone's face is full of excitement.

Hanks gave a triumphant smile and made a stop sign to the audience. The hands seemed to have magic, and the scene was miraculously quiet.

Hanks said, "Mr. Shaw, since you have agreed to the bet, we must make rules in front of everyone so that the loser won't pay back."

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "it's only 20 billion dollars. Can Mr. Hanks be so careful?"

Hanks said, "I've always been careful in my business. You said that your film will be released in the second half of the year. Can you tell me a specific time? "

"When do you think is the right time?" Xiao asked

Hanks glanced at weaver, who said, "at this rate, my biochemical crisis will be finished by the end of August."

Hanks said, "let's launch it globally on October 10. Don't you know Mr. Xiao agrees?"

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "my time is a little tight. I'd better make it on November 1."

Hanks heard Xiao Yunhai's recording and knew his difficulties. He was not surprised by his delay, but more relieved.

"Yes, we'll win or lose at the box office for the whole November. "2012" wins, 20 billion dollars belongs to you. "Biochemical crisis" won, 20 billion dollars for me. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. And I'm going to ask the middle bank to seal two checks tomorrow. Let them give each other 40 billion dollars if they win. "

Hanks said, "good. There are also some clauses that I will read out to you now. If you have any objection, you can raise them. "

Next, Hanks read out more than 20 restrictive measures. Each of them was designed for the problems Xiao Yunhai said in the recording. They were very detailed and there was no loophole in the middle.

In order to win Xiao Yunhai's $20 billion, Hanks has made great efforts.

Xiao Yunhai's heart is dark music, but his face is dignified.

After the other side read, Xiao Yunhai did not find any gap, nodded: "yes."

Hanks took out two long prepared agreements and was about to sign them. Xiao Yunhai stopped him and said, "Mr. Hanks, I'm sorry. If you want to sign an agreement, it should be stell's side, not you."

This one can't be signed arbitrarily. In time, paramount lost the game. Steele refused to admit it and pushed Hanks out.

James, Stern's finance minister, stepped forward, took out a seal and said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw is really careful. This is the special seal of our stell network company. There should be no problem. "

Of course, Xiao Hai nodded

The two sides signed and sealed the $20 billion bet.

There were warm applause from the audience, and everyone was extremely excited.

"Great. The world war has finally begun. "

"The showdown between number one and number two on the box office charts, and the $20 billion bet, are boiling with enthusiasm."

Ivan took a long breath and said, "Bickerman, you and Mr. Xiao should be very familiar. Who do you think will win? "

Bickervin frowned and said, "it's hard to say. The key depends on the 3D effect of Xiao? If the technology is not mature, can not let us have the feeling of immersive, or is far from our expectations, then the whole movie is doomed. On the contrary, if the effect of "2012" can be perfect, even if "biochemical crisis" is shot well, don't want to win it. "

Ivan said with a smile, "I forgot you're a techie. But I totally agree with you. "

With the contract, Xiao Yunhai, with a gloomy face, did not even attend the banquet, and left the DuPont theater with the crew.

Looking at his back, Hanks, who is being interviewed, smiles triumphantly.

Just out of the theater, Xiao Yunhai and others were surrounded by countless reporters who had been staying outside. At the same time, many reporters rushed out and surrounded them.

"Mr. Xiao, do you think you can win a $20 billion bet?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "if I don't have confidence, how can I promise to bet with them?"

"But in our opinion, it seems that you are reluctant to agree for the sake of face? Isn't it? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "absolutely not. I have 100% confidence in 2012. It's wonderful, combined with 3D technology, and the effect will be far more than you can imagine. Don't say it's a biochemical crisis, even ten or twenty. I won't pay attention to them. ""Mr. Xiao, you don't seem to have won any prizes this evening? How do you feel about this? "

Xiao Yunhai's face pulled, coldly said: "in addition to disappointment, I should also have what feeling. My Infernal Affairs sold billions of dollars during the economic crisis, and inception is the second largest box office in the world. Two movies that have been recognized by fans all over the world have not won any awards. Dear journalists, do you say justice? "

"Mr. Xiao, are you questioning the impartiality of the Academy Awards?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. When I came, I heard a lot of grapevine that some companies were contacting Oscar judges. At first, I didn't take it seriously. I didn't think there would be some problems that shouldn't appear in such a big movie boom. But now it seems that my idea is a little too simple. "

Xiao Yunhai's words, in fact, are challenging the Oscar organizing committee and criticizing them for operating in the dark.

Such news is just too valuable for journalists.

Next to Ye Yongren gently pulled Xiao Yunhai's clothes and said in a soft voice, "Yunhai, you should grasp some sense of propriety. Offending the Academy Awards is very bad for your future. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't care. This evening, I was almost suffocated, do not vent out, I feel uncomfortable. It's a big deal. I won't take part in the Oscars in the future, won't I? "

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, do you have any basis for what you said?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "No. I'm just guessing through the Oscars. We were shortlisted for "Xiaocui", "Infernal Affairs" and "Inception". The global box office totaled more than 15 billion dollars, but we lost in a mess. Do you believe that there is no problem in it? I think Oscar is biased towards our Chinese movies. "

"Mr. Xiao, please be careful. We have held the Oscars for so many years, and we have never had the problem of black box operation."

A loud voice came from outside the crowd.

When they turned their heads, they saw an old man with white hair and hale spirit standing at the gate of the theatre.

Kerry said softly in Xiao Yunhai's ear. "This is George McCann, chairman of the Academy Awards. Don't look at him a pair of upright Ling ran appearance, actually a belly of male bandits and female prostitutes

When reporters saw George Macon, they consciously made way for him.

Michael walked up to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, I can understand that you are not in the mood of winning the Oscar, but every award in it is really cast by the judges. You can't insult the Oscar organizing committee like this."

"insult?" Xiao Yunhai sneered: "I never thought about insulting Oscar. I just raised my own objection. Are my Infernal Affairs and inception so bad that I can't even get a prize? Mr. Macon, don't try to coax me with the same way you coax my fans. Do you dare to swear by the Bible that there is nothing wrong with this Oscar in private? "

George Macon is the most famous Christian in America. He dare not swear by the Bible when he is killed. Once he tells a lie, he will betray his faith and be despised by all Americans. The consequences are even more serious than violating the law.

"every award ceremony can not guarantee absolute fairness and justice, we...

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