Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:48 AM

Chapter 989

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When they returned to the villa, they heard that they were going to leave, and others said they would go back together.

Xiao Yunhai had no choice but to ask the housekeeper to call, book more than 20 tickets to China, and personally sent people to Los Angeles International Airport. When I came back, it was already 12 o'clock in the morning.

Just had a hot bath, Xiao Yunhai's phone rang.

"Hello, wife, don't ask me about the Oscars. I'm so angry now."

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "don't come. It's all over the Internet, saying that in front of the chairman of the Oscars organizing committee, you gave the Oscar a bad meal, and said that you would never participate in the evaluation again, right? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the network is powerful, so quickly spread to China."

Zhao Wanqing said, "you, I don't know how to say you. The judges in the Oscars organizing committee are better than each other in the European and American film industry. Some of them are even experts of the American Film Review Committee. You have offended them all at once. Do you want to show movies in Europe and America in the future. In the past, it was not that there was no such thing. Why did others dare not say anything? Was it because the arm could not twist the thigh? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know all these things, but I can't be angry. Two of my films with box office revenues of billions of dollars have been nominated for more than ten awards. I can't believe that there's nothing fishy in them

Zhao Wanqing asked, "do you have any evidence?"

"No," Xiao Yunhai said

Zhao Wanqing said, "it will be over. Anyway, things have happened. We can't change it if we want to change it. It's useless for us to worry about it any more. But I can't take it any more about your bet with Steele. Husband, we have known each other for such a long time. I really haven't seen your gambling nature is so big. If you don't bet, you'll get 20 billion dollars. After watching the news, mom yelled at you. I wish I could fly to you and teach you a good lesson

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "people are kind enough to give me 20 billion US dollars. If I don't accept it, it's not like heaven and lightning."

Zhao Wanqing chuckled: "you are so sure you can win. Don't forget, he's the director of "war on aliens."

Xiao Yunhai disdains to say: "in front of 2012, no matter what film has to stop cooking. Wife, I did a lot of plays tonight just to seduce Hanks. Ha ha, now it's finished. I'll go to the Swiss bank tomorrow to get this done. By December of this year, I'll be able to get at least $30 billion even if I'm gambling at the box office. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "just blow it. Don't capsize in the gutter and let people win. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry, this thing you said will never happen to me."

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK, I won't tell you. I'll come back earlier."

Xiao Yunhai promised and hung up the phone.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to sleep tonight. His good friends in the entertainment industry seem to have negotiated with each other, and they continue to bring him greetings.

There's no way. The artist accused Oscar of injustice in public. This is the first time in the history of the entertainment industry. People can't help but worry.

For an hour in a row, Xiao Yunhai couldn't stand it. He simply turned off his mobile phone.

He did not know that at this time, Chinese netizens had already exploded.

"The cloud emperor is so domineering that he dares to refuse Oscar, bull."

"The emperor did it right. This year's Oscars are just not fair. "

"What is confidence? What is domineering? Today I can see it from the emperor. "

"Other stars can't do it one by one on weekdays, but they're really on their feet. The emperor is usually low-key, but if he really wants to be high-profile, no one can compare with him. In front of the chairman of the Oscars organizing committee, he denounces the injustice of Oscar, and the world will dare to do so. "

"Yunhuang is so confident. A movie at a stake of 20 billion dollars can frighten people to death. "

"Others are arrogant, while emperor Yun is arrogant. After the release of 2012, I must support it. If I don't watch it ten times and eight times, I will never let it go. "

"Yes, support the emperor, and hell with Weaver's biochemical crisis."

Netizens argued endlessly on the Internet forums, and were excited about Xiao Yunhai's kingly spirit at the Oscar ceremony.

And the stars in the entertainment industry also expressed their support for Xiao Yunhai.

"I'm not surprised that Yunhai has made such a decision," Huang told reporters. Although Oscar is known as the world movie hall, but in fact the scope is only in Europe and the United States, otherwise there will be no best foreign language film award. Two films with more than 10 billion dollars can't even win one prize. What credibility does such an Oscar have. As for the $20 billion bet, I just want to say, Yunhai, when you win, you must give us a big red envelope. "

Yu Yuexian: "will the sea of clouds lose? God, this is the worst joke I've ever heard. Yunhai has always been very clever. If he is not absolutely sure, he will not bet with others. Look, paramount is going to lose this time. Even if the director of "biochemical crisis" is weaver, it will not change the resultHuang Bo: "I support the third brother's practice. Isn't it just a self entertaining Oscar? Just don't participate. What can they do. The river, which I had never seen before, beat two films with more than 10 billion dollars. After seeing this picture, I wanted to smash the TV. Oscar went too far. "


Los Angeles, USA

after a comfortable sleep, Xiao Yunhai turned on his mobile phone, and there were more than 20 missed calls on it, which made him glad that he turned off the phone, otherwise he would not want to sleep last night.

Xiao Yunhai edited a thank you note and sent it to everyone.

After practicing outside and having breakfast, Xiao Yunhai is ready to go to the Swiss bank.

Before he went out, Xiao Yunhai was stopped by Mo Yina.

"Yunhai, don't go. Come and have a look. We seem to be in trouble."

Xiao Yunhai took back his legs and looked back at Mo Yina, who was holding his notebook. She asked, "sister Mo, don't worry. What's the matter?"

Mo Yina put her notebook on the tea table and said, "last night, I read the report about the Oscar ceremony on the Internet. The front page headlines basically said that you and paramount had a great gamble, and then there was your refusal to participate in the Oscars. At first I didn't feel so good, but after I got up this morning, I found that the wind direction of the whole network seemed to have changed. All the major forums in the United States are saying bad things about you. "

Xiao Yunhai went to see the computer, good guy, all black their own posts.

"It's too much for Xiao Xun to speak up to the reporter."

"Oscar is the symbol of our Hollywood movies. I'm so disappointed that Shaw did so."

"It's just that I didn't win an Oscar. Do you have to be so angry and demeaning Oscar? I think Xiao is a little too narrow-minded. "

"I'm a big fan of Xiao. I like his songs very much, and every capital can sing them. But I'm not on his side when it comes to Oscar. Xiao's approach is obviously inappropriate. "

"There is something wrong with the Oscars, but Xiao's reaction is a little bit extreme. He should apologize to the Oscars organizing committee."

"Yes, Shaw should apologize."


the above is a little more polite, but the following is even more excessive. There are even posts that let Xiao get out of the United States.

Xiao Yunhai also opened some forums, most of which are the same.

After reading it, Xiao Yunhai knocked on the table a few times and said, "this is someone who invited the water army behind his back, adding fuel to the flames and deliberately guiding public opinion to blacken me. Oh, don't guess. It must be Hanks. "

"What shall we do?" Mo asked

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "since he wants to fight public opinion, I'll play with him."

With that, Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and called Raul in the past.

"What can I do for you, boss?" Raul quickly picked it up.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Raul, I'm in trouble. This morning, countless black me Posts appeared on the Internet, saying that I didn't respect Oscar and let me get out of America. You're going to get the propaganda department to fight back right now. They hire water soldiers, and we do. Hanks asked someone to write those posts. The purpose was to get rid of me. He won a bet of 20 billion dollars without any effort. That's what it means, all right? "

Raul said: "boss, don't worry, we marvel propaganda department is not easy to provoke, we will help you win this war of public opinion." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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