Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:46 AM

Chapter 990

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Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai opened his home page in America.

When he was selling records, Vincent asked him to apply. So far, the number of fans has reached 53 million, ranking among the top 10 artists in Europe and the United States. Xiao Yunhai just looked at it and never released a message. Today is the first time.

"Dear fans and friends, there are black posts all over the Internet asking me to get out of America. I know that someone has hired the water army to attack me with my bluff about Oscar's injustice. The United States of America is a country of freedom of public opinion. I just said what I really thought. I was attacked by so many people, which made me very hurt. I'm a newcomer in American entertainment industry. I don't have much ability to protect myself. I can only rely on you. Please come out and help me in any case. Thank you

Mo Yina saw the information released by Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "are you playing poor?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm telling the truth."

Mo Yina said, "well, it's the truth. Yunhai, I think it's time for someone to take care of your homepage. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I can give this matter to Raul and ask him to find a smart guy in Marvel's propaganda department to help me deal with it."

Mo Yina said: "it's a good idea. Look, there's a reply. Boy, it's so fast. There are hundreds of them in a twinkling of an eye. "

In the comments section of Xiao Yunhai's homepage, countless posts have sprung up like mushrooms.

"Don't worry, Xiao. We'll help you."

"Well, I watched the Oscars last night. Xiao is not wrong. There is something wrong with Oscar. "

"Yes. "Inception" and "Infernal Affairs" sold for over 10 billion dollars, and they didn't win any prizes. If there's nothing fishy in the middle, I won't believe it. "

"Even the chairman of the Oscar organizing committee can't guarantee that the problem is not trivial."

"It's no use saying that. Go to the forum and fight with the water soldiers. Hum, it's really silly of us. Obviously, it's someone who is deliberately doing Kung Fu Xiao. Squeeze him out. Where shall we go to listen to such good music

"Yes, let's fight together."

In a short half an hour, Xiao Yunhai's comment area had more than a million posts.

On the major forums, there are more posts supporting Xiao Yunhai.

According to Xiao Yunhai's intention, Raul sent out many posts to tell everyone that it was paramount's conspiracy. He wanted to discredit Xiao Yunhai and win a bet of 20 billion yuan. All of a sudden, Raul caused a great disturbance and the war situation became more intense.

After Xiao Yunhai published his post, he asked Mo Yina to keep an eye on him, while he drove to the Swiss bank.

At this time, the lawyer he hired with high salary had arrived. Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and exchanged greetings. Then he walked into the bank together.

Xiao Yunhai is the world's top tycoon, worth more than 400 billion yuan, and his assets are healthy.

Naturally, Swiss bank gave such customers a green light, and the procedures were simplified many times. It took only less than 10 minutes and US $20 billion to complete it.

As soon as he got the money, Hanks came in with more than ten people before he could breathe.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "Mr. Hanks, it's just a bet. Is it necessary to make such a hard work?"

Hanks said, "this is 20 billion dollars. Can I not be nervous? After all, I'm not as rich as you are. Mr. Xiao, are you ready for your 20 billion? "

Xiao Yunhai raised the check in his hand and said, "I just borrowed it. Mr. Hanks, it seems that you are quite sure? "

Hanks, with a confident smile, said, "of course. If I'm not sure, how can I bet so much with you? "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "don't capsize in the gutter. This morning, I was scolded on the Internet for no reason. If I guess well, it should be your paramount masterpiece? "

Hanks shook his head and said, "then I don't know. Maybe someone else. After all, it seems that we are not the only ones who offend Mr. Shaw. Besides, didn't you start a public opinion war between fans and them? And it got a little bit of the upper hand

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's all thanks to my fans. Forget it. I don't want to talk to you. I have something urgent to do

Hanks said with a smile, "as you wish."

The two sides signed an agreement with the Swiss bank, asking the Swiss bank to act as an intermediary. After the winner and loser are divided, they are responsible for handing over 20 billion dollars to the winning party.

Because the amount is too large, the fees paid to Swiss bank intermediaries alone will cost US $50 million. This sum of money will be paid by the failed party.

After the three parties signed the contract, Hanks laughed with satisfaction and said, "Mr. Xiao, thank you in advance for your $20 billion. Hehe, you made me lose 12 billion yuan on MGM, and now you want to give me 20 billion yuan. It seems that I have made a lot of money in this business. "Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I really don't know where you come from. Why don't you think that if you lose, you will lose 32 billion yuan. Hehe, even if Mr. stell is willing to spare you, it is estimated that other shareholders will not let you go. "

Hanks snorted and said, "let's see."

After finishing the gambling, they left one after another.

From the bank, Xiao Yunhai drove to marvel comics company.

Seeing Raul, Xiao Yunhai asked, "how's things on the Internet?"

Raul said: "it's very intense. A lot of Hollywood stars are on the web, criticizing you for saying too much about Oscar, but most of them are paramount artists

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Hanks, this guy is really not giving up. Are you sure you can handle it well? "

Raul said confidently: "this little thing, absolutely no problem. However, you have offended the Oscars organizing committee. Although you will not block your films, there may be problems in rating. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I understand."

Just then, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. Open a look, it is a strange number.

"Hello, Mr. Shaw. I'm stoke, your former private detective."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's Mr. stoke. What can I do for you?"

Stoke said: "I saw you on the Internet, it seems that you are in trouble."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's just some clowns, it doesn't take long to get it done."

Stoke was silent for a moment and said, "Mr. Xiao, you said in front of the reporters that the Oscar organizing committee was unfair to itself in judging the film. Do you have any evidence?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and said, "listen to what you mean, as if you have evidence?"

Stoke said: "that's right. A month ago, my detective had been asked to investigate Oscar organizing committee chairman George McCann, and he recorded a recording of him. I believe you will be very interested

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that George Macon has offended many people."

Stoke said: "he is very good at life, but unfortunately he has been in the chair of the Organizing Committee for five years in a row, which has blocked many people's way."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. stoke, since someone is going to deal with him, it is estimated that one of your recordings is in his hands. What's the use of returning it to me? As soon as it's announced, Michael's done. "

stoke said with a wry smile:" the problem is that my buyer had a car accident a week ago and is now a vegetable. If I hadn't seen the conflict between you and Oscar, I couldn't even remember this recording

Xiao Yunhai said: "he is really unlucky. Mr. stoke, if I want this recording, how much are you going to sell me? "

Stoke said, "a million dollars."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the price is very reasonable. But you need to take it to the cafe next to marvel comics, and I'll send someone to check with a million dollar check. No problem with the recording. I'll give you the money right away

On hearing this, stoke said happily, "great, thank you, Mr. Xiao. I'll be there in half an hour. "

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai and Raul said it again.

Raul said, "I'll go there myself."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's OK." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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