Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:43 AM

Chapter 992

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Obviously, this game is still in its infancy. It's very rough. Compared with previous lives, it's a lot worse, but there are almost everything that should be.

Adhan only introduced once, Xiao Yunhai has been able to operate skillfully.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai killed a big monster and got many gold coins and articles.

After a long time, he said, "Mr. Xiao, you are just a game genius."

Xiao Yunhai complacently said: "I told you that I am a game master."

With his background in the previous life, plus the present quick eye, playing a game is not a piece of cake.

Adhan raised his thumb and said, "that's great. Mr. Xiao, what do you think of this game? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's very interesting. I think "world of Warcraft" has the potential to be popular all over the world and should be able to succeed. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai willing to invest, Adhan said excitedly: "great."

"Mr. adehan, how many employees do you have at storm games? How long will it take to complete the game? How much investment do we need and how many shares can we take? "

Since Xiao Yunhai has promised to invest, as his chief economic adviser, the rest will be done by Kristi.

Adehan grabbed the back of the head and said in some embarrassment: "there were more than 500 people in our storm game company. In the past two years, because the games made did not achieve the expected effect, so they walked and scattered. Now there are less than 100 people left. This game can be done in three years. As for investment, it is roughly estimated that it will cost at least 500 million US dollars. "

Christie raised her hand to the spectacle frame and said, "you are in a terrible condition. If we promise to invest 500 million US dollars, how many shares can you give us? "

Adhan cleared his throat and said, "at most 49 percent."

It may also be that he feels a little too much, adehan said, not even Kristi's eyes.

Christie laughed directly and said, "I understand why you can't find investors. A game company, which is going to go bankrupt, sold 49% of its shares to 500 million US dollars. Do you regard the venture capital company as an unjust leader? "

Adhan shook his head and said, "No. Ms. Kristi, it's a bit harsh, but we're confident that world of Warcraft will definitely bring you more than 500 million dollars. "

Christie was not moved and said, "when you played the first three games, did you believe in success, but you lost in a mess. Mr. adehan, I can tell you clearly that this price, let alone us, will not be agreed by any venture capital company in the world. This is too much. If we fail, we'll lose our money. "

"What do you mean?" said adehan

"It's an 80 percent stake of $500 million," Kristi said

"It's impossible," Adhan said. We'd rather go bankrupt than hand over the hard-earned game company. "

Christie said, "you owe the bank 160 million dollars. Are you going to pay back your life if you declare bankruptcy?"

On hearing this, Adhan's face turned red and he couldn't say a word.

"Adehan, don't hold on any more. You can't make it," his good friend, sdal, said. Mr. Xiao is not a profit-making boss. If you look at the current situation of magic and marvel, the annual salary of each employee is more than 200000 US dollars. If you want to develop the storm, you can't do it without Mr. Xiao's support. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that you have a deep relationship with the storm. This is a good thing. You can rest assured that although I occupy most of the shares, you are still responsible for all the big and small things in the company. As long as it is not a big event that endangers the life and death of the company, I will not interfere. In fact, even if I wanted to, I couldn't do it, because I didn't understand

On hearing this, Adhan asked suspiciously, "are you really not going to deprive us of the right to manage?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "all my companies, how many have I managed. Like magic special effects company, I can't go several times a year. There's no air traffic control for you. Rest assured, this can be indicated in the contract. Also, a game takes three years to complete, which I can't stand. If I become a major shareholder of the company, I will inject one billion dollars into the company, so that you can go out and recruit people. There must be at least 1000 technicians. As for who you need, it's up to you. "

"What about our shares?" Adhan asked

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the other 500 million yuan is what I lent to the company. After making money, the company will pay it back to me. My goal is to make storm games the world's number one game company, so that people will think of our storm as soon as they play games. Do you have that ambition, Adhan? "

Adhan's face flushed with excitement from the prospect depicted by Xiao Yunhai, and exclaimed, "of course we have."With that, Adhan seemed to feel that the occasion was not right, and his face turned even more red.

When they saw him, they couldn't help laughing.

Kristi gave Xiao Yunhai a look of appreciation and said, "no wonder he has become one of the world's top 20 tycoons in just three years. The charisma of leadership alone is not possessed by ordinary people. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you can discuss with the other two partners. If they agree, we will sign the contract this afternoon, and one billion dollars will be paid immediately. "

Adhan nodded and said, "I'll talk to them right away. As long as we are not deprived of the right to manage, they should have no problem. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's good. It's up to you, Ms. Kristi

Christie said, "no problem. However, we said in advance that our investment company only paid 500 million yuan, and the remaining 500 million yuan was lent to them by yourself, which has nothing to do with us. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "are you going to split accounts now? OK, I'll pay for the 500 million. "

After seeing Christie off, Raul came in and said, "boss, I got the recording. It's really the Oscar committee chairman, George McCann, talking to someone else. With 200 million US dollars, the other party deprived you of four awards: best screenwriter, best foreign language film, best actor and best director. But there was only his voice, and there was no name in the middle. We couldn't guess who was on the other side of the phone? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and listened to the recording in the computer. Sure enough, it was all about transactions between Michael and the other party.

Xiao Yunhai some puzzled asked: "how do they do it?"

"Boss, you may not know the movie selection process," Raul said. Let's put it this way, although the Academy Awards are selected by more than 200 experts, they can be tricky when counting the votes. Because after the statistics are finished, the votes will be put into the shredder and no one knows who elected them. As long as you prepare some votes in advance and replace your votes, there will be no problem. "

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized: "no wonder Michael said that he wanted to get through many hurdles. It seems that the teller is also very important. Ha ha, a prize of 50 million dollars, they are really cruel enough. Well, as long as there's a recording of him, I can't think of anyone else except paramount. Raul, you're going to sneak this recording onto the Internet. Don't let people find out that we did it, so as not to make trouble. Do you understand? "

Raul said, "I understand, boss."

In less than half an hour, Raul had the recording posted. In just 10 minutes, the number of clicks was more than 10000.

"We agreed. With an award of 50 million yuan, Xiao has won four awards: best screenwriter, best foreign language film, best actor and best director. The total amount is 200 million dollars. "

"Do you want to admit it? Well, I've been chairman of the Academy Awards for so many years. It's not easy to be provoked. "

"Good. You can just bring us the 200 million dollar check. As for how we divide it, it's our business. "

George McCann's voice is very clear in the recording. Anyone who hears the recording is indignant. It's a naked crime.

At noon, an unprecedented earthquake occurred in Lijian, the United States. Oscar, regarded as the symbol of the movie by movie fans all over the world, no longer has the glory of the past. The glittering cup is covered with a layer of black dirt, and the whole Hollywood is shocked and speechless.

"How could that happen? Two hundred million dollars, four awards, my God, it's not true. "

"Is Oscar down to this point now? Xiao's four trophies have been run away with 200 million dollars

"Shaw is right. Oscar is so unfair."

"Damn George McConnell, let's get Shaw wrong."

"No wonder George McCann didn't promise during the interview that the biggest problem was with himself."

"George Macon should be shot. It's terrible. The Oscars are a place to hide filth. I can't believe my ears

Not only did the fans make such a sound, but even the members of the Oscars were unbelievable.

"I really can't believe that this is going to happen to the shrine in my mind," the famous French filmmaker berry caborco said in an interview. In the selection of the best director, I did choose Xiao. Although Xiao didn't win the cup in the end, I feel a little bit sorry, but he attacked the Oscar in front of the media, which is unacceptable to me, and I am also very disappointed with him. I didn't expect that what he said was true. George McCann should die, because he has tarnished the film and the Oscars. From today on, I'm afraid Oscar will never be perfect in people's hearts. "

"Listening to that hideous recording at noon today, I didn't even have a meal," David Harnett, the film's star, wrote on his homepage. What is Oscar? It is not only a trophy, but also the dream of all filmmakers all over the world. And now Oscar is dead, and his dream is shattered. "British director Ivan said: "this is not a scandal, the word scandal is far from describing this recording. It's really hard for me to evaluate this, because it makes my heart feel extremely sad and desperate. I just want to say one thing now, George Duncan. You should go to hell. That's what Shaw said

Countless filmmakers were so angry that they wanted to kill George Duncan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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