Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:42 AM

Chapter 993

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The most unfortunate are the stars of paramount. Xiao Yunhai was just reprimanded in the morning, but in the afternoon, his face was swollen by this recording.

Because of this recording, George Duncan became a street mouse that everyone in the United States yelled at.

In a private villa, George Macon is sitting on the sofa, his eyes are blank and his face is pale. He seems to have lost his soul.

"How could that happen? Why is that so? " George McCann murmured, like a fool.

From the chairman of the Oscar organizing committee standing high above, to the street mouse that everyone yelled at, the strong gap left him dead and his spirit drained.

He knew that he was finished, and that no one could save him.

Just then, the cell phone ringing on the coffee table rang, but George Mack didn't know how many times he had called. He didn't even look at it and picked it up.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" George Macon asked weakly.

A gloomy voice came over the phone and said, "Mr. Macon, I'm Mr. paramount Hanks's assistant."

"Paramount? Hanks? " George Macon's eyes lit up as if he had grasped a straw. He asked quickly, "where is Mr. Hanks? I want to talk to him. "

The assistant said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Hanks is not in the office. He's on a business trip."

George McCann said in a rage, "fart. Does Hanks want to stay out of it? The beauty of thinking. You'd better put him on the phone right now, or I'll go outside and tell the reporters that it's paramount who bribed me

The assistant on the other end of the line seemed to pause for a moment and then said, "we Mr. Hanks will soon...

" let him answer the phone, I know he's next to you. " George Macon said with great certainty.

"Mr. Macon, I really don't want to tell you the sad news in person."

Hanks's voice came from the phone.

"I knew it must be you. Hanks, I've been hurt by you. Now I need to run to a place where nobody knows me. So I want you to give me a billion dollars to make sure that I can live well for the rest of my life. "

In a playful tone, Hanks said, "you're a real joke, Mr. Macon"

George McCann said angrily, "I'm not in the mood to joke with you. If you can't meet my demands, we'll be finished together. "

Hanks said with a smile, "Mr. Michael, one thing you need to make clear is that I have never bribed you. The man who bribed you is named Cathy, isn't he? By the way, the reason why I asked the assistant to call you is to tell you that your family are very good, especially your grandson and granddaughter. The two children are so lovely. "

Hearing Hanks's words, George McCann seemed to be hit by the thunderbolt. His face turned blue and said, "Hanks, you bastard, you even threaten me with my family."

Hanks was surprised and said, "Mr. Macon, you misunderstood me. That's what Mr. Cathy asked me to bring for you, not me

George McCann took a deep breath and said in despair, "I shouldn't work with you. You're all demons."

Hanks said with a smile: "Mr. Michael, don't say that. We are all influential people in society. How can we say that we are demons. Cathy asked me to inform you that he didn't want to go to jail. Well, my mission is over. We'll see you again. Oh, no, it should never be

With that, Hanks hung up.

George Macon listened to the sound of the broken wire across the line. His mobile phone dropped slowly from his hand to the ground. The whole person seemed to have no bones, and all of a sudden he spread out on the sofa.

At 3 p.m. that day, major entertainment media reported that George McKen, chairman of the Oscar organizing committee, committed suicide in his villa.

"Suicide with fear of guilt?" Xiao Yunhai saw the video on the Internet and sneered: "whether he killed or killed himself, I'm afraid only the party concerned knows."

Raul said: "if the police really enforce the law fairly, it's not difficult to find out who bribed Michael. Unfortunately, America is a world of money. As long as there is money, even the president can be elected, let alone smooth a case. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "George McConnell ruined his reputation for 200 million dollars, and Oscar was humiliated with him. Why should it be so hard?"

Raul said with a smile: "boss, the charm of money is not everyone can resist. Recently, our company's employees have become hot cakes, paramount and Disney have come to dig for people, the bid is very high, like a team leader in the animation department, as long as he goes there, he will immediately get an annual salary of $300000. "

"How do you know?" asked Xiao Yunhai

"Several employees came to my office the next day after being harassed and explained the situation to me," Raul said. However, I think there are still many people who are hesitant. Boss, do you want to do something about itXiao Yunhai waved his hand and said: "when magic was in crisis, although I was 100% sure of going over, I didn't announce it immediately. Instead, I used this event to test the loyalty of magic employees. For this reason, magic left forty or fifty people, now without exception, all in regret. If Marvel's employees are poached at high prices, you don't have to stop them, just let them go. I don't need employees who are not loyal to the company. "

Raul nodded and said, "boss, I understand. Hollywood talent is like a crucian carp across the river, those disloyal employees left, we can recruit more excellent people in. Sooner or later, Marvel Comics will surely become the best animation company in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you can think so. Raul, the second part of transformers will be given to you. With the foundation of the first one, I believe there will be no problem with the results of this one. "

Raul said, "don't worry, boss. I'll take care of it."

After finishing all the things about Harry Potter and transformers, Xiao Yunhai and Kerry got on the plane to Yanjing, China.

"Shaw, did you make that recording of George McCann?"

On the plane, Kerry kept asking Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai was not angry and said: "Kerry, I have said 800 times. If it's not me, why don't you believe it?"

Kerry said doubtfully, "but it's a coincidence."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if I have this recording, I will publish it before I attend the Oscar ceremony, so that the Oscar organizing committee can re evaluate the major awards. Now that the results are out, what's the use of doing this again? "

Kerry thought about it, nodded and said, "you have a point. Ha ha, Xiao, do you know how big the problem is this time? The George McCann scandal has made the whole Hollywood panic stricken. The Oscars are very nervous. I heard that the tellers have been quarantined and censored. I believe it won't take long for more people to enter. All the filmmakers and fans all over the world are staring at this, and it is impossible for the government to keep a low profile. Because of this recording, Oscar was completely destroyed and could no longer maintain its high position. The Golden Cup International Film Festival is likely to take its place. Perhaps this event is a turning point for Chinese films to gradually replace Hollywood. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "stop pulling. Although Oscar has been hit hard and his prestige has been greatly reduced in the hearts of filmmakers, Huaxia still has a long way to go to reach the scale and level of Hollywood. However, I firmly believe that within 10 years, Huaxia will catch up with or even surpass Hollywood in film. "

Kerry sighed: "when it comes to that time, we may consider moving our headquarters to China. By the way, Xiao, I want to discuss one thing with you. We MGM are very interested in your super hero, Green Hornet. Can you sell us the copyright? Of course, if you can't, that's fine. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as long as the price is right," green bee man "can not be handed over to you

Xiao Yunhai has no interest in shooting the Green Hornet. The box office performance of this film in the previous life is not good. It seems that the global box office has only won 100 million US dollars, and Xiao Yunhai has not even seen it.

Since MGM is interested in it, Xiao Yunhai is willing to do a favor. Of course, the copyright fee is absolutely indispensable.

Kerry is very clear about Xiao Yunhai's attention to superheroes. Asking him is just a matter of routine. He never thought he could succeed. Therefore, after hearing Xiao Yunhai's reply, he was obviously stunned. He thought it was something wrong with his ears and asked again, "what did you just say?"

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "as long as the price is right," green bee man "can be sold to you. Who wants us to be partners now , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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