Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:41 AM

Chapter 994

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However, Kerry not only did not feel happy, but looked at him suspiciously and said tentatively, "Xiao, are you sure you are in a normal state of mind today?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "if you don't give it to you, you will look at me like a resentful woman, and my eyes are full of sorrow. Now it's for you, and you can't believe it. Well, just as I didn't say it

Kerry said quickly, "I'm sorry, Shaw. I'm just surprised."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "let's settle accounts. How much are you going to give me? "

Kerry said: "Xiao, we MGM want to use 200 million US dollars to buy all the Green Hornet Movie and television rights. What do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "do you MGM still want to make it into a TV series?"

Kerry nodded and said, "of course. It depends on whether you want to sell it or not? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "the Green Hornet is not very famous among Marvel superheroes. The price of 200 million US dollars is reasonable. Let's make a deal. I hope you can achieve good results. "

Kerry snapped his fingers and said happily, "that's great. We have one more thing to ask of you, Xiao

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said, "boss, I'm going crazy. What are you going to do? "

Kerry grinned awkwardly and said, "we want to borrow more money, raise money for MGM, and dilute the shares of those picky shareholders. If it wasn't for them this time, we wouldn't have been forced into such a predicament. "

At this point, Kerry is gnashing his teeth.

"How much do you want to borrow?" Xiao asked

Kerry said: "120 billion dollars, we are willing to use the entire MGM as collateral."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are really cruel. OK, I'll ask you if it can be done. I don't know. After all, MGM's situation is not very good now. "

Kerry said with a smile, "Xiao, it's my greatest fortune to know you."

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't follow me. You'd better say that to those pretty girls

More than ten hours later, the plane landed steadily at Yanjing International Airport.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening. Xiao Yunhai and his party had just come out of the cabin when they were stopped by a person in charge of Yanjing airport.

"Mr. Xiao, the airport has been surrounded by reporters and fans who pick up the airport. Roughly speaking, there are about 3000 people. If you go out, you may cause accidents. So we think you'd better get out of our special passage. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "everyone's news is really smart. Brother Qian, you go out and apologize to them and say that I have left. Don't let them wait any longer. "

Sima Qian promised to go to the main gate, while Xiao Yunhai and others took a special passage.

Xiao Yunhai originally wanted to ask Kerry to live there, but Kerry refused.

MGM has set up a branch office in Yanjing. Kerry had business to do in the past, so Xiao Yunhai didn't insist too much.

By the time we got back to the villa, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Entering the living room, Chen Xiuzhu and Zhao Wanqing are sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming back, Zhao Wanqing happily welcomed him and said, "husband, you are finally here."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what? You're afraid I'll lose it. Mom, why don't you go to rest so late? "

Chen Xiuzhu snorted and said, "you are outside. I can't say anything. Now that I know you're back at night, I'll teach you how to sleep. "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised to say: "Mom, wronged, where did I provoke you?"

Zhao Wanqing helped him take out his slippers and asked him to change them. Then she gave him a helpless look and sat back on the sofa with no sense of loyalty.

Chen Xiuzhu said with a cold face, "I haven't been bothered. You dare to take part in the 20 billion dollar bet. Are you taking the wrong medicine

Xiao Yunhai understood his mother's meaning and explained: "Mom, I can't blame this matter. Who let them cheat too much. I can't disgrace Huaxia. "

Chen Xiuzhu sneered: "I'm afraid you are bullying them? I've heard Wanqing say that you've been trying to set people up. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mom, you don't know how irritating they are. My four Oscars have been taken away by them. Do you think I can teach them a lesson? "

Chen Xiuzhu sighed: "Yunhai, I'm not blaming you for anything, but I hope you don't do this again. You are gambling, and it is the maximum amount of gambling. There are many reasons for you, but in my eyes, this is not a reason to gamble. In the future, no matter how sure you are, even if you win or lose, I will not allow you to do so, understand? "

Xiao Yunhai knew that his mother was worried about gambling. Now he honestly said, "Mom, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I won't do it again. "Chen Xiuzhu knew that her son was one to one. She could not help smiling and said, "that's good. Come on, I'm going back. You two should have a rest early. "

After Chen Xiuzhu left, Zhao Wanqing said to Xiao Yunhai, "don't blame your mother. She is afraid that you are addicted to gambling."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course I know. Wife, I haven't seen you for a few days. You seem to have lost a lot of weight. "

Zhao Wanqing said happily, "really? Great. I practice my mother's Kung Fu every day, but I didn't expect it to be so effective. "

Xiao Yunhai put his arm around her shoulder and said, "the benefits of Kung Fu are not just weight loss. Wife, take me to see the children. These two days, can give me to think bad. I haven't felt how before. Now I feel like I'm holding myself like a rope. No wonder people say that when they have children, they will be worried. I can see the true meaning of this sentence

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's easy for them to fall asleep."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "don't worry."

Came to the bedroom, Xiao Yunhai looked at the two little dots in the bed, obediently sleeping, heart suddenly gushed out a thick warmth, love heart spontaneously.

After watching for a while, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help but want to kiss the two children's cheek. However, Zhao Wanqing, who was quick at seeing and quick at hand, stopped him and said, "what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yunhai embarrassed smile, light voice way: "some can't help it."

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "you go to take a bath first. Don't bring the dirty things out here."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'm going."

After a hot bath, Xiao Yunhai goes back to bed and finds Zhao Wanqing asleep. He can't help but smile.

That night, Xiao Yunhai was woken up three times by his two children, changing diapers and holding children. He was dying for immortality, but he was very happy in his heart.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai took Kerry to Huaxia commercial bank.

For the super rich, the bank naturally dare not neglect, bank president Miao Rong personally met him.

"Mr. Miao, it's my brother who wants to borrow money from your bank." Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said frankly.

Miao Rong took a look at Kerry and asked, "what's the name of this gentleman?"

Kerry smiles and says, "I'm Kerry Smith of MGM."

"MGM?" Miao Rong was shocked and said thoughtfully, "Mr. Smith, this loan should be to pay off more than 90 billion dollars from Citibank."

As the boss of Huaxia commercial bank, Miao Rong is naturally familiar with the situation of American Wall Street.

Although it's far away, MGM's business is very clear. "

Kerry nodded and said, "yes. The banks were bribed by stern to lend us money to tide us over. That's why I asked Mr. Xiao to bring me here. Mr. Miao, I wonder if you can lend us $120 billion? "

Miao Rong was stunned and said, "120 billion US dollars. Mr. Smith, we can't lend you so much money. The market value of MGM is only $130 billion. Even if we mortgage the whole company, it will not meet the loan standard of our bank. "

Kerry frowned and asked, "is there no other way?"

Miao Rong looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "yes, please guarantee."

Kerry nuogged Xiao Yunhai and said, "is he OK?"

Miao Rong showed a certain expression and said with a smile: "if Mr. Xiao can't do it, there won't be many people in the world. As long as Mr. Xiao agrees, let alone 120 billion. Even if it is 200 billion, we dare to lend. "

Kerry's eyes flashed as soon as he heard it. He looked at Xiao Yunhai as if he saw a cornucopia.

Xiao Yunhai quickly waved his hand and said, "don't even think about it. Miao Xingchang, how much money can MGM film company lend at most? "

Miao Rong took out a computer, pressed a few times, and said, "up to 95 billion dollars."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "that is to say, there is still a gap of 25 billion. OK, Mr. Miao, I can use my magic effects company as a guarantee. Once MGM has paid off the $25 billion and interest, I will withdraw. I don't know if it's ok? "

Miao Rong said with a smile, "of course."

Kerry next to him couldn't help saying, "Shaw, I'm so sad that you did this."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "Kerry, I can guarantee you $25 billion. That's enough. I dare say that no one in the world will do this except me. "

Miao Rong said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao is right. I've worked in a bank all my life, and I've never seen anyone guarantee such a large loan of tens of billions of dollars. Because it's too risky for the guarantor. "

Kerry said, "well, I'm wrong, can't I?"? Miao Xingchang, when can I get the money? You know, it's not far from the day when we pay our debts. "Miao Rong said: "as long as your information is verified, it will be OK this afternoon."

Kerry said happily, "great. This is all the materials of MGM. Please check it as soon as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'll send someone to bring the relevant materials of the dream special effects image company."

Because Xiao Yunhai is a millionaire as a guarantee, Kerry's loan approval is very fast, just after 12 o'clock. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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