Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:36 AM

Chapter 997

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"Is it Xiao Yunhai A slightly nervous female voice reached Xiao Yunhai's ears.

Xiao Yunhai is estimated to be the alma mater student union to call, said: "yes, I am Xiao Yunhai. Who are you? "

Hearing that it was Xiao Yunhai, the girl was obviously very excited and said, "Hello, Xiao Xuechang. I'm Huang Cuicui of grade 00 in our school. I'm calling to inform you that our school will hold the 50th anniversary of its founding in three days. I wonder if you are free to attend? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I just heard from Huang Bo that I would like to take part in such a big school thing. And we're going to play a sketch, but the script doesn't come out. I'll let you know. "

"Great. Xiao Xuechang, can you sing another song

"Of course, I'll take care of it in the next two days."

"Great, thank you for your support. I'm a big fan."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the school dares to hand over such a large-scale art show to you. It seems that Huang Xuemei is not simple. OK. I'll see you in three days

"Goodbye, Xiao."

In the student union office of Yanjing Film Academy, Huang Cuicui put down the phone, patted her full chest and said, "I'm so excited."

Next to her, there are several student union members, handsome men and beautiful women.

One of the girls looked forward to asking, "Chairman Huang, did elder martial brother Xiao agree?"

Huang Cuicui nodded and said, "yes. Master Xiao can sing a little song


"It's great that elder martial brother Xiao can come."

"Ha ha, it's hard to attract journalists from all over the country."

The other students were very happy.

Huang Cuicui said: "Xiao Xuechang deserves to be my idol. Such a big star, however, is very kind-hearted, without any airs. Unlike some of the stars in our school, didn't they play two idol dramas? He put on a high face, and his words were full of evil. Hum, compared with Xiao Xuechang, he is no great man. "

"Yes. Li Wei's agent, in particular, asked the East and West, either this one is not good, or that one is not suitable. It is absolutely unreasonable. What's more ridiculous is the party held by his school. He even wanted some independent dressing room. I thought there was something wrong with my ears

"This is forgetting the origin. There are dozens of stars in Yanjing Film Academy. Xiao Xuechang is a world-class superstar, on an equal footing with Hollywood giants. They deserve to play a big game in front of us. If they meet Xiao Xuechang, they can't pretend to be grandsons

"Li Wei is pretty good. Yan Chunling, who I am in charge of, is even more excessive. Her agent even wanted top cosmetics, professional stylist, and assistant for Yan Chunling. God, I'm going crazy. Ha ha, I only said to her at that time. Would you please ask Yan Chunling, a student of Yanjing film academy? Then he hung up. "

"Well, I don't know what happened to them? They are good at school. Once they are famous, they start to look down upon others and play big names. This is a party organized by our school. They dare to do so. If the party organized by other TV stations, it should not be more serious. "

"I think we should just let the school get rid of these guys who have nothing to do with it."

Huang Cuicui said with a smile, "well, I know you've been wronged for a long time. I think it's not necessarily what the agents mean. Otherwise, how could they all agree. Our primary task now is to do a good job in the stage setting and arrange the seats of the stars

A girl said, "Cuicui, the stage setting is easy to set up, but the seats are not easy to arrange. Who is in the front, who is behind, in the entertainment industry are very particular. If the row is not suitable, it will be troublesome. "

Huang Cuicui laughed and said, "we don't care about the rules outside. As long as we come into our school, we must follow the rules of the school. I think it's in the chronological order of graduation. Those who are senior students sit in front of them. "

"It won't work. If we follow this principle, will Xiao be at the bottom of the list? "

"Don't worry, I'll explain to him alone with Lin Lu. In his present capacity, he will never embarrass us for any seat. "

"Yes. Well, that's it

A group of people held a meeting for more than half an hour, and then the meeting was over.

At Xiao Yunhai's home, Zhao Wanqing cuddles the two children to sleep. When she sees Xiao Yunhai typing on the computer, she makes him a cup of tea and carries it to him.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "three days later, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Yanjing Film Academy. I am writing a sketch script to perform with Huang Bo."

Zhao Wanqing said: "the 50 years of Daqing can not be missed. Honey, I want to go, tooXiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "your body is OK?"

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "the children have been born for a month and a half. My body has been raised for a long time. I've been staying at home all day for a year, and I'm going to get sick if I'm not ill. "

Xiao Yunhai gently brushed her hair and said, "OK, let's go together. Wife, it's hard for you. "

Zhao Wanqing showed a moving smile on her face and said, "I'm really satisfied to have a husband like you and two such lovely children. To marry you is the most correct decision I have ever made in my life. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at his wife's flowery smile and her more fiery figure after giving birth to the baby. She suddenly burst out of her abdomen. She couldn't help standing up and hugging Zhao Wanqing. She said, "wife, we haven't had sex for a year. I'm going to get sick."

Zhao Wanqing's eyes were like silk. Her white arms caught Xiao Yunhai's neck and said, "what are you waiting for?"

Xiao Yunhai a tiger roar, the study when a spring.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you've been filming in the production team, and you haven't been home for years. Of course, the teacher doesn't want to disturb you. Besides, what can I tell you? You're not a doctor. You're just in a hurry. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "Lin Lu, don't blame your senior brother. He also knew it when he paid a new year's visit to Mr. Yao on the first day of the new year's day. Fortunately, Mr. Yao is lucky

Lin Lu nodded and said, "I have been in Mengyin for the past two days. The doctor said that the teacher recovered very well. It's a pity that I didn't help. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "for a teacher, the best gift is to fill the world with peaches and plums. As long as you film well and produce some excellent works, the teacher will be very happy. Who is this schoolgirl? "

Lin Lu patted her forehead and said, "I almost forgot to introduce you. This is Huang Cuicui, the most famous director in our school, and the president of our student union

Xiao Yunhai Oh, asked with a smile: "the Xuemei who called me last time is you?"

Huang Cuicui nodded and said, "yes, Xiao Xuechang."

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "Huang Xuemei, why do you choose the director department? Generally speaking, this line of work is basically male students. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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