Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:35 AM

Chapter 998

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No matter in China or in the world, excellent female directors are rare. The main reason is that women are in a weak position in the first place.

They may not be inferior to male directors in directing ability, but they are not able to control the production team. Therefore, few girls choose to be a director.

In the past ten years, the number of female students applying for director examination in Yanjing Film Academy is less than ten fingers.

Huang Cuicui said with a smile: "I have been interested in directors since I was a child. I have read a lot of books on this aspect. It is a very proud thing that a film can be created from my own hands. Unfortunately, so far, I have only made one micro film. I don't know if I have a chance to direct a big movie

Lin Lu said: "although it's just a micro film, the result is very good. In the Youshi network micro film competition, won Zhuang bin to talk to people, has always been gentle, this is really angry by these people.

The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the university is to invite the outstanding students who graduated from the university to come back, but to encourage them.

But who would have thought that their brokers were very angry, one moment this can not, while the other is not suitable, it is simply infuriating individuals.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had just arrived at this level when they heard Zhuang Bin's thunder and rage.

Two people looked at each other, quickly went to the office door, knocked twice.

"Come in." Zhuang bin was angry a little bit and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yunhai opened the door and went in with Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile, "headmaster, what can make you so angry?"

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, the most outstanding student in the school for decades, Zhuang Bin's anger was like the melting snow of the spring sun, which disappeared without a trace in an instant, and his face couldn't help smiling.

"If you two can come, the school will shine."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "headmaster, what you said. We have only graduated a few years ago, and you regard us as outsiders. "

Zhuangbin laughed and said, "I admit that I was wrong. It was my slip of the tongue."

Xiao Yunhai looked at several brokers in the room and said with a smile, "these are?"

When Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came in, the five or six brokers immediately stood up and did not dare to be slighted.

They are all old people in the entertainment circle. Naturally, they know Xiao Yunhai's position in the circle. It's just a matter of saying that you want to ban yourself and your artists.

Therefore, they dare to offend Zhuang bin, the president of the film academy, but they dare not offend Xiao Yunhai.

Mao Dong, Li Wei's agent, said respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Mao Dong, Li Wei's agent."

"I'm Li Ying, Yan Chunling's agent."


after listening to their self introduction, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Hello, everyone. It's nice to meet you."

Mao Dong quickly said: "Mr. Xiao where, can see you, is our greatest honor."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are so polite. Ladies and gentlemen, I heard some of your opinions just now. I think this is a school after all, not those occasions outside. Don't take the entertainment industry's set here. The stage conditions of our school are really poor, which add up to only three dressing rooms, but these should not be the focus. After all, our party is not utilitarian and will not be used for commercial purposes. It should not be for the sake of making money that the seniors and sisters can take time out of their busy schedule to perform on stage. "

Li Ying said, "Mr. Xiao said yes. When we heard that the school asked her to come back to perform and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the school, we danced with joy. Just as her agent, I don't want to hinder her development because of this performance. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's just a school performance. It's not so serious. On the contrary, as a student of Yanjing Film Academy, if reporters hear that everyone wants dressing room and seating capacity in their alma mater, that is the big problem. "

Mao Dong said with a smile: "since Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao are both like this, naturally we will not have any opinions. Mr. Zhuang, if there's nothing wrong, we'll leave first. "

Zhuang bin nodded and all the agents filed out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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