Published at 29th of April 2024 09:11:17 AM

Chapter 107: Chapter 107: Chapter 108: Little Pony Soybean_l

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Chapter 107: Chapter 108: Little Pony Soybean_l

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: 549690339

Sister, sister

The Little Prince rushed forward with single-minded determination, wanting to throw himself into his sisters arms, his footsteps quickened.

As he approached, his legs weakened and he fell forward, tumbling directly into Su Qingluos embrace.

Xuaner, you did it. You can walk on your own now.

Su Qingluo didnt wait for the Little Prince to pout. She held him and spun around several times on the spot, cheering loudly with happiness.

Sister, Im dizzy.

Feeling dizzy from the spinning, the Little Prince indeed forgot his grievance, clinging tightly to her neck, acting cute and whiny.

Giggle, giggle, giggle

Su Qingluo held the soft and adorable little body, spinning around a few more times. The joyful laughter echoed in the courtyard, lingering for a long time.

When heavy snow closed off the mountains, the hunters relaxed and gathered in groups of three or five, drinking and playing finger-guessing games, enjoying the rare leisure time of the year.

The mountains were high and dangerous, and the snowy paths slippery. Su Hu and his family also stopped thinking about going up the mountain for hunting, staying at home to spend the winter peacefully.

Li Xiue took out the cabbages and radishes stored in the cellar in the autumn and pickled them, making spicy appetizers, preparing for the New Year.

Su Hu cared for his wife and also took some free time to help.

Working together, the couple pickled two full urns of spicy cabbage and radish and stored them in the cellar, ready to give some to relatives and friends during the New Year visits.

The adults were busy stocking up for the New Year while the children played happily without a care in the world.

The academy gave a winter vacation, and Su Zixuan had free time to wholeheartedly bond with his new companion, a newly bought pony named Soybean.

Soybean was a pony Su Zixuan had personally selected at the horse market.

Su Hu had long planned to let him choose one and had taken him to Furong Town several times, but they hadnt found any suitable ponies.

Soybean was a young colt, born difficultly. Its umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck while in its mothers womb, causing it to be strangled and turning purple. Managing to survive was nothing short of a miracle.

The owner had planned to give up on the colt and brought it to the horse market to dispose of it, not caring if it was sold to a butcher.

Perhaps heaven took pity and didnt want such a weak life to die unjustly.

Soybean managed to bite through the reins and escape just as the butcher was about to pay for it, coincidentally bumping into Su Hu and his son.

Upon seeing Soybean for the first time, Su Zixuan was won over by its courage in the face of adversity.

Despite Su Hus dissuasion, he insisted on purchasing the scrawny and sickly-looking pony.

Left with no choice, Su Hu paid the seller double the compensation that was offered to the butcher to save the pony from death.

Father and son brought the young pony home and told their family the story of how they acquired it.

Su Zixuans kind-hearted act earned unanimous praise from everyone, including the two Imperial Shadow Guards, Jifeng and Jiyu.

Su Qingluo patted her chest confidently, promising that she would take good care of the pony and make sure it grew up healthy and strong before the winter vacation was over, accompanying her brother while playing.

Su Qingluo did as she promised. With her generous nurturing of Spiritual Power, the pony grew healthier day by day.

Su Hu was delighted to see this and also helped to take care of it meticulously.

Having had experience in raising Black Wind and Jujube, Su Hu mastered feeding the little pony.

The pony was very well-behaved, staying obediently in the stable.

It ate on time without being picky, didnt provoke others, didnt run around, and coexisted peacefully with Black Wind and Jujube.

After two months of meticulous care, just before the winter vacation arrived, the pony had indeed grown as Su Qingluo had promised healthy and strong, with shiny fur and a robust body.

Su Zixuan loved it very much and gave it a name closely resembling his own Soybean, which was just one word different from Doudou..

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