Published at 7th of May 2024 11:00:55 AM

Chapter 126: Chapter 126: Chapter 127: Eight Junior Brothers_1

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Chapter 126: Chapter 127: Eight Junior Brothers_1


Translator: 549690339

Brother Meng? Xuaner? Why are you guys at the academy?

Su Qingluo looked over at the sound of Little Princes shouting, saw the familiar figuresan adult and a childwaiting outside the academy, and couldnt help but feel delighted, running towards them.

Xuaner missed you and insisted on coming to pick you up at the academy.

Your mother had no choice but to let me carry him here.

Wang Meng held Little Princes delicate body carefully, afraid to use too much force, lest he break his little arms and legs accidentally.

Sister, hug.

Upon seeing Su Qingluo, Little Prince immediately stretched out his little arms, acting spoiled and cute for a hug.

Li Xiue, worrying that he would catch a cold from the chilly wind, had bundled him up like a little dumpling with a hat and scarf, leaving only a pair of bright eyes exposed.

Su Qingluo took the little dumpling, weighed him, and smiled wryly to herself.

Wow, boss, your brother is 10 years old? So tall!

Your brother is so cute, really lovely.

All eight of Su Qingluos little supporters gathered around, praising her adoringly.

Who are they?

Wang Meng crossed his arms, impatiently looking at the eight little kids that were shorter than his waist, furrowing his brows.

Theyre my new little followersclassmates, you could say.

Su Qingluo smiled teasingly at him, swallowed the word friend and implied to her followers with a nod, You guys, call him Brother Meng.

Hello, Brother Meng.

Tian Qi led the way, and the eight little followers greeted Wang Meng loudly. What were you thinking? Why did you get little followers?

Wang Mengs scalp tingled, facing the eight pairs of adoring little eyes, he turned away disdainfully.

He wasnt interested in being a child leader.

Su Qingluo shrugged: I ran into some trouble this morning when I first arrived, solved it, and ended up with eight little followers.

They dared to challenge you?

Wang Meng couldnt believe it, looking at the eight clueless little kids, unconsciously clenching his fists.

Brother Meng, we were wrong.

From now on, well listen to our boss and never pick fights again.

Compared to Su Qingluos petite and adorable figure, Wang Mengs tall and strong stature brought an absolutely terrifying sense of oppression to Tian Qi and the others.

The eight little followers trembled in unison and shrunk their necks as they backed away.

Brother Meng, let it go. They know they were wrong and wont bully anyone again.

Su Qingluo couldnt help but laugh: Lets go home, we have school in the afternoon.

Lets go.

Wang Meng always listened to his little master without question and immediately turned around and left.

Xuaner, are you hungry? Is your tummy growling?

Su Qingluo followed, bouncing the little dumpling in her arms and laughing as she teased him.

My tummy isnt growling.

Little Prince touched his tiny belly and answered seriously.


Su Qingluo loved his cute, silly look and laughed happily.

Boss, well wait for you at the academy, come early in the afternoon.

Tian Qi and the others heaved a sigh of relief when Wang Meng left, happily bidding Su Qingluo goodbye with excitement.

Alright, you guys go eat.

Su Qingluo waved her arm while facing them and walked with Little Prince toward the ferry crossing.


After walking a few steps, a person suddenly fell to the ground in front of them, clutching his chest in pain, wailing a few times, then went silent.

Su Qingluos face changed, and just as she was about to rush over to help, a young man carrying a medicine box hurriedly ran over, bending down and pressing his hands on the mans chest, performing CPR.

What happened? Why did Old Man Li faint?

Whats he doing?

Pressing on someones heart like that, wont he kill them?

Hes just a young man, not a divine doctor. Can he even do that?

If he accidentally presses him to death, should we go to the officials?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!