Published at 9th of May 2024 07:50:58 AM

Chapter 128: Chapter 128: Chapter 129: Elegant Youth_l

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Chapter 128: Chapter 129: Elegant Youth_l


Translator: 549690339

Su Qingluo was agile and didnt need help, but carrying the clingy Little Prince blocked most of her view, making it difficult for her to see the ground and jump as she pleased.

Wang Meng assisted her by grabbing her arm and jumped onto the boat, finding a spot with fewer people to sit down and wait for the boat to set off.

The Little Prince nestled in Su Qingluos arms, his trembling gaze fixated on the young man sitting diagonally across from them.

Su Qingluo followed his line of sight and carefully observed the young man.

She realized that he wasnt very old, only about thirteen or fourteen years old, with a remarkably handsome and refined appearance.

The young man didnt notice their scrutinizing gaze. He seemed to be pondering a difficult problem, looking calm amidst the hustle and bustle of the boat.

Su Qingluo blocked the spying gaze of the Little Prince with her hand and adjusted his head while softly whispering into his ear, her voice full of conviction.

Xuaner, dont be afraid. Your leg is already healed, and Sister will protect you from any harm.


Understanding her words, the Little Princes black, gem-like eyes shone brightly.

The boat rocked violently as it reached the center of the turbulent river.

The young man lost his balance and stumbled forward, about to fall face-first. Wang Mengs quick reflexes allowed him to dart in and grab the young mans collar, lifting him back up.

Cough, cough.

His collar choked the young man, turning his cheeks red from the lack of air.

The current is too strong, and the boat is unsteady. Be careful and dont get distracted.

Wang Meng felt some affinity for the young man, releasing his grip and gently reminding him.

Thank you.

The young man looked at him gratefully, readjusted the medicine box and sat down again.

A moment later, seeing that Wang Meng was still standing beside him and showed no intention of leaving, the young man hesitantly spoke up. May I ask, uh, little brother, how do I get to Woniu Village?

What are you going to Woniu Village for?

Wang Meng was surprised. It seemed that the Little Master had guessed correctly.

Im looking for a Divine Doctor.

The young man was candid, with no hint of deceit.

Divine Doctor?

Wang Mengs heart skipped a beat as he unconsciously glanced at the Little Master; Youre looking in the wrong place. Theres no Divine Doctor in Woniu


Thats not right.

The young man frowned lightly: I clearly heard my father say that the Divine Doctor is in Woniu Village.

What does the Divine Doctor youre looking for look like?

Wang Meng tentatively asked, Im a villager from Woniu Village and can help you look.

Really? Thats great!

The young mans eyes lit up: An extraordinary elder with exceptional medical skills, a woman, but I dont know her exact appearance. No one from Medicine King Valley has ever seen her.

An elder?!

Were people from Medicine King Valley all so naive in their medical pursuits?

They didnt even know their age, yet dared to come looking?

Wang Meng almost burst into laughter. If not for the young mans earlier act of saving someone, he would have definitely teased him mercilessly.

Theres no elder like you described in Woniu Village. You should go back.

Asking around the village would be futile.

I cant. I finally managed to sneak out of the valley. I cant go back without finding the elder. The young man looked dejected.

So, it turned out he had secretly escaped from the valley.

This could be problematic. What if he went to the village and asked around, exposing Little Masters secret?

Wang Mengs thoughts were complicated as he unconsciously glanced at the Little Master once more.

Let him follow us.

Su Qingluo had been paying attention to their conversation and silently mouthed a few words when Wang Meng looked at her.


Wang Meng understood Su Qingluos intentions from the movement of her lips and happily nodded.

With the Little Masters guidance, he could confidently bring the young man into the village..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!