Published at 14th of May 2024 11:35:10 AM

Chapter 139: Chapter 139: Chapter 140: Contract Takes Effect 1

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Chapter 139: Chapter 140: Contract Takes Effect 1


Translator: 549690339

Father, Brother Zhan is right,

Su Qingluo played with the jade flute in one hand, The jade flute seems valuable, but its not very practical, its just a nice collectible after all.


Luo Zhans eyebrows were raised, and he was very complimentary, Little Qingluo is truly a rare and extraordinary young lady, with a broad knowledge and outstanding skills, leaving a deep impression every time we meet.

Brother Zhan, you flatter me.

Su Qingluo put the jade flute into the brocade box and handed it to Su Hu, her eyes curved into a smile, Qingluo is just a flute player, not worthy of the four words outstanding skills.

Young Master, Su and my daughter just discussed it, within a month, we can only give out a hundred bamboo flutes.

Su Hu sensed Luo Zhans strange mood, as if he was too enthusiastic, and hurriedly inserted a word.

A hundred is our limit, we cant do any more, if the young master is satisfied, lets agree, and deliver the goods in a month.

A hundred huh? All right.

Returning to the main topic, Luo Zhan immediately resumed his businessmans nature, his eyes shining brightly, Jufeng Trading Company will pay half of the deposit first, and when the one hundred bamboo flutes are all sold, the remaining dividends will be sent, how does Brother Su feel about

Thats fine.

Su Hu nodded in agreement.

Brother Su is straightforward!

Luo Zhan smiled and praised, Before I came, I asked someone to draft the contract, please review it, Brother Su.

The servant behind him, very observantly, handed the contract to Su Hu.

Sister Yu, help Father look.

Su Hu had little knowledge of writing and reading and felt dizzy reading the contract.

All right.

Su Qingluo calmly took over the contract and quickly read it through, she couldnt help but laugh.

Brother Zhan is really a capable man, already estimating the number of bamboo flutes we have in stock before coming, even the specific numbers are clearly written.


Su Hu stretched his neck to look over.

Isnt it? The contract clearly states here, a one-time delivery of a hundred lluces.

Su Qingluo teased in a childlike tone, Father, youve been played, he wanted a hundred flutes all along, and you were worried that there wouldnt be two hundred flutes to make the deal.

Ahem, Little Qingluo, its not like that.

Luo Zhan blushed, We genuinely wanted two hundred, the numbers in the contract can be changed at any time.

Oh, so thats how it is!

Su Qingluo pretended to be enlightened and replied with a smile, Since the contract is ready, Brother Zhan and Father should sign it quickly, its getting dark, the road is not easy to walk, if it gets any later, the ferry will stop. Ahem, Little Qingluo, are you trying to drive Brother Zhan away? The corner of Luo Zhans eye twitched, his face slightly unnatural.

Not at all.

Su Qingluo smiled innocently, I just sincerely care about Brother Zhan. If its too late, the ferry really wont be available.

Wife, bring the pen and ink, were signing the contract.

Su Hu was convinced by his daughters words, nodding repeatedly.

Here it is.

Li Xiue quickly brought the pen and ink over.

Su Hu excitedly wrote his name on the contract and pressed his fingerprint.

Luo Zhan forced a smile, took out his seal from his sleeve, stamped it, and also pressed his fingerprint.

Once the contract was in effect, Su Hu couldnt contain his happiness, personally sent them to the ferry, and watched Luo Zhan and his servant get on the boat before turning back.

A hundred bamboo flutes, how much money will we make?!

That night, Li Xiue was so excited that she couldnt sleep, staring wide-eyed, and calculating the dividends with great satisfaction.

Go to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow to make bamboo flutes.

Su Hu turned over, closed his eyes and groggily spoke, but he was also very excited, with his heartbeat accelerating exceptionally fast..

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