Published at 22nd of May 2024 11:18:17 AM

Chapter 155: Chapter 155: Chapter 156: Little Meng Bao Who Doesnt Want to Eat Egg Yolk_l

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Chapter 155: Chapter 156: Little Meng Bao Who Doesnt Want to Eat Egg Yolk_l


Translator: 549690339

Xuaner, be good, dont make a fuss. Your sister seldom gets a day off; let her sleep in.

Having her ear painfully pinched, Su Qingluo helplessly turned over and continued to sleep.

Sister, get up. Xuaners tummy is hungry, I want to eat.

The little cutie was not happy, rubbing his sisters shoulder persistently and urging her to get up.

With her head aching from his noise, Su Qingluo wailed and sat up. Seeing the little troublemaker, she suddenly pulled the quilt over to cover the annoying little sticky fellow.


With a sudden darkness in front of him, the little cutie was frightened and pursed his lips, wanting to cry. His small arms and legs flailed about inside the


Ha ha ha.

Laughing heartily, Su Qinglu crossed the room to fetch her washbasin and went out to the well to fetch water and wash her face.

When she returned to the room, the little cutie had already crawled out of the quilt. His eyes were red with grievance. When he saw his sister return, he crawled towards her with his arms and legs, clinging to her like a little quail.

Barely holding back her laughter, Su Qingluo dressed him, wiped his face, combed his hair and, holding his little hand, led him to the dining room for breakfast.

The Little Prince had gone hunting, so Jifeng and Jiyu naturally busied themselves in the courtyard, collecting equipment for the trip.

Wang Meng finished practicing his kung fu and returned, sweat beading on his forehead and his body damp. He changed into a top in his room and joined the meal in the living room.

Grandma Liu and Li Xiue brought in the breakfast steamed buns, porridge, boiled eggs, pickles, and cabbage.

Wang Meng sat down and, without a word, picked up a steamed bun and started eating.

Grinning, Su Qingluo showed the Little Prince how to peel the eggshell, unable to resist pinching his little fingers that were even softer and more tender than the peeled egg.

The little cutie didnt like egg yolk. After finishing the egg white, he placed the yolk in his bowl and started to drink the porridge.

As he drank, he smashed the yolk and hid it in the porridge, attempting to deceive his sister.

Su Qingluo was fully aware of his little trick and, smiling, pinched his chubby cheeks, telling him to finish all the porridge.

The little cutie hummed, not wanting to drink the porridge at the bottom of the bowl. Taking advantage of his sisters inattention, he slid down from his small chair and happily ran towards the living room.

Mother, look at Xuaner, hes being naughty again, not eating the egg yolk.

Helplessly touching her forehead, Su Qingluo chased after him, catching him in a few steps and lifting him back to his seat.

No egg yolk. No.

The Little Prince covered his mouth, twisting his small body, trying to break free.

Never mind if he doesnt like it, hes been spoiled since childhood, unlike us country folk who can bear hardships.

Li Xiue chuckled as she watched the siblings play, reminiscing about the past and sighing, When your brother was a child, he couldnt even eat white steamed buns, let alone eggs. He ate sweet potatoes all day, turning his face sallow.

Did you hear that? Doudous elder brother couldnt even have white steamed buns when he was little, yet youre wasting egg yolk. You must finish it.

Feigning anger, Su Qingluo turned his face towards her and chided the little cutie according to her mothers words, If you dont finish it, you wont be taken on the hunting expedition.

No, Xuaner wants to go.

Hearing that he couldnt go hunting, the Little Prince stopped struggling, his tearful eyes filled with pity as he gazed at his sister.

Come on, let your sister feed you. Open your mouth.

With his bowl in one hand, Su Qingluo crushed the egg yolk with the small spoon with the other, before spooning the yolk-infused porridge into his mouth.

Making a face, the Little Prince swallowed it with great reluctance.

Good boy, one more bite.

Patiently, Su Qingluo fed him spoonful by spoonful until the bowl was emptied, not a single drop remaining. Smiling, she put down the spoon and wiped his mouth clean with a handkerchief..

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