Published at 17th of June 2024 01:19:28 PM

Chapter 201: Chapter 201: Rescuing People in Water 1

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Chapter 201: Rescuing People in Water 1

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Translator: 549690339

Father, mother, sister, brother!

Su Qingluo dashed back to Woniu Village like a heavenly warrior, seeing the flood had submerged half of the courtyard, her eyes red with urgency.

Sister Yu, were here!

From the woods above, two big dogs barking and Wang Mengs high-pitched voice came through in the howling wind, but Su Qingluos sharp ears could still hear them.

Brother Meng!

Su Qingluos heart leaped with joy, and she quickly ran towards the sound. Father, mother, brother, sister, youre all safe. Thank goodness.

Upon seeing her family unharmed with her own eyes, tears finally fell despite her efforts to hold them back.

Fortunately, the rain blurred her vision, and Su Hu and the others didnt notice their youngest daughters rare moment of crying.

Li Xiue gently reassured her, All the villagers are safe, they evacuated in time, thanks to the message you had Brother Meng send. The Old Village Chief forced everyone to leave, and we narrowly avoided a catastrophe.


A muffled thunderbolt struck from the sky, the rain poured heavily, the floodwaters surged, one wave higher than the other.

Su Hu spoke with lingering fear, This place isnt safe either, lets go back to the cave. Help!

Wah wah wah

In the turbulent river, desperate cries for help and the sound of childrens heartbreaking cries could be heard.

Some people from the upstream were swept away by the flood, rushing to the downstream.

Brother Meng, lets save them!

Without hesitation, Su Qingluo transformed into a flash of light and rushed to the riverbank.


Wang Meng closely followed her, jumping out of the woods and running towards the riverbank.

Sister Yu, Brother Meng!

Li Xiues face paled with fear, screaming at the top of her lungs.

Well go help, you all hurry back to the cave and take care of Little Prince.

With lives at stake, Jifeng and Jiyu couldnt remain indifferent and chased after the two figures, big and small.

Wife, you go with Sister Qiao and Doudou back to the cave, Ill go help Sister

With his fatherly love overflowing, Su Hu saw his daughter plunging into the raging river without hesitation. Panicked, he forgot his fear and helplessness, and focused on helping her save lives.

Were going, too.

Inspired by their brave younger sister, Su Ziqin and Su Zixuan aimed to awaken their potential as young people. Without waiting for their parents response, they rushed down the mountain one after the other.

Father, you cant go. What will we do without you?

Li Xiue anxiously grabbed Su Hus arm, trying to hold him back, I dont know where the cave is, and I cant climb up there alone.

Alright, alright, Ill take you to the cave first.

Growing impatient, Su Hu agreed with his wife, knowing that the Little Prince was in the cave, and they couldnt leave him unattended.

Rain poured, wind howled, and floodwaters surged.

Su Qingluo, like a divine soldier descended from the sky, stepped onto a reed and rode the waves, rescuing one drowning person after another from the raging river.

Another person, seemingly exhausted, clung to a wooden board. With their face just above the water, they appeared to be sinking and floating intermittently.

Like a bolt of lightning, Su Qingluo reached them swiftly and grabbed their collar, appearing to toss them effortlessly. They flew through the air like a bullet toward the woods on the shore.

Jifeng and Jiyu caught the person with perfect timing and handed them over to siblings Su Ziqin and Su Zixuan.

Wang Meng wielded a machete to chop trees in the woods. In a short time, he had felled a sizable area containing more than a dozen trees.

Seeing that it was enough, he cut away the excess branches, tied the trunks together with ropes, and made a raft of them all.

With his Innate Divine Strength, he held a tree trunk as a pole in both hands, pushing the raft into the water and floated to the center of the river..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!