Published at 17th of June 2024 01:19:25 PM

Chapter 206: Chapter 206: Definitely blow away the cloud_1

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Chapter 206: Definitely blow away the cloud_1

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Father is here?

Su Qingluos heart leapt with joy as she took out a small handful of dried sweet potato from her storage ring to reward Little Kingfisher.

Yeah, hes very worried about you.

Little Kingfisher happily ate the dried sweet potato: He kept mumbling about wanting to come to the other side of the river to find you guys.

A warm current surged through Su Qingluos heart: Good thing he didnt come. Its hard to see clearly in the dark, so he would have gotten lost if he did.

The rain is about to stop.

Little Kingfisher picked up a piece of dried sweet potato, tilted its head back and swallowed it, suddenly chiming in with a smile.

Really? How do you know?

Su Qingluos eyes brightened instantly.

Birds are flying in from the south, saying that the strong wind blew away the rain clouds in the Qilian Mountain Range last night, and the rain has stopped to the south.

Little Kingfisher spoke with certainty: I reckon today our side has strong wind as well, so after blowing all night, it should be able to blow the clouds away.

That would be great. If it keeps raining, Im afraid there will be a landslide.

Su Qingluo worried: If the mountain road is blocked and transportation is inconvenient, the relief supplies from the outside cant be transported in, and the disaster victims will suffer.

Master, theres some bad news I havent had the chance to tell you.

Little Kingfisher paused while eating the dried sweet potato: The flood has destroyed the forest, and the mountain has already had a landslide. The mountain road leading to Furong Town is blocked by giant rocks rolling down from the mountain, and horses and carts cant get through.


Su Qingluo was extremely annoyed: What should we do now? The worst case scenario we feared has come.

Isnt there a female official in the Imperial Residence?

Little Kingfisher did not care: When the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up. We ordinary folks just need to keep our distance and watch.

You make it sound easy.

Su Qingluo laughed in exasperation: Both female officials are my masters. Its not right for a student to just watch while their masters suffer.

Besides, both of my masters are very kind, especially Female Official Xu Yanru. I always feel that she has a special bond with me, as if shes deliberately hiding something from me.

Hehe, she is probably Xu Ruyuns sister, the one you once saved in Mingshui County. They look similar.

Little Kingfishers small eyes were crafty, having noticed that Xu Yanru was kind and resembled someone Su Qingluo had met before.

Now that her master had brought it up, it followed the topic and shared its guess.

Is that all there is to it?

Su Qingluo also had a feeling, but she couldnt quite figure everything out.

Of course, with her current thoughts, she could never imagine that the Imperial Court had already uncovered her true identity.

It was because Xu Ruyun was worried about her background and didnt want the Empress to be suspicious, so she suppressed this matter and didnt report it to the Empress.

Xu Yanru was Xu Ruyuns real sister. The two sisters shared a deep bond, and Su Qingluo was Xu Ruyuns lifesaver.

Both in emotion and reason, Xu Yanru would look after Su Qingluo.

On the matter of her secret identity, the two sisters also shared the same understanding and temporarily kept it hidden for her.

Anyway, if Master wants to help, lets help.

Little Kingfisher was not worried at all, and continued eating dried sweet potato with a smile.

Were at the riverbank.

Wang Meng couldnt hear the conversation between the girl and the bird. He held the Night Pearl to light the way, and upon seeing the riverbank just ahead, he exhaled in relief, revealing an uncontrollable delight.

Are Father and the others still rescuing people?

Su Qingluos heart also leapt with joy as she looked in the direction of the sound.


Little Kingfisher flew high, circling above the raft, its bright little eyes accurately capturing the sight of the ten-thousand-year-old turtle.

It could clearly see the two exhausted figures on the turtles shell.

Su Qingluo sighed in her heart: Father and the others must be tired too after a whole day of work. Staying up all night keeping watch, they may not be able to hold on much longer.

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