Published at 18th of June 2024 08:06:34 AM

Chapter 209: Chapter 209: The three most important things to watch for in baby_1

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Chapter 209: The three most important things to watch for in baby_1

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Ill go with you.

Su Ziqins eyes were firm: Im a student at the Imperial Academy, its my duty to help the two Masters and solve difficulties.

Sister has good intentions, the two Masters will surely be grateful.

Su Qingluo agreed in her heart: The cave is cold, and the disaster-stricken villagers lack warm clothes. The elderly and children may not be able to bear it, and the number of sick people will increase. Later, I will prepare some medicine pills, and we will take them down the mountain tomorrow. Well hand them over to the two Masters, who will distribute them to the victims.

Youre always so thoughtful.

Su Ziqins cheeks flushed with embarrassment: I only think about helping, but I dont know how to help.

After a major disaster, there may be a major epidemic. Its no small matter if the villagers get sick, and they need to be treated as soon as possible.

Su Qingluo was more thorough and detailed in her thoughts: The same goes for the people in our cave. We have to pay more attention to their health; if someone gets sick, we should isolate them promptly to prevent contagion.

Mm-hmm, I understand. Ill be attentive.

Su Ziqin listened carefully, committing every word of her little sisters advice to memory.

For children below the age of six, bring them here, and Ill take care of them at night.

Su Qingluo glanced at the Little Prince, seeing his puppy-like attachment to her, she felt compassion for those little drowning children as well.

Taking care of them alone at night, wouldnt it be too tiring for you?

Su Ziqin hesitated because her little sister was only eight-and-a-half years old. She saved people in the flood and was exhausted during the day, and still had to look after the children at night.

Su Qingluo smiled calmly: Its okay; I take care of Xuaner every day and have gained experience.

Su Ziqin nodded reluctantly: Alright, just dont push yourself too hard. If youre tired or sleepy, call me, and Ill help you.

Su Qingluo smiled knowingly: Im aware, thank you, Sister.

Were sisters, theres no need to thank me.

Su Ziqin smiled and scolded: Im going to get the children now. You should prepare yourself mentally, as taking care of one child and taking care of a group is quite different.

Hehe, alright, Ill be prepared.

Su Qingluo was amused by the word group and couldnt help but imagine a group of newborn puppies.

Grey One, Grey Two, Grey Three, come here.

Thinking of dogs, she had a bright idea.

Woof woof woof.

The three big dogs came running eagerly after hearing the summons.

You three, form a circle around the bedding and help me take care of the little babies.

Su Qingluo took out three milk candies and stuffed them into the three big dogs mouths, assigning them tasks: You mustnt let the babies wander around aimlessly, you hear?

Woof woof woof.

The three big dogs happily ate their milk candies and enthusiastically accepted their tasks.

They brought over the children three to six years old. There were a total of six children, five boys and one girl.

The little girl was the smallest, just barely three years old. She huddled pitifully with her innocent big eyes wide open.

Su Qingluo scanned them, noticing that all six children were wearing wet clothes, water dripping from their hair.

She took out her old clothes from the Storage Ring and changed them into them. She then used a clean towel to dry their hair.

There was enough bedding, but not enough pillows.

She pondered for a moment, rolled up her old clothes, tied them with a rope, and made a simple small pillow.

Su Qingluo had the youngest girl sleep beside her.

The other children were arranged by height; the tallest slept on the outer part, and the small and thin ones slept inside.

The six children obediently lined up, each clutching their small pillow, and shrunk into a tiny ball, their trembling eyes watching the three big dogs.

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